Do you actually not understand mmr?Lesson learned: Don't ask disabled children questions
fixed it for you hotshotLesson learned: I Dont Know How MMR/PR Works
I am officially diagnosed as disabled.
Sucks to suckSo... I just came back on thursday after a few weeks break and was banging out all kinds of arena wins and was at 2040 when I lost a couple games and stopped gaining points all together...
This is the SS of the Eliteguilds site, since TI's doesn't actually show progression / regression on rating, and I'm just wondering what in the duck is wrong with the system? I'm 77 - 5 for the week, started at 2007 but somehow managed to go down in rating... ROFL
My holy pally stopped gaining rating too, I've been like 40 wins without a single gain between the two...
The reason you're not gaining points while your partner is gaining points is because your personal rating is higher than your MMR, while his personal rating is lower than his MMR.
Your personal rating (the rating you see on the ladder) and your MMR (hidden) are both different. Your MMR fluctuates more than your personal rating. Your personal rating will always try and reach your MMR.
So for example, if you lose to a team that has a much lower MMR than you, your MMR will plummet while your personal rating will go down by a lesser degree. On the other hand, if you beat a team with a much higher MMR than you, your MMR will skyrocket while your personal rating will go up by a lesser degree.
In your case, you must have lost to a team with a much lower MMR than yours, which caused your MMR to plummet. Now, your MMR must be lower than your personal rating. As I mentioned before, your personal rating always tries to go the direction of your MMR. Since your MMR is lower than your personal rating, your personal rating will not go up until your MMR is back above your personal rating. That is why you're gaining 0 points per win. Your friend's MMR however, must be higher than his personal rating - therefor he will gain points each win as his personal rating goes in the direction of his MMR.
I, too, can say random techs words that don't actually mean anything.DNS HEX CODE DDRThis^.
Now, it's not impossible that your rating may have been bugged. This has happened before. Usually when Blizzard decides to do a "flush" (yes they still do that), your bug will be gone, and you should be able to gain rating again.
I carried Jetlife, Idiote and Wavesjr to their R1 spots for their classes. I think I know what I'm talking about.
let me be clear: he has a psychological issue, which isn't an intellectual disability that you're implying.he's just mentally challenged or a troll