When I went lookin to gear up my lvl 10 pally, I couldn't find anything that was better than my lvl 1 rogue twink's weps, at least for pure dmg/numbers.
For melee these are well above what you can proc solo or farming, barring the Hellscream heirlooms.
The knightly swords are the only ones I was able to have drop, and there's 3(?) versions of them between stat allocations.
Are these GF'd now?
Did anyone find out if these are GF’d? I started fishing for it this past week. About 3-4 Hours into it so far. Hope I’m not wasting my time. Also would like to know if you need to fish with a toon on a certain level to get the correct scaling. I saw in a Lvl1 Twink Thread that this sword now can have varying stats, some no lvl req and some 14 lvl req. Seems there is a lot of uncertainty around it.