Best of 19's EU version

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twinx #1 EU
LOL Faryon.

dont you see the only ones that put you on the list is you're guildies?

Ye, atleast he tries to kick even tho he misses like 90% of em. And presses gouge + kick at the same moment from time to time.

you didnt make the list, but you're #1 at following phonebook around in the world,

p.s. hows darkspear without pb?

edit: none of you are even on the same page as redrum.
dont you see the only ones that put you on the list is you're guildies?

you didnt make the list, but you're #1 at following phonebook around in the world,

p.s. hows darkspear without pb?

hahah <3

the horde flag was droped by psyduck!

psyduck ran back to draenor changed he's name and when't back alliance!

this game will end when psyduck get's over him self!
Twinx is a nice guy, funniest thing i recall him saying is "arena end game is for kids" trolol

anyway, Best of Eu means best all round. not "well twinx is always on efc, he must be good" a good rogue is always on efc and doesnt ShS every ambush, doesnt click, doesnt backpedal i can go on.
stop being mean to twinx D:

u r all cordially invited to my panda revolution
the horde flag was droped by psyduck!

psyduck ran back to draenor changed he's name and when't back alliance!

this game will end when psyduck get's over him self!

i guess im a mvp, since u care so much about what i do, i dont need anyones approval for playing the faction i want to , especially not from some 1 hideing under a alias.
you didnt make the list, but you're #1 at following phonebook around in the world,

p.s. hows darkspear without pb?

edit: none of you are even on the same page as redrum.

So around the world means once to darkspear I guess.

And what exactly has your post to do with the post you quoted?

And it's obviously quite easy to tell who's crap and who's god when noone knows who you are.
Twinx is a nice guy, funniest thing i recall him saying is "arena end game is for kids" trolol

anyway, Best of Eu means best all round. not "well twinx is always on efc, he must be good" a good rogue is always on efc and doesnt ShS every ambush, doesnt click, doesnt backpedal i can go on.

I always try and be on the efc, but then again i allays backpeddle and click, that why I'm not on the list.

But i have watched redrums vids and he clicks too.....hail too the clickers ^^
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