blizzard just messed up every hunter trial/ non trial


well, with the recent changes with the hunters, none [referring to hunters only] of us can use melee weps. Due to the fact that I'm a bm hunter, we aren't even able to crit over 300 and if we do, it's pretty damn rare! the damage is now sucking because I used to hit 200-300 per shot and now im hitting...60?! anyone know if blizzard is gonna change hunter's back to normal? I worked my ass off for the boa gear I can/cannot use and now it's gonna be useless if we can't transfer it to a diff toon. I know there are people, like me, a trial, that are very frustrated with the recent changes and these stupid trial details. And yes I know hunters were pretty good(if you knew how to use them), but honestly now, I can't even take down a hpally with 1.2k health because they can heal themselves for like 500+ now using holyshock and maybe even higher. This is bloody ridiculous!!: >=(
MM makes hunters decent.
before the patch, I could normally hit about 500-1000 and now I'm barely crossing 300. It's like the hunters got shot down. I was also looking at a dps chart some gm posted on the main website and it shows hunters at the very bottom, about 5k off from a feral druid. I know there are some people who didn't want hunters to be OP in the first place, but now it's changing. I admit even I hated having people hate me because hunter's could just go into the bg's and spam arcane shot and get a kill before their target even reached them. @Rukisuta I wish I could fight you before the patch to show you what I mean, but I guess I'll never get that chance sadly.
lol bad hunter crying over the fact he can no longer 1 shot... I know it must be irritating and I'm gunna go through the same thing, granted I'm not going to cry like a little dog and I've spent far longer on my hunter... we were too op, you have to face that. we will be improved slightly but not back like it was, the main problem is the heals that healers have, when healers get nerfed it won't be as bad and maybe hunters can finally get some competitive gameplay instead of kids calling you bad because they 1 shot you. And btw the way you asked the guy to fight you so u could prove how nerfed you are... pretty cocky to me, if any hunter said they were good when it was cata, i would personally slap them... they required no skill to play and were incredibly boring.
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And yes I know hunters were pretty good(if you knew how to use them)

The thing about hunters is that you DIDN'T have to know how to use them before. 40 yd range + instant CC and very high burst damage meant that you didn't have to play well at all to be effective. Now with less damage and base resilience, you actually have to coordinate your own CC and set up kills instead of just running around dumping focus into people.

Holy pallies are broken, but that doesn't make all the hunter QQ any less hilarious.
I asked a friend politely if I could test out damage btwn each class because he kept whispering me that he could hit high with holy shock or something like that. And another thing, how could you say there had no skill to play? Have you even considered the hunters who actually moved towards their target to get a melee shot, even though they could be put in harms way? Have you considered the other opinions from other hunters who thought that playing a hunter wasn't "incredibly boring?" Yea there were some hunters who kept backpeddaling and just kept spamming arcane shot, but have you thought about it in another hunter's POV? Perhaps one that had to get his pet to the target, slow down the target, maybe use a kill command, and/or stuns to stop the target from healing? I have realized the fact that we were too OP, but that's why I asked if Blizzard is gonna balance out the classes, therefore there wouldnt have to be any fighting btwn classes. Most people could pick a class and be happy, knowing that there would be balance. And btw, no one has called me bad. You're actually assuming. You might've spent more time on your hunter, but what have you been doing with your time is different compared to what I could've been doing with my time. @swoops yea it's gonna be a bit of an impact on people. I didn't know Hpallies were still suffering from bugs. I thought blizz fixed that, but I haven't been too informed with this whole situation.
I used to be a good player when hunter was globaling anything that was in it's way, now when it does normal damage, I can't kill people =( This is one of the things that I've been so eagerly waiting for a few weeks now, Cata Hunters QQing their asses off :)

You still have probably the most CC of all 19s classes, but not the ridiculous burst which allowed retards to get the feeling of being good at pvp. Deal with it and go kite some melees forever.
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normal dmg? ok I guess 60 dmg ticks is normal compared to 1.5k heals. Hunts needed a nerf but so did healers yet hunts along with all dps got nerfed while healers got godmode

No, all dps has not been nerfed. Some has actually been buffed if needed, and some specs have been made a bit more complex (like arcane, where you can not just spam arcane barrage + fireball and blanket CS for a kill anymore). It has been known for ages already that heals have been very strong on PTR, and I'm fairly certain they will be nerfed as soon as Blizzard finds the time to do it.

Like said, you can not just run around spamming 300 auto shots + explo/arcane ticks and getting kills every other try. Learn to play another class or deal with the fact that after 3 expansions of hunter being very powerful, they aren't the most powerful DPS class at low lvl brackets anymore.
It was also known for ages just how broken hunters were, and that only took 4 years and a couple expansions to fix. So a few years from now it may get better! until then 16 holy pallys a game >.>
I believe we needed some type of nerf and I believe they did it the right way. Hunters still have all kinds of cc. the only problem is in a bg I would never target a hunter because the dps they do is almost nothing. As a 24 almost bis hunter im hitting 140 hits in sohrt its relaly bad for me.
My feral druids damaged got fucked. don't worry you aren't alone.

I actually enjoy playing my feral more now. Ferocious Bite with pooled energy and 5 pts does high damage, so I was able to take down even healers when they got too confident and healers will be fixed. The gameplay was too bursty. The only thing I really miss is an opener. It feels wrong to be prowling without an opener available.
MM + Ferocity + Narrow Escape for DPS.

Please stop crying, you have amazing CC as a hunter. Try learning to play and actually helping your team out. You are NOT overpowered, the class does NOT suck. It's just you.

And don't compare your self to the new OP class. That's retarded and makes you look like a child that needs to be spoonfed the class that takes the least skill at a given time.

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