<CABS ARE HERE> Recruiting 70 twinks EU


Hey, due to some recent events that’s happened we’ve decided to turn <CABS ARE HERE> into a 70 PvP guild for those who have high experience but are not being in the right environment a place to be so here’s how it is

–We have 3 people leading the guild:
Yow, Cyanerd and Borö (yes the ex-leader of Born To Survive and Tainted Souls).
Our requirements are simple, have 2.2k arena experience on a character at any level and be active, atleast have a certain time frame you can play on.

What we will be doing in the guild is RBG’s once we get a finalized team up and running and in-guild wargame tournaments for gold raised by the Cash Flow perk of guild.

We aren’t going to be using a website, nor ventrilo, so make sure you have skype if you’re interested in joining for guild events.

We are well aware we will get so much hatred and negative replies to this thread, but the main goal is just to get the guilds name out there and the fact we are recruiting.

Just to clear it up, yes some members have previously wintraded in the past but get your stories right, those who did have been 2.4k + in this bracket legitimately so are under no circumstance to be named “bad”, aswell as having the top rated eu 70 twinks in the guild who has been known to be a troll but overall a nice guy.

Thanks, you can message any of the officers ingame or contact Syvrets on skype (Yow).
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Brilliant guild, lovely members so far. Awesome officers that know what they're doing, guild events are good. A lot of involvement and a good lot of fun!

Awesome guild. <3

/irish (wee laddy)
Sir, your sentence makes no sense. Your guild consists of wintraders (excluding Borö - he's awesome), and none of you have been legitimately at +2k.

Thanks for the stereotype and your ignorance is blinding you. I haven't wintrading on any of my characters, Therefore your argument, is invalid.

Secondly, I have witnessed Cyanerd and Yow get 2k+ on stream legit. So I don't know what you're talking about. Also, I have achieved 2k+ on several characters legitly.

Sorry to burst this little thing you had going on. :/
Ok Cyanigoz, I can see your angry about something so I won't provoke you since its our recruitment thread. Except me and Yow play 2.2k on alot all our 70 chars and have screenshots while doing so. But then you defend Vapriest, and yet isn't he the one Yow played with to 2.6k in 2s with? Your a really strange guy bro, I don't know what to say, anyway, we all knew we would get some negative feedback, thanks for your post.
i'd love to join, super duper warrior.. we could rawk as fury combat in 2s or something.. D:

at least nice rbg trade eheh.. :/ wont flame as i used to do.. nowadays seems like mostly every 5th 70 player is wintradin himself to "achieve" stuff

nevermind, i wish you the best of luck to have an enjoyable time ^^
Hahahaha Boro<3

Boro 2009/10: One of the most importaint things about a raid is overall trash Damage.

Boro: Stack
Me: u suck
Boro: "sigh" damage damage!
Me: Why are you afk?
Boro: stackstackstack!
Me: You sucksuckscuk!
Boro: OH SHUT UP "My name"!
Everyone laughs and he dosnt say a thing for 2 hours.
Love that guy <3

:) GL With the guild, Tho u should go 100% Legit to be taken serious :> just a tip.

one month passes, yow and cyanerd have managed to brake up the guild with their childish attitudes and have made yet another fail guild where only rec is "2.2k rating" and there we go again. Good luck with guild full of 14 years old fotmers who think they are something when they global their way to 2.2k with retardly overpowered setups and engineering on a joke bracket :) you are gonna need it
Ahhh <3 i love when you guys got RBG 72-2 stats, must be fucking legit.. just to be honest, thats just so fucking sad..

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