Best of 19s

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So I've been gone for about 3 months now and I only recognize half the people on these lists. Half the ones I do recognize I'm surprised at. Did a bunch of bads suddenly get better, or has the bracket gone that far downhill?
So I've been gone for about 3 months now and I only recognize half the people on these lists. Half the ones I do recognize I'm surprised at. Did a bunch of bads suddenly get better, or has the bracket gone that far downhill?

You must be looking at the wrong list!

I see a positive future for 19s as long as the Alliance continues to grow.

Edit: Don't forget it Blizzard ever gives us some love. <3

Druid: Swaglol (3lit3)

Hunter: Xenaria, Discover/Afkbait (I would say Beau, but I believe hes back on horde?

Mage: Snow/Aurio (Haven't seen a lot of either to say who is the best)

Pally: Ore/Titan (Both are strong players and are positive no matter what the score)

Priest: SUGGESTIONS (No priest rings a bell or stands out to me)

Rogue: Saxx/Goma (Trillium <3)

Shamen: Niine, Dasfizzle (Good Players, again haven't seen a lot of either to make an informed decision)

Warlock: Dorygon (I think this is alliance's only active lock)

Warrior: Hithere (To me, he stands out in WSG. The only other person I can think of is Madmax or something?)


Druid: Darkchewie ( Consistent and very good FCing)

Hunter: Pizza and Beau (Both great players)

Mage: Lob (100%, enough said)

Pally: Dearn/ Kancerr (Both good at there class)

Priest: Phe Fort (Again, both good players)

Rogue: .....hand to say really. (SO many choices. Ko, Overkill, Graffiti....etc)

Shamen: Sloppyhealz (Dose a lot of work that cannot be show on a scoreboard, but is a valuable player)

Warlock: Cant say I've really seen a Horde Lock (Decent)

Warrior: Confident #1, Clap 2nd. (Confident is like a leech)

Most of the people Ive listed for Horde are members or WT. Although they each player together and steamroll (really hate that), they are still good players.

Anyways, just my opinion on the topic.
Now that we have a new forum I think that we have matured in our ways as a community. It is time for another best of 19s thread. Post who you think is the best for each class on both factions. If you believe there are two equally skilled, it is okay to submit two. All COC applies to this thread. Please do not get this thread closed. Keep raging/ hating/ bragging to a minimum.

@Mods: please leave this open for discussion and do not close it unless it gets too out of hand. If there seems to start being a problem on this thread you have the right of course to close the thread. Thank you. <3

Here's a template I made for you:













Hunter: Pizza



Priest: Smóke


Shaman: Rvstar (Retired)


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