Canceled Account, Not Enough Players In This Bracket


There aren't enough people in this bracket to justify me keeping my account open. As I only play for 60 twinking, I'm closing both my accounts. If this bracket picks up within the next month, I'll come back. When I say 'pick up,' I mean that there are queues every day, at least twice a day.

Also there never was a bug with the queue.
Ehm, the explanation is simple.

However the bg queues havent been up for 2 month, and why would they become to work 5 days ago ? with 40vs40 in av and even eye of the storm up at the same time, that was on a thursday around 15.00, wich means there is ppl who working. Ur totatly wrong. They have been bugging from and to.
BGs pop every single day in EU, and we even see 40 vs 40 AVs on a daily basis, as well as a lot of different players on both side.

Since Saturday evening, the bug has been fixed.
Intercept said:
BGs pop every single day in EU, and we even see 40 vs 40 AVs on a daily basis, as well as a lot of different players on both side.

Since Saturday evening, the bug has been fixed.

There was never a bug. To few hordes queueing that's all.
There was never a bug. To few hordes queueing that's all.

GMs confirmed it (unofficial reports). This statement is quite silly, considering how you don't know that.

There are no lists of XP-off hordes queving in our bracket - unless I am mistaken.. mind sharing the website?
Intercept said:
GMs confirmed it (unofficial reports). This statement is quite silly, considering how you don't know that.

gms usually dont know dick about whats actually going on though and will say whatever they think will appease you. the most likely cause is lack of population or people queing on different nights and different times. especially if doing random bg and getting stuck in a random av que when there arent enuff ppl on to pop one. i honestly dont think blizzard has it out for the 60-64 us bracket when other brackets have been ok
We get 2-3 bgs a day US wise, but now that the queue bug affects everyone (including 85s) it should be fixed shortly. Yes there is a problem with Horde population in the US. There are massive Alliance guilds which recruit every 60 they can find, including from other peoples guilds. I am a GM of one of the few Horde US 60 twink guilds, and it's dying as people transfer Alliance for human racial, gnome racial or to raid with Alliance players.

To help us with this gross imbalance the Alliance decides to roll a lot of Feral druids, sub rogues and Prot paladins. Futhermore they believe that when a game finally pops it is a smart idea to GY camp the Horde when they outnumber us.

The fact you would rather quit than attempt to solve the problem is disgusting. Good day.
Zephinism said:
now that the queue bug affects everyone

uh, 70s are just fine sir. but thanks for continuing this bug story
Intercept said:
BGs pop every single day in EU, and we even see 40 vs 40 AVs on a daily basis, as well as a lot of different players on both side.

Since Saturday evening, the bug has been fixed.

Now, is this LOCKED xp or vanilla accounts? If it's locked ill make a char !
Zephinism said:
We get 2-3 bgs a day US wise, but now that the queue bug affects everyone (including 85s) it should be fixed shortly. Yes there is a problem with Horde population in the US. There are massive Alliance guilds which recruit every 60 they can find, including from other peoples guilds. I am a GM of one of the few Horde US 60 twink guilds, and it's dying as people transfer Alliance for human racial, gnome racial or to raid with Alliance players.

To help us with this gross imbalance the Alliance decides to roll a lot of Feral druids, sub rogues and Prot paladins. Futhermore they believe that when a game finally pops it is a smart idea to GY camp the Horde when they outnumber us.

The fact you would rather quit than attempt to solve the problem is disgusting. Good day.

I'm just going to call BS here on you. I sit in queue for hours on end with my guildmates (had a lovely record 12 hour wait from 9-9 with one guy) and nothing ever ever happened. I'm in queue at peak hours every single day. Nothing ever pops. I see the queue time change (which I assume means something happened) but then I'm waiting two hours later for a queue that never pops, meanwhile postponing everything else because I just want to play my twink so freaking much. When the heck are you getting queues?

