Bracket is way more broken next patch

Furthering this age old discussion, I believe the angry F2Ps are misguiding their anger.

I will preface this by reiterating that I don't give a holy eff what any F2P or P2P thinks of my skill or ethics.

The anger of the F2P would be more suited towards the following (instead of the P2P 24s)

- The true F2P levelers... The ones that are playing for the 1st time. The people trying out World of Warcraft. The join a bg with 1100 HP in quest greens.
- The players that don't play together as a team. Whether that be because of a language barrier or them just wanting to fuck off mid all game.
- The 24s that queue up 5-10 at a time.

Let's be honest here, there are dozens of US F2P players that I love playing along side as I solo pug. There are 24s that I see on my team that I wish would afk, but you have to get what you are dealt and make the best of it.

no point using logic here.

you should feel bad about that 20 lock in your sig, but nelf rogues, speed potting, thistle teaing, and premading are perfectly fine :rolleyes:.
Really? I doubt that. But you might be right if you both are some Blizz emplyees and you we're playing f2ps on local HQ testing servers before the launch to retail :)

Really? That's your logic? :)

Compared to you guys that actively play 24's. i am an angel, deal with it :)

Ok, let's all be friends and end this here.

Dude look at yourself.. see a doctor or something? I dont play actively 24s and you dodge 90% what was said to you.. cant you admit for once you made a mistake in judging me instead of prejudicing me... again?

And no i will never be a friend with a person who hates p2p in this 20-24 bracket and stalks them in games cause of hate. You thought i didnt figure out your way of playing on a hunter? 1+1=2.
You want entertainment for free it's going to be shitty go pay for a sub if you want the good enchants and shit or be quiet haha
I don't really remember this. Maybe because i wasnt focused of oneshotting levelers? Because burst then wasn't exactly the burst it is today? Maybe because enchants are not so gay like they are today?

As for the rest of your post, i suppose you're trying hard to offend me. "I suppose", because i really don't understand the logic behind those rows and tbh, i don't even want to, i suppose it's another round of bullshit and suffering.

Now, let's pretend that f2p's were not capped at 20, ok? Let's suppose F2P's were capped at ... 16 or 67.. or whatever. You would always join in. Why? Because of activity, because easy games where you stomp everyone and you oneshot clueless backpeddling Jaja's, because it makes you feel better and helps your sad e-Peen and so on. You want to prove me wrong, start playing by F2P's restrictions AS I DID, as others DID, then you can talk with me and make me crazy, stupid, drunk.. whatever. Man up, get out behind your mom's skirt(those gay enchants) and prove me your worth. You want respect? That's why you suffer so much? Earn it.

I have paid sub, it's an active sub, i'm playing on it, so, you can't give me that WE PAY we have the right crap. No, you're just hypocrites, all of you, in fact, you those that defend this crap so much trolling over and over on the forums,you're kids, that's all.

You don't like this option? Ok, you have another one, crawl back to your 19's and stay there forever. Or you got bored already of "containing"? In those 2-3 pops/evening?

Until then, just stfu.

Hope i was clear enough.

Dam mate relax, never seen you so furious :D
But what about the revenues from ads and clicks and stuff? :)
I could care less about revenue on this site, it's not mine. Besides, the revenue on gaming sites is so small in comparison to tech sites that I only ran ads for like 2 months of the 3-4 years I owned the site.

Bottom line, this thread is not making this site much.

Let's say the 728px banner ad gets the site's owner $1cpm, which I doubt seriously that any ads on this site would get that, this thread has generated $5. Hardly worth the garbage this thread has had in it.
Look, I do understand your point. 'F2P bracket' existed long before 24 knew about it and came to pollute the BG's... However 20-24 existed to locked players long before f2p came along, and it just so happens that trials max level is 20.

Imagine 25-29 was in fact really popular (like US, had pops), then Blizz raised the max level of f2p to 25, you would be pooled in a TWINK bracket then? or would you claim 25-29 as a 'f2p bracket' as well?

Who claims this bracket is of no consequence.....just like all the other technicalities.......including what is the deff of twinking or who pays for the game...........

That transparent thing that matters is the level of nonsence of a p2p participating in a this bracket and the personal lackness of self awareness that comes along with it....
you should feel bad about that 20 lock in your sig, but nelf rogues, speed potting, thistle teaing, and premading are perfectly fine :rolleyes:.
Perhaps I am really tired, but I don't get this comment. Elaborate? I don't think you are dinging on me, just wanted to know why I should feel bad about the 20 lock? Because he was level from 19 to 20 or because it's not OP? Ps. He was enchanted with F2P restricted enchants at one point, but that noble gesture didn't last long. ;)

Dam mate relax, never seen you so furious :D
He seem really mad IMO.
Who claims this bracket is of no consequence.....just like all the other technicalities.......including what is the deff of twinking or who pays for the game...........

That transparent thing that matters is the level of nonsence of a p2p participating in a this bracket and the personal lackness of self awareness that comes along with it....

Let me ask you this... You are in a game with nothing but level 20 F2P players on both sides. Let's say your team is dominating the game... do you a) end the game quickly or b) do you, like many F2Ps I've encountered, farm their GY?
I don't really remember this. Maybe because i wasnt focused of oneshotting levelers? Because burst then wasn't exactly the burst it is today? Maybe because enchants are not so gay like they are today?

As for the rest of your post, i suppose you're trying hard to offend me. "I suppose", because i really don't understand the logic behind those rows and tbh, i don't even want to, i suppose it's another round of bullshit and suffering.

