US bringing greatness back to horde


2017 Twink Cup Champion
Bored of other games atm annoyed by 8.3 for my 120 accounts so I'm back in the 20-29 bracket. Replaced some hardware, sat up straight, played several BGs yesterday feel like I'm getting closer to my 2017 form every minute. I'll be better than ever in less than a week.

Noticed a few alliance premades. These premade groups can be countered with horde premade groups. I know some of us have had our differences but it is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences. I believe that we are here for each other, not against each other. I'm interested in helping form horde BG groups that have what it takes to take back the bracket. Are there any active players here that want to help me? Is there a community for this? Discord? Btags etc drop anything that can help or message me. We can 100% bring greatness back to the horde in the 20-29 bracket.
[doublepost=1583003370,1582996815][/doublepost]Bump LF horde tryhards
[doublepost=1583007187][/doublepost]Qing BGs on horde US in few hrs
Same thing on Eu 20-29, everyone goes alliance, my guess that's because of 2 things:
>epics, because everyone wanna be BiS and best quest items is on Ally side.
>Vulperas, everyone levels their Vulpera -> a lot of levelers on Horde side.
This thing will turn back in a couple of months when those who doing their op vulpera twink return to BGs.
Gonna join y’all once shadowlands become live.

don’t really see the point of endgame when ya literally have 1/2 of the tansmog items, most of allied races (except mechgnomes), and some of the more cool looking mounts unlocked.
the amount of arcane mages on alliance is disgusting

Yeah, Horde does the same thing.

Another one for the road, there was another Hunter but he afked rip.
not the same thing you're including levelers i'm looking at the alli vet arcane mages and alli has 10x more
There's not much of a difference, arcane is one button.

Higher level arcane mages are scarier actually.
oh sure bla bla bla lets all roll arcane mages ??? 10 v 10 arcane mage? 15 v 15 arcane mage? why play anything else
guess what

rolling arcane mage

i'm going to be the most tryhard arcane mage in this bracket

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