I'll do a real list.
Druid: Yúp/Humiliation, flag focused
Hunter: Rastaman, flag focused/has awareness
Mage: Strihanica/Xtroda, good at interupting/2 of the few mages who actually cast Polymorph
Holy Paladin: -, no one can fakecast
Paladin FC: Chikorita/Psyduck, no explanation needed
Priest: Hurrx/Béllsprout, only two priestitutes who're confident/100% in their play
Rogue: Rédrum, no explanation needed, outshines all others by miles
Shaman: Gingerbred/Isael, no explanation needed
Warlock: -
Warrior: Ubu, FCs/is more than useful
Druid: Healbear, reliable heals, on a Druid/will FC
Hunter: Artemis, probably the only flag focused Hunter besides Rasta EU
Mage: Cêlê, no explanation needed; Chill is good too, but not on same level
Holy Paladin: -, no one can fakecast
Paladin FC: Copyhat, doesn't LoS heals/is reliable enough
Priest: -
Rogue: Halucinacia/Hasted/Lozenge/Klarinda/Twinx(serious), Alliance Rogues are really vague
Shaman: Roula, saw yesterday, there was no one else
Warlock: Dotlove, active, dedicated lock
Warrior: Zimt, no explanation needed