<CABS ARE HERE> Recruiting 70 twinks EU

aye m8 ,

Like i said ppl who accuse others of trading are jelly cause they cannot organize it themselves even if rng gaming trade then ye ohwell, grats to them aswell for a nice new tittle and a new mount cause it woulda taken time to get it traded or not traded.


exactly, i still hate you <3
Rofl reading this shit is just sad. People need to understand, twinking never mattered and it never will. Hitting 2k @ 70 doesn't mean anything, nobody outside this community gives half a shit. If someone wants to make a guild on it, who cares gl to him. Get pissed @ wintrading, why? So he can get his gladiator title... oh wait...
Hahah just pure curiosity, surely he's a good player now but yeah. You do weekly RBGS?

Making the guild big first, with a good bunch of players, atm we have weekly wargame tournaments with gold prices, first doing rbgs later, we have been playing the last days thru, but only to snipe wintrading teams in the middle of the night so that consist of 4-5 wins : )))
Why do ppl even argue with this guy? Everyone knows both his RBG, 2v2 and 3v3 is wintraded. What is the reason to try argue with him? To make him admit it's wintraded? ofc he won't do that...
are they wintrading rbg? if they're happy doing this what's the problem? let them do what they want...
It's impressive that they could organize somenthing big like that... i mean it's not easy at all to let pop online at those hours 20 peps to wintrade.
This is a twink bracket...really guys who cares if they wintrade? Sincerly i would like to have Field Marshall title too :p

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