I guess by rolling alliance I only exacerbated the problem, but since I have never rolled horde in my wonderful 6 years of playing, 60 twinking probably wasn't going to be the time I changed that.
Bruunhild said:
I'm just going to call BS here on you. I sit in queue for hours on end with my guildmates (had a lovely record 12 hour wait from 9-9 with one guy) and nothing ever ever happened. I'm in queue at peak hours every single day. Nothing ever pops. I see the queue time change (which I assume means something happened) but then I'm waiting two hours later for a queue that never pops, meanwhile postponing everything else because I just want to play my twink so freaking much. When the heck are you getting queues?

I guess by rolling alliance I only exacerbated the problem, but since I have never rolled horde in my wonderful 6 years of playing, 60 twinking probably wasn't going to be the time I changed that.

I'm going to go off my timezone, will convert afterwards but this is how I see it.

Timezone AEST (GMT+10/11)

I play until ~midnight - 1 AM

At midnight there is an instance restart. By 8:00 AM Warsong Gulch pops. After Warsong Gulch Arathi Basin pops. Recently (since EOTS queuable by Vanilla-fix) Eots pops next. Then queues are saturated for the day. Repeat the process for the next day.

Since I'm not entirely sure of which time you queue at I will link you to the US 60 twink thread on the official forums.

60's Roll Call - Forums - World of Warcraft

WSG popped ~8 hours before I made this post, or approximately ~5:30-6:00 AM (Australian Eastern Standard Time ((GMT+10)

We have noticed that the 'random' feature isn't so random when it starts up so it will cycle WSG-AB-EOTS then get stuck on AV. To get an AV we'd have to queue for quite a while and as you know, most people simply don't have the patience or are running out.

When the queue is bugged (can queue for instances) DO NOT DROP IT. It will pop regardless. Queue up in ~14-15 hours from the moment I am posting this thread, and you will make 1, possibly 2 of the 3 games that will be played for the day.

It's not wonderful constant BG popping, just three consecutive pops. Better than nothing I suppose.

On a side note, you probably noticed there are a lot more Alliance due partially to the 'ret paladins AV Vanilla account era'. If you don't wish to faction change then by all means don't, just don't whinge if you don't make all three games.
Alright but I'm not just making one or two games, I'm not making any games : \ I can't keep anyone interested in my guild for 60 twinking because no one has the patience to sit in queues for hours at a time (no, not random queues) and not have anything pop. Even my best mate doesn't have the patience to sit in queue for hours and all he does is live for twinking. The core constituents of my guild (6 or 7 die hard 60 twinks) are just canceling now. None of us have the time to wait anymore and furthermore we are tired of waiting.

I've got one month for the queues to improve (because it seems I tried canceling on exactly the day my account renewed) or I'm just checking out. I can put my $30/month to something else that I can actually enjoy. Right now 60 twinking is like standing in line for a rock concert and having the band cancel every freaking time.

Also my horde 60 twink (yeah, I play both sides), queues up at the exact same time to move the queues along and to see what the horde wait times are, logic being if I don't get to play alliance I can play horde. Clever, right? Well he doesn't get any pops either. He gets to wait hours in queue too for nothing alongside my alliance character.

Furthermore I monitor the 60s Roll Call thread like a hawk looking for pops. If they are, no one in my guild could say.
To those who say they get que pops... Are you on an EU server? Cause it sounds like they know how to do shit right. Second what server/battlegroup are you on/in. Blizz has "in theory" joined all the battlegroups. How true it is i'm really not sure. Third, I challenge anybody who gets in a BG to write down all the members servers and then look and see what battlegroups they are in... Just my personal theory, Blizz has 2-3 battle groups together. Not all of them. Plus there really aren't any horde around to que against in our "battlegroup". I sadly am right there with Bruunhild and that might be because we twink together. But I smell something fishy with how que are working.
why dont you guts just organize and pick which bgs you can make pop. instead of being stuck in an av que for hours when there isnt gonna be 40 people on each side on

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