I also just re-read the Blue post and I have to admit a 'my bad' moment. I, like too many Murrikans, jumped on the instant rage bandwagon after reading 1 sentence instead of the whole thing. It does in fact appear that the negative Damage Multiple should effect 1-39 and not just 1-20. There's so many (1-20) references in that post that I can see why many of us jumped to conclusions. The out-of-combat part for 1-19's is meh anyway. I have no real issue with them reducing that as even at 10 with ~2K Health mine could just about insta regen to full, which is just silly.
Also, for those saying this is a PvP Balance path, it only appears to be a Questing/Leveling "Balance", nothing else or they would've touched on Tank/Healing as well, instead of just Damage.
Also, for those saying this is a PvP Balance path, it only appears to be a Questing/Leveling "Balance", nothing else or they would've touched on Tank/Healing as well, instead of just Damage.