Best in Slot: PVE - UPDATED 5.3

So, as many others do, I use the best in slot pve gear in pvp for the extra attack power, so I am wondering something. The feral druid relic, it's not very good for us. In fact, the pvp ones provide more armor, stamina, and agility for us, the only advantage is a few crit rating. I think it would be smarter to just use the pvp one instead of settling for a 141 item.
As mentioned previously in this thread, I am not sure which way to go with my Arcane Mage. I have Engineering and Tailoring.

I have two parts tier 5 as per the chardev. As I am Tailoring I can get the Sunfire Robe adn I have BiS shoulder too. Now I am trying to weight up if the 5% AB damage improvement is still better than the additional stats from the better gear in those 2 slots (chest and shoulder). We have 5% AB damage versus:

31 Spellpower.
4.57% Haste.
1.51% Crit.
390 Mana.

Bear in mind those will also scale with buffs, plus I get a tiny bit more SP from the mana gem talent and slightly more regen from mage armor.

Pretty close call in my book, thoughts?
Re: Best in Slot: Player vs. Environment

I'm not sure but on my priest Fatherhenry @ Bladefist - Game Guide - World of Warcraft I use several pieces of caster DPS gear in order to receive other secondary stats besides spirit . I NEVER run out of mana even on long fights. I have more intellect, spell power, haste, and crit. I would like to hear some reasons stacking that much spirit is worth losing other secondary stats when my mana is not an issue.
Re: Best in Slot: Player vs. Environment

Is this still being kept up ?
Re: Best in Slot: Player vs. Environment

Althogh this thread seems unused at this time, it seems like the only thread suitable for my questions. I've tried searching through the whole Twink Info forums without any luck on the subject, nor google.

Here it goes;
What is the Dodge and Parry cap for a protection warrior?
Recently spoke to a GM who confirmed to me there is in fact a cap, and that exceeding the cap will be a waste and useless; he was not allowed to inform me of what the cap was at tho. My warrior has 30% parry and ~ 25% dodge, but if I've exceeded the caps and my current ratings is useless to improve my defense I'd rather grab some other gems.
Could anyone please verify this?

Re: Best in Slot: Player vs. Environment

Althogh this thread seems unused at this time, it seems like the only thread suitable for my questions. I've tried searching through the whole Twink Info forums without any luck on the subject, nor google.

Here it goes;
What is the Dodge and Parry cap for a protection warrior?
Recently spoke to a GM who confirmed to me there is in fact a cap, and that exceeding the cap will be a waste and useless; he was not allowed to inform me of what the cap was at tho. My warrior has 30% parry and ~ 25% dodge, but if I've exceeded the caps and my current ratings is useless to improve my defense I'd rather grab some other gems.
Could anyone please verify this?


Dodge cap is 65% (same as cata, but assumed), and parry cap is 235%. I wouldn't reccommend avoidance stacking for 70 PvE content, as there is little melee damage that can actually kill you. The GM you spoke to likely didn't know, just as an FYI :p

As for what to stack, try going for hit(or exp) + stam gems (10hit/exp + 15 stamina) to match sockets, aiming for as much hp with 7.5% hit and 15% expertise. I could make a set if absolutely necessary, I tend to love min-maxing chardevs.
Re: Best in Slot: Player vs. Environment

Anyone have a wowhead link or anything of the sort ofa BiS Prot Paladin?

Going for FULL haste/exp build

Re: Best in Slot: Player vs. Environment

Well, I come from a guild that only allows BC gems. But I'm probably going for a full Haste build due to Sanctity of Battle - Spell - World of Warcraft .\

Due to there are no Exp+Stam gems from BC, I'll probably just gem straight haste and dodge/stam gems, personally I don't need the dodge imo. But I don't think there are any stam/parry or exp/stam gems.

Edit: And the stats (at least the Defensive Stats) on chardev are inaccurate.

Stacking stam isn't going to be very effective when you get trucked. And when it only gives 1-3k more HP, when I can easily use the trinkets that grant that. Definitely need to be going for hit/exp capped if I'm MT. A haste build of 20%~ should work fine. Don't think I'll need to dupe into melee dps gear for more Haste. Reason why Haste is strong is GCD and CDs from the talent I linked above. As I do want primary stats as Parry but not necessarily Dodge.

Edit2: Yeah, I'm pretty sure the gearing for that is all wrong. There is zero avoidance for those builds. Thanks for the attempt though.
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Re: Best in Slot: Player vs. Environment

I know exactly why haste, hit and expertise is so good. You're going to have around 30% parry just from the str in practically any set.