Now, let's pretend that f2p's were not capped at 20, ok? Let's suppose F2P's were capped at ... 16 or 67.. or whatever. You would always join in. Why? Because of activity, because easy games where you stomp everyone and you oneshot clueless backpeddling Jaja's, because it makes you feel better and helps your sad e-Peen and so on. You want to prove me wrong, start playing by F2P's restrictions AS I DID, as others DID, then you can talk with me and make me crazy, stupid, drunk.. whatever. Man up, get out behind your mom's skirt(those gay enchants) and prove me your worth. You want respect? That's why you suffer so much? Earn it.

I have paid sub, it's an active sub, i'm playing on it, so, you can't give me that WE PAY we have the right crap. No, you're just hypocrites, all of you, in fact, you those that defend this crap so much trolling over and over on the forums,you're kids, that's all.

You don't like this option? Ok, you have another one, crawl back to your 19's and stay there forever. Or you got bored already of "containing"? In those 2-3 pops/evening?

Until then, just stfu.

Hope i was clear enough.

it's funny, didn't you tell us you don't find endgame challenging anymore? but you run premades all night vs the backpeddleing jaja's and find your challenge there o_O?
Perhaps I am really tired, but I don't get this comment. Elaborate? I don't think you are dinging on me, just wanted to know why I should feel bad about the 20 lock? Because he was level from 19 to 20 or because it's not OP? Ps. He was enchanted with F2P restricted enchants at one point, but that noble gesture didn't last long. ;)

no, the point was... your lock fully enchanted isn't as op as a f2p hunter or rogue. achmed seems to think a 1200-1500 ambush is cool tho because it came from a f2p.
Let me ask you this... You are in a game with nothing but level 20 F2P players on both sides. Let's say your team is dominating the game... do you a) end the game quickly or b) do you, like many F2Ps I've encountered, farm their GY?

End it quickly.......?
still not locked? achmed you live on your own little planet.. you play f2p for challenge? thats why you play a rogue. oh, you play rogue since 6-7 years? listen, rogues in lowlvl are op since release (or even since beta? i dont know)
the f2p community is sht, youre the best example for it. 95% stupid ppl who reroll the most overpowerd class, elitists, ppl who boast themselfs. even though i play f2p, im happy about every single p2p in my team who gy farms skillpatch retards like you, crips and the whole spinebreaker crew.

you insult 24s for being sht at endgame, ofc they are but are you different? 300+ arena wins and still no 2,2k.. wake up kid

im done in this stupid thread
I don't really remember this. Maybe because i wasnt focused of oneshotting levelers? Because burst then wasn't exactly the burst it is today? Maybe because enchants are not so gay like they are today?

As for the rest of your post, i suppose you're trying hard to offend me. "I suppose", because i really don't understand the logic behind those rows and tbh, i don't even want to, i suppose it's another round of bullshit and suffering.

Now, let's pretend that f2p's were not capped at 20, ok? Let's suppose F2P's were capped at ... 16 or 67.. or whatever. You would always join in. Why? Because of activity, because easy games where you stomp everyone and you oneshot clueless backpeddling Jaja's, because it makes you feel better and helps your sad e-Peen and so on. You want to prove me wrong, start playing by F2P's restrictions AS I DID, as others DID, then you can talk with me and make me crazy, stupid, drunk.. whatever. Man up, get out behind your mom's skirt(those gay enchants) and prove me your worth. You want respect? That's why you suffer so much? Earn it.

I have paid sub, it's an active sub, i'm playing on it, so, you can't give me that WE PAY we have the right crap. No, you're just hypocrites, all of you, in fact, you those that defend this crap so much trolling over and over on the forums,you're kids, that's all.

You don't like this option? Ok, you have another one, crawl back to your 19's and stay there forever. Or you got bored already of "containing"? In those 2-3 pops/evening?

Until then, just stfu.

Hope i was clear enough.
lol ragr eu
Cata? try last good expansion wotlk when everyone was on Ruin 19s. I enjoy this broken bracket.

i don't really feel bad for F2p they put restrictions on themselves pay the 15 bucks. Last I heard time is money farming for f2p items is harder n more time consuming while life goes by u. If you want the f2p challenge kudos to u. But don't rage when it's your challenge not ours.

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still not locked? achmed you live on your own little planet.. you play f2p for challenge? thats why you play a rogue. oh, you play rogue since 6-7 years? listen, rogues in lowlvl are op since release (or even since beta? i dont know)
the f2p community is sht, youre the best example for it. 95% stupid ppl who reroll the most overpowerd class, elitists, ppl who boast themselfs. even though i play f2p, im happy about every single p2p in my team who gy farms skillpatch retards like you, crips and the whole spinebreaker crew.

you insult 24s for being sht at endgame, ofc they are but are you different? 300+ arena wins and still no 2,2k.. wake up kid

im done in this stupid thread

lol over 500 arenas with ur mage lvl80twink and only 2.2k arena rating in 2s and 1.5k in 3s, u so bad.

unnistall wow pls.
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Cata? try last good expansion wotlk when everyone was on Ruin 19s. I enjoy this broken bracket.

i don't really feel bad for F2p they put restrictions on themselves pay the 15 bucks. Last I heard time is money farming for f2p items is harder n more time consuming while life goes by u. If you want the f2p challenge kudos to u. But don't rage when it's your challenge not ours.


Yet another bullshit responce where you're hiding behind 15 bucks/month.........pathetic!
You want entertainment for free it's going to be shitty go pay for a sub if you want the good enchants and shit or be quiet haha

Now if you want even more entertainment i suggest you go pay a hooker........that way you won't have a challenge or be quiet haha

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