BoA Tab

We've actually discussed this at length many months ago, but just to recap, keep in mind that everything in the mount tab, pet tab, and toy tab is coded as a spell now, not an object. Heirlooms are actual pieces of gear that you put in your character slots. Thus, the actual mechanism for a BoA tab would have to be different from the other three tabs. Therefore the fact that we have access to those tabs is not evidence that we'd have access to a BoA tab.
This makes sense in plain English, but I think that's deceptive. Simply having purchased, having them in your bags, or equipping them at one time should be enough to "unlock" them for your whole account. There has got to be a 1 or 0 somewhere in your account that would equate to a yes or no for every having owned one. Lol. I think I just did the same thing as you, but you get the idea.

I'm not a game designer, but I've pwned a lot of noobs. If I were to run pvp, almost everything would be an unlock, much like Guild Wars 1 did back in 2006. It might not be what we're used to, but it would be a hell of a lot easier to balance—not have concrete pvp gear in your bags. Item gets overpowered—don't grandfather it—just change it or remove it entirely without "robbing" a player of a tangible reward from their inventory.
Oh I do believe it's likely we'll get access to account-wide BoAs, just to be clear. I just don't think the things we already have are hard evidence. I have faith, but we have no proof. Yet.
Mhhh BOA tab... the way to spend unused honor to equip a char that desperately needs gear... mhhh... da smexiness!

I hope we get access to it and it's like the toy tab. But those are just some dreams...
So make the boas we buy from vendors a spell recipe, and make the spell spawn a boa into your inventory. So what if people can spawn until their inventories are full. They can always delete them all.
So make the boas we buy from vendors a spell recipe, and make the spell spawn a boa into your inventory. So what if people can spawn until their inventories are full. They can always delete them all.

I assumed that this is how it would work when they first showed it off last year. Must have been a hiccup along the way for them to delay it this long. Probably the same hiccup that made them delay a bunch of other features. Strongboxes anyone?
So make the boas we buy from vendors a spell recipe, and make the spell spawn a boa into your inventory. So what if people can spawn until their inventories are full. They can always delete them all.

I would love it if this is how they do it. In fact I was thinking something very similar last night. Come on Blizz, just do it already.
and it would make us more powerfull in bgs and arenas vs p2ps and f2ps.

The reason no1 wants to mention but everyone thinks about.

"Powerful" Maybe... or maybe things would be a little more fair. Consider the Eye patch situation on the Horde, the equivalent Boa would make the field more even for most classes. The BoA cloaks are a little better than the satchel ones. Legs would probably be the biggest change/upgrade (especially on a warrior).

All in all, I don't see there being much of an issue in terms of power... F2p purity, on the other hand, that might raise some eyebrows.
"Powerful" Maybe... or maybe things would be a little more fair. Consider the Eye patch situation on the Horde, the equivalent Boa would make the field more even for most classes. The BoA cloaks are a little better than the satchel ones. Legs would probably be the biggest change/upgrade (especially on a warrior).

All in all, I don't see there being much of an issue in terms of power... F2p purity, on the other hand, that might raise some eyebrows.
Would the test for purity involve a crucible? I wonder.
Because in many cases they are best in slot pieces. It is a real hassle to get gear to a trial toon from a linked paid account right now. It would be convenient if I did not have to do that any more.


There's this amazing feature called Buying The Full Game, which unlocks the features on your starter account, allowing you to do things such as Use Your Mailbox and Have More Than 10 Gold.

Why does everything always come down to what Blizzard can do to make the F2P play experience better? Just buy the game, you'll instantly have a better play experience.
There's this amazing feature called Buying The Full Game, which unlocks the features on your starter account, allowing you to do things such as Use Your Mailbox and Have More Than 10 Gold.

Why does everything always come down to what Blizzard can do to make the F2P play experience better? Just buy the game, you'll instantly have a better play experience.

"Buying the game" is renting, f2p is forever. I do pay for the game every so often to get pets etc for my f2p's.
"Buying the game" is renting, f2p is forever. I do pay for the game every so often to get pets etc for my f2p's.

Heh, agreed, everyone seems to forget that... Most of us click that "Accept the terms" button without reading what that Eula actually says.
How will enchant work on these heirlooms? And will p2p's be able to send the heirlooms they drag out to other players? And does this mean that you potentially could have 100x BoA daggers in your bags, just by dragging them out?
How will enchant work on these heirlooms? And will p2p's be able to send the heirlooms they drag out to other players? And does this mean that you potentially could have 100x BoA daggers in your bags, just by dragging them out?

Don't think anyone is really sure... Most of whats written is speculation. I figure it might work like this item here though:
Signet of Expertise - Item - World of Warcraft
Which in turn summons this item when used: Hammer of Expertise - Item - World of Warcraft

The weapon comes out with no enchants each time you re-summon it.
But if the summoned heirlooms are unenchanted, would you be able to send them to your enchanter? And would you be able to summon 2x agi leather BoA shoulders!
How will enchant work on these heirlooms? And will p2p's be able to send the heirlooms they drag out to other players? And does this mean that you potentially could have 100x BoA daggers in your bags, just by dragging them out?
Unless they make them unique, this is how I envision it. Like a spell out of a spellbook. Pure speculation at this point, but why reinvent the wheel when that is how most unlocks in this game are treated.

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