Stacking stam is probably about as effective as you can be when you're getting hit hard as it buys healers time, lets them use longer cast, more efficient heals instead of spamming your ass with low efficiency fast ones because your low hp isn't enough for a lot of the bosses in swp.

I do think you'll need to go into melee dps gear. Avoidance doesn't do a great deal (especially in SWP), and the extra haste basically makes them better than the tank counterparts, given that you'll likely get as much avoidance from them too. I gemmed stamina because there is a threshold especially if you're undermanning things. Gemming stamina in dps pieces with haste ends up getting you more than gemming haste in the tank pieces.

Needing to be hit/exp capped as a MT means nothing. We don't take them for threat, we get enough of that already (the sets I linked will hit 92.5% of the time at least, and I made sure only exp was lacking), we take them for mitigation. Ditto for haste. There isn't a threshold below 125% haste where you'll want to stop stacking it, besides the gcd cap of 50%.

Gemming for pure haste especially using tbc gems isn't going to get you enough health to survive stuff like say...brutallus, unless you have similar stat levels as level 80s do right now (that is, 50+% haste and 70+% avoidance, which isn't possible even using wotlk gems).

Also, the stam trinkets from tbc are underbudgeted compared to (especially) the dps ones. 57 stam (the best available stam trinket) is worth 38 haste. The SWP haste trinket has 54 haste on it. Do the math, please.
Re: Best in Slot: Player vs. Environment

Well, I'm not soloing anything. I'm raiding with 15-25 people during TBC raids at the moment. Pretty much with the TBC gems as it's the guild rules and like to keep things that way.

Think you're overestimating the damage SWP bosses can put out.

I won't bother with dodge. Though I'll have to see how much Parry I can get with str gear.

Stam isn't going to mean much when most of these bosses generally hit mid-high hard on their normal attacks. Higher uptime on your shield means being able to mitigate majority of damage. Stam would probably hold higher importance if there were mechanics like Onslaught(ie Hagara - DS).

In theory, a prot paladin can tank just as good in ret gear as he would in prot gear. The stam will only grant you a few thousand health, if that with epic gems.

If we did have access to exp/stam gems, I'd probably gem that here and there. But since we don't it's a lot more effective to just go with a full haste build. The socket bonuses at 70 aren't exactly worth it (3 str/3 crit/3 stam). Also the stats, as far as defensive stats, are not accurate. My parry should be fine and I honestly shouldn't have to worry about it with all the strength I have to go around.

Hypothetically, I'd probably go for a HARD exp cap and a SOFT hit cap. And just focus all Haste from that point on. I apologize for not listing my specifications and purposes for this build(70 gems, etc) as this request seemed out of touch.
Re: Best in Slot: Player vs. Environment

Taking into account what you've asked for, and given the horrible lack of options with tbc gems/enchants (No exp gems nor decent enchants), I've come up with the following:

chardev 10 - Mist of Pandaria - BETA

31% haste (more than I'd expected), caps hit and only wastes 2 expertise points. You'll be sat just shy of 15k health though, which is below what was the suggested health pool for the time (20k). If the SWP bosses are as trivial as you say (I've only ever 10manned it, which puts pressure on tank survival) with 25 people, you'll be fine. But if it were me, I'd go with a bit more stamina.

There is quite a lot of DPS gear in that set, but imo dps gear is better than tank gear besides the expertise and such that is present on tank gear. I've only used "three" tank pieces (shield, neck and legs) because the shield is basically BiS, and the legs and neck provide some much needed expertise (in addition to the SWP expertise trinket).

However, if SWP were so trivial (Chances are a group in unenchanted full brutal could clear it with 25), you'd probably not need this set. But, it's not suggesting you wouldn't want BiS, it's just far less important.

Regarding burst damage, I'm talking more for Meteor Slash, Twin eredar's fire damage mainly, which cannot be mitigated. With this set, you'll have barely more health than a DPS class, so bear that in mind :)
Re: Best in Slot: Player vs. Environment

Thank you. I appreciate your hard work.

Dps gear will work just as fine as tank gear, in theory, of course.

Dps is far much higher than it was in TBC. Some of our players dps close to dps that was considerably good during Wotlk.

As long as, my uptime on my shield is high I should be fine as far as mitigating goes. Also, taking in mind of all the internal CDs, I think it shouldn't be a HUGE issue.

Can always force the priests in my raid to Spirit Shell-->Gheal. x)
Re: Best in Slot: Player vs. Environment

I can imagine on some bosses you'd likely top dps yourself with the amount of haste. I've done similar using herald gear for herald of the titans (16k dps as prot \o/)

You'll have to excuse my reaction initially, too used to people arguing with me lol xD

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