<CABS ARE HERE> Recruiting 70 twinks EU

1. skype proof
2. all achies earned on 1 day
3. all achies earned in the morning (3-6 am)
4. one of ur own trader said it(or 2, if u also count the skype proof)
5. +300 arena rating in 1 evening
6. +2400rbg rating in a few hours

just sayin

Just throwing this in here, Skype proof can be tampered with. People may change their name to impersonate others, write a load of bullshit and then another guy can screenshot it and upload it. I'm not saying this is the case, but I'm making sure you know that's available.
and this makes the 5 other proofs invalid?

e: @cyanerd.. i dont know if u ever played highrated arena/rbg in endcontent(max level) and i really dont care.. but i u did, u should know that no one who wanna play legit plays at 3 or 4am
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and this makes the 5 other proofs invalid?

Fine, I've earned many achievements in one day, e.g - Explorer. Doesn't prove anything, only that one has the time to farm achievements.

Achievements were earned FIVE DAYS AGO, there is no proof that they were achieved early in the morning.

Skype proof can be tampered, is there any proof of a trader saying anything?

+300 rating in one evening is easily done, considering one can achieve 100 odd rating for one RBG win, at any MMR. Your last point is invalid as it destroys the fifth point on both grammar and logical thinking, It doesn't make any sense. :/
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1. skype proof
2. all achies earned on 1 day
3. all achies earned in the morning (3-6 am)
4. one of ur own trader said it(or 2, if u also count the skype proof)
5. +300 arena rating in 1 evening
6. +2400rbg rating in a few hours

just sayin

1.no skype proof of us wintrading rbgs?
2. all achivements werent earned in 1 day?
3. they werent earned @ 3-4 in the night we played from 23:00 in the night and up.
4. same as first
5. we never got 400 arena rating in 1 night????
6. 2400 in a few hours? are you delusional, it took us 4 days to get where we played everyday....
yes, 300 rating+ in 3v3 to 2700 is rly fast done, highest legal 3v3 teams are maybe at 2300-2450 and they prolly dont que at 3am, u also think its legit to earn all rbg achies in a few hours? god damn whats wrong with u retarded trader?
and this makes the 5 other proofs invalid?

e: @cyanerd.. i dont know if u ever played highrated arena/rbg in endcontent(max level) and i really dont care.. but i u did, u should know that no one who wanna play legit plays at 3 or 4am

ALSO, burden of proof is on the accusing. This is the Christian vs Atheist battle all over again.
yes, 300 rating+ in 3v3 to 2700 is rly fast done, highest legal 3v3 teams are maybe at 2300-2450 and they prolly dont que at 3am, u also think its legit to earn all rbg achies in a few hours? god damn whats wrong with u retarded trader?

I haven't got any titles on any of my characters on my current account.

Also, I was simply disproving your 5/6 points of "proof" as you call it.
yes, 300 rating+ in 3v3 to 2700 is rly fast done, highest legal 3v3 teams are maybe at 2300-2450 and they prolly dont que at 3am, u also think its legit to earn all rbg achies in a few hours? god damn whats wrong with u retarded trader?

We played 3vs since season started this didnt go fast at all.... we played 20 rating per day, your fucking stupid....atleast before you argue with someone get your facts straight this is like talking to a brick wall.
ahh cyanerd.. saw u cry about souljas 2v2 wintrade but also tradet in 2v2? how retarded to trade in 2v2, sick dude
Well derp, it's quite obvious that all their ratings are traded considering how late they queue, this is nothing new. If they like tradin, then just let em, it makes them feel better. Personally I don't see the reason why you would make a twink if you'll just trade anyway, but that might just be me.
posting in epic thread where some people are mad, others amused and a small cut dying of laughter
Rofl funny shit this,

Nobody rlly gives 2 shits if ppl trade or not for achieves and if ppl moan about it then its obvious they are jelly about it cause they cant organize it themselves!! even if cabs did trade then ohwell and if they didnt then grats to u guys for putting the effort in.

I couldnt care less if u traded cause at the end of the day u got a sick new tittle and ofc ur new mounts grats again on those!!! :D

peace out

aye m8 ,

Like i said ppl who accuse others of trading are jelly cause they cannot organize it themselves even if rng gaming trade then ye ohwell, grats to them aswell for a nice new tittle and a new mount cause it woulda taken time to get it traded or not traded.


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