Cataclysm : Amazing screenshots

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Kore nametooshort said:
according to MMO, they wont be getting the new "greater healing wave" at 19, so they will just have healing wave, the same as they have atm.

From what I understand, Greater Healing Wave is what we already have, and has it said anywhere that we will lose it? Also, the obligatory beta is beta
Supadrood said:
no respectable hunter uses a wolf.

I used the wolf when I was going a Kill Assist role rather than a "One Man Army" type of approach... but even if you are a strong believer in Ravager, Bat, Spider or Hyena, with the way the Hunter Pet interface is looking, it might be useful to keep a wolf amongst your "Active Pets" if you deem the extra dps necessary, and quite frankly the 43 AP version we have right now would provide 25.8 more damage to Aimed Shot, and 8.6 Damage to the Autoshots. A significant boost in damage at this level. If you find you got a Frost Mage who is proficient at keeping enemies away long enough for you to focus dump with Aimed Shots, a pet switch could be justifiable.
Orcgasm said:
From what I understand, Greater Healing Wave is what we already have, and has it said anywhere that we will lose it? Also, the obligatory beta is beta

according to mmo MMO-Champion - Shaman Cataclysm you will be getting Healing wave at lvl 7, which looks very similar to holy light, so expect it to be about 22 mana, 3sec cast and about 350 crit, if the pala healing screenies are anything to go by. It says you wont get lesser healing wave unless lvl 20 and you wont get greater healing wave until 68
Anyways, assuming that the tooltip that is already available for Explosive Shot is the one that you get upon receiving Explosive Shot at level ten, at 384 RAP a hunter would get 197.76-225.76 fire damage on hit and per second for 2 seconds with Explosive Shot, all of it able to crit in their own right and completely bypasses armor.
Conrose said:
Anyways, assuming that the tooltip that is already available for Explosive Shot is the one that you get upon receiving Explosive Shot at level ten, at 384 RAP a hunter would get 197.76-225.76 fire damage on hit and per second for 2 seconds with Explosive Shot, all of it able to crit in their own right and completely bypasses armor.

Dayum! and on a 6 sec CD, thats going to be painful. for that much damage, 50 focus seems cheap >.<
Hm, how are Druids looking for Cata? Anything good coming?
Xposure said:
Hm, how are Druids looking for Cata? Anything good coming?

Feralkitties will be dealing alot of damage, they are looking like they will have a 25% slow and predators swiftness (instacast nature spells). Mana wont be an issue since kitty and bear shifts will be of negligible mana, so they will be unsnarable. Feral Kitties get mangle, claw, rake, prowl and ferocious bite.

Bear form will give ap from agi, which is interesting. Along with that and vengeance we might see some bear FCs being able to fight back! Bear form will also cost next to no mana, so gl ooming a druid when he goes inside now!

Balance druids get starsurge, which is a fairly good stun, but its looking like blizz are wrecking wrath, they've given it a base 2.5 sec cast time, not sure whats happening there and its looking like MF spam wont be viable like it will at high levels. We will get starfire though, and with a prowl->starfire->starsurge->starfire->roots->starfire with a bit of running away thrown in for good measure i think a fair amount of damage could be thrown out.

Im unsure whats happening to regrowth. Originally mmo said it would be 1.5s cast and its mana reduced slightly, and i got all excited, however they changed it back, so its unlikely to be a viable "flash heal" if used with its glyph. everything else resto is looking pretty status quo atm, mana and scaling wise, however we get swiftmend, which is very exciting :) Im hoping for the best for meditation, though im not 100% positive it will live up to its expectations. As it stands i either stand to either lose a great deal of mp5, or i will gain a great deal of mp5. I know which im hoping for :)

Losing natures grasp is abit annoying, but i cant say its not about time, especailly with friendly dispells leaving the bracket. Losing hibernate is also abit annoying too, but i suppose roots and smeld will tide me over. It looks like we're losing faerie fire, which is not good, it was very useful against rogues. mmo seems in some confusion about whether we keep or lose faerie fire (feral), though i think its more likely that we lose it. Still, in the long run im happy with the druid changes.
Can you please translate those in english please Mammy?

Or is nothing really changing?

EDIT: Also, Please confirm Fishing Hat?
Do you have any info on the new BG?
Thanks a lot for informing us on all these topics Mamytwink! What I find very interesting is the fact the we will now have Warsong Gulch and Twin Peaks.

For a deeper look into the new Twin Peaks battleground check out the video below!

Kore nametooshort said:
Dayum! and on a 6 sec CD, thats going to be painful. for that much damage, 50 focus seems cheap >.<

Considering the fact that it is instant cast, it'll make an SV hunter a beast around LoS obstacles as well and not as prone to interruptions like stuns, melee range and LoS. MM seems like the sorta hunter you put on midfield, SV you put on O or D and BM on which ever station could use the supporting interrupts. I know as MM, unless I got a great mage on my team, I wouldn't be caught dead in a base.
Does anyone know how much SP each class will get from INT? And nice going OP. :)
Conrose said:
1 sp per int, weapons (at least at high levels and likely though not confirmed BoAs) will still have a mix of int and raw sp to make up for sp loss due to itemization diminishing returns according to that dev chat.

Ty. I'm not on any of my twinks ATM and I can't remeber how much INT I have etc, how much do you think we'll have Hp/ mana/ sp? I heard we might get some nice new greens or blues from quests?? I think healers will have 1.2k hp 2.1k mana and around 250 SP? Correct me if I'm wrong. And thanks for good reply. :)
And Ty fro confirming AGm Mamy

You can access to the quest but the chest doesn't pop... I think it is a bug

And there is a new daily quest in the Arena ! Available for 39 twinks.

Reward : XP, GOLD and HONNOR
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