Can Waw Tawent keep us?

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Best Rogue EU said:
bjwang used fan of knives. it was super effective

Don't mind the youtube channel full of R1 glads getting stomped worldwide.

Please explain how RBG at lvl 85 has any relevance to 19 BG's, Abilities and team composition are different which means strategy will be different.
Grabco said:
Please explain how RBG at lvl 85 has any relevance to 19 BG's, Abilities and team composition are different which means strategy will be different.

Gracob, don't be so dense. The skill cap at endgame is exponentially higher than 19's, especially in it's current state. The only challenge 85's face when rerolling 19's is the sheer boredom of only having four abilities.
More variables at 85s means more thinking required if u can make an effective strat for 85 you can do it at 19.
I was confused when the RBG in the video started with a midfield zerg. Do 19 premades start like that?

augiddin said:
More variables at 85s means more thinking required if u can make an effective strat for 85 you can do it at 19.

Probably true but I would argue that if you are skill capped at max level that doesn't mean that you are automatically skill capped for each bracket.
Grabco said:
I was confused when the RBG in the video started with a midfield zerg. Do 19 premades start like that?

cuz obviously doing what people always did worked so well right.
I was confused when the RBG in the video started with a midfield zerg. Do 19 premades start like that?


Stop playing the clever dick.

19 is like watered down version compared to the 85 bracket.
Grabco said:
Please explain how RBG at lvl 85 has any relevance to 19 BG's, Abilities and team composition are different which means strategy will be different.

Well, after you were slapped around by your own community, I'll give you my viewpoint. I've twinked for 5 years prior to this premade, been a part of the largest guilds of 39s and 49s, assuming the position of offensive leader in ALL of my 39 guilds. I've now taken what I've learned there, and applied it to 85 where the skillcap is higher than it has ever been on frost mage (What I play). I am playing the best of the best players, no Battlegroup wide, but US wide and am currently ranked 29th in a 4way tie for it with my guildmates. If you honestly believe that I cannot keep up with "19s strategy" you and whoever else are in for a rude awakening and I excitedly await to see your posts afterwards.

In pizza's words not my own, "Keep talking trash, we love it". I got straight permission.
Swagasaur said:
Well, after you were slapped around by your own community, I'll give you my viewpoint. I've twinked for 5 years prior to this premade, been a part of the largest guilds of 39s and 49s, assuming the position of offensive leader in ALL of my 39 guilds. I've now taken what I've learned there, and applied it to 85 where the skillcap is higher than it has ever been on frost mage (What I play). I am playing the best of the best players, no Battlegroup wide, but US wide and am currently ranked 29th in a 4way tie for it with my guildmates. If you honestly believe that I cannot keep up with "19s strategy" you and whoever else are in for a rude awakening and I excitedly await to see your posts afterwards.

In pizza's words not my own, "Keep talking trash, we love it". I got straight permission.

I am arguing that being capped from a skill perspective at max level does not necessarily mean you will be equally competative in each bracket below. People that have played as a team consitently in a lower bracket (19, 29, 39 etc) may have an advantage.
Grabco said:
I am arguing that being capped from a skill perspective at max level does not necessarily mean you will be equally competative in each bracket below. People that have played as a team consitently in a lower bracket (19, 29, 39 etc) may have an advantage.

Toastage, Zeiren, Myself, Logia, Accident, Dori, Lolimmune, and others have played 39s together for ~2 years. We aren't new to each other, while I won't sit here and argue that we've played more premades, you are severely underestimating us just like everyone else did when the 39s said we were going to dominate the RBG scene. Keep giving me my fix, it'll keep me around.
Geekdup said:
I think anyone thats good at 85 has the potential to be good at every level. But that doesn't mean they going to queue up for the first time and just own. Especially like FCing. Watching some of the best FCs at 19 over the years, I know for a fact there is no way your going to just have those skills right off the bat.

Toastage has 100k kills on his 39 paladin FC. We aren't new to the twink game.
Grabco said:
I am arguing that being capped from a skill perspective at max level does not necessarily mean you will be equally competative in each bracket below. People that have played as a team consitently in a lower bracket (19, 29, 39 etc) may have an advantage.

One thing you need to consider is the amount of premade game time and time playing as a team 19s actually get in competitive games and environment vs. 85 RBGs (premades in 39s and 70s for that matter) which in fact is very little in comparison. When was the last time Dodge Tawent had a competitive premade or a premade in general? Over a year? Close to two? Until recently how often were their 5 man groups quing against pugs put to the test or three capped on?

At 85 RBGs competitive games happen multiple times every night that allows players to learn to adapt to playing against other good players in a much larger community vs. say the current state of games at 19 which 90+% of them are face rolls in pug games. The variety of challenge is much greater at 85, we are talking about player numbers in the tens of thousands and RBG teams in the hundreds vs. a 19 community comprised of maybe two or three competitive premading teams, if that? Even in 5v5s in 19 pugs against other guilds doesn't come close to the experience you get doing RBGs at 85. Unless you've done both, which a number of us players on this forum have, it maybe hard to see the perspective if all you have done and will continue to do is only 19s. Perhaps you are just seeing it through the eyes of what you have always seen only at 19, but ask your friends that have also done 85 RBGs competitively and you will hear a different view on 19s and how things in this bracket have gone on in the last couple years and what competition really means.
Geekdup said:
Oh. Guess I'm confused now. First we talk about pizza, then about rbgs at 85, now 39s.

You presented the point that 19 FC experience lends WT an advantage. I then mention that our FC has an equal amount if not more experience in premade scenarios in a bracket with a higher skill cap. If you point was that you are all more aware of the Wsg jumps, first you would be incorrect to assume that, secondly, the jumps arent allowed in premades.

All cleared up?
Swagasaur said:
You presented the point that 19 FC experience lends WT an advantage. I then mention that our FC has an equal amount if not more experience in premade scenarios in a bracket with a higher skill cap. If you point was that you are all more aware of the Wsg jumps, first you would be incorrect to assume that, secondly, the jumps arent allowed in premades.

All cleared up?

Jumps aren't allowed in premades?
Swagasaur said:
You presented the point that 19 FC experience lends WT an advantage. I then mention that our FC has an equal amount if not more experience in premade scenarios in a bracket with a higher skill cap. If you point was that you are all more aware of the Wsg jumps, first you would be incorrect to assume that, secondly, the jumps arent allowed in premades.

All cleared up?

Ya dude, my bad. Your gonna like pwn hard.
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