bracket balance


In BGs bracket balance in general is the best its ever been since I started F2P, IMO.

Just thought I'd mention that since I dont see many people lauding the current metagame.
I'd say I see balanced teams about 10-15% of the time. And about 30% of the time 1 side will be balanced while the other is all class X(3-5) and class Y(3-5) with a few dashes(1-3) of a, b, or c.

however that's just from my perspective. But it is encouraging when those balanced games do come around.
I like to think that the community lauds the current balance in its own special way. Just look at all the different classes/specs people complain about! I see pretty regular QQ about hunters, rogues, druids, paladins, ele shamans and disc priests. Last patch you could add warriors to that list too (and the 5.3 shield slam nerf was minimal). The rest of the classes are perfectly viable, just a bit dependent on getting heals from teammates (which you can't always rely on in this bracket).
People complain about balance and then only roll Hunters, Paladins, and Druids.

The bracket will balance out when the players want it to.
As long as people who pay for the game play in the bracket with things we cannot obtain, there will be no balance.
Hunters are still a problem, Feral druids are still a problem, Holy paladins and discipline damage is still a problem. Protections and paladins and warriors are still a problem (though warriors aren't so bad as before) a side from that, Yeah you can say the bracket is balanced.
I think Kain is right. I rarely see any 24s in the games lately as they lost a lot of their power. Hunters are a little bit annoying sometimes but this bracket improved a lot with 5.3.
I think Kain is right. I rarely see any 24s in the games lately as they lost a lot of their power. Hunters are a little bit annoying sometimes but this bracket improved a lot with 5.3.
You must be horde, and just not noticing the 24's on your team.
Half of the specs out there aren't the most viable for battlegrounds, but there are more viable than there used to be so I guess it becoming more balanced. The stat scaling has sucked the wind out of the 24 sails so it's not as face roll as it used to be which is good. You are sill going to see to many hunters, rogues and pallys just because they have more of the tools you need to win.

The main thing I find isn't balanced though (probably because I pug bg's) is some of the teams are just to strong. If you are against a team with two dis priests and two resto druids, no one on their team is going to die fast with a shield and HoT's ticking on them.
The other night I was against a team with five hunters and because my pug team didn't have the matching ranged power they couldn't even make it past mid.
If by balanced you mean team mainly made of Paladins, Hunters and Druids, then yes you are right.
Teamwork is still broken as heck. Plz nerf it blizz. And buff resto droods so allies can win when they stack 5 of em. kthnxbai

holyretardins>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> resto druids
I feel most people don't quite understand why there are so many druids/paladins aside from their strong points. All 3 pala specs are viable in the right hands, and 2 are avg-competent in a dumbass's hands. Resto is derp, bal and feral need competence to be played well, and gdruid is situational only.

5/7 specs of druid/pala differ greatly while still being easily viable. Of course there will be more hybrid classes.

Of course all of these are trash compared to what enh had in cata. If dmg was scaled proportionally to our current health pools, Lava Lash would be critting 900, maybe even 1k now that gear is scaled.
I feel most people don't quite understand why there are so many druids/paladins aside from their strong points. All 3 pala specs are viable in the right hands, and 2 are avg-competent in a dumbass's hands. Resto is derp, bal and feral need competence to be played well, and gdruid is situational only.

5/7 specs of druid/pala differ greatly while still being easily viable. Of course there will be more hybrid classes.

Of course all of these are trash compared to what enh had in cata. If dmg was scaled proportionally to our current health pools, Lava Lash would be critting 900, maybe even 1k now that gear is scaled.
Of course all of these are trash compared to what enh had in cata. If dmg was scaled proportionally to our current health pools, Lava Lash would be critting 900, maybe even 1k now that gear is scaled.

Oh god I wish this was the case. I tried to make a twinked out enhanced dwarf shaman but I ended up deleting him because it felt to unpowered outside of dungeons.
I like to think that the community lauds the current balance in its own special way. Just look at all the different classes/specs people complain about! I see pretty regular QQ about hunters, rogues, druids, paladins, ele shamans and disc priests. Last patch you could add warriors to that list too (and the 5.3 shield slam nerf was minimal). The rest of the classes are perfectly viable, just a bit dependent on getting heals from teammates (which you can't always rely on in this bracket).

Only Affliction, Retribution, Demonology, Fire, Fury and Enhancement are still crap. But classes are actually balanced. But God, Mages and Locks are a nightmare to play before the BoA staff. And the specs i mentioned are gimmicky anyway,
In BGs bracket balance in general is the best its ever been since I started F2P, IMO.

Just thought I'd mention that since I dont see many people lauding the current metagame.

Probably best to add the caveat "at the time I play". Things vary wildly and over the ab event one side won consistently about 70% at the time I played over about 10 games. Average ally toon was geared better with a much higher incidence of full boas. Ally side was most frequently packed with druids and pallys, one game had 7 ally restos. While horde were dps>heals consistently. Really didn't see any more balance than any other time, which is to be expected in pugs. Anyway, just my observations at the time I played.

PS-think you're using metagame wrong :)

PPS-elsewhere in this thread there is a strong bias against people that pay for the game and roll out 24's which seems totally bizarre. I guess these same folks must put their blue gear back on when pugging. Otherwise it seems hypocritical since they roll new ftp's the same way they get rolled by 24's.

5.4 will make things worse unless the enchants get downsized.
Horde has HORRIFICALLY higher amounts of 24s joining games. If you don't realize this, you probably aren't playing in this bracket. Aerie Peak has also gone to complete shit, with groups of 24s joining together to GY farm. Balance is a very, very subjective term.
stop that talk
if u play horde ally has more 24s
if u play ally horde has more.

theres an easy answer: the french.
surely us has something similar.

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