EU+US Best DMG / Healer for f2p? Gear?


Just curious what you think the most op f2p healer / dps is?

Also, what's the best gear in slot you can get as an f2p?

I just want to build some competitive characters. Warrior seems pretty strong so far, as I'm 26 across the board minus trinkets with a ilvl 28 weapon. He seems the most capable right now. Holy Paladin seems to be able to top healing charts in some games. Resto druid seemed fun until I realized I could only have 1 lifebloom out on 1 target at a time, heh.

Also, how do you get ahead in the ilvl game? Anything past ilvl25 gives you additional stats?
Survival hunter and disc priest. Warrior is also good damage. Shamans are good healers.

Resto druids are good for flag running.

For gear, I think there's a few white pieces of gear that you can buy from vendors for <10g. Mostly ilvl 26 gear from dungeons and ilvl 28 gear from BGs.

And ilvl works by giving you extra stats for having an average equipped ilvl above the BRACKET cap (which is ilvl 34). So unless you get above that (very difficult for F2P, I think most classes can't even get there)...then the ilvl really doesn't matter. Just make sure to have something in each slot and to use the correct weapon category and armor type.

So an outlaw rogue should use agi/str swords/maces/axes instead of an int sword or a dagger. And a resto shaman wants all mail, even if a leather piece looks good.
Healer. Disc -> holy Priest and paladin -> rsham -> druid -> monk

Dps. Boomy, feral, Arcane mage. Disc priest again, Hunters (not bm), destro lock, spriest, affli lock, outlaw rogue, arms warrior, enhancement, fire mage, ret pally

Gear nothing matters. Just put items of the right type in every slot and if you can, use a wand.
Rogues can get an ilvl 100 mask which helps get closer to the ilvl tip over mark. Pretty hard for other classes without having gf’d gear of higher ilvl. But still, strive to increase level where u can.
We can always hope for a pre-BFA event that awards titanforged ilvl 30/35 gear again!
Edit : Mist Monks are probably the weakest of the heals, but they can push out some dps. Probably one of the strongest PvE soloing healer classes if ur in to that.
Any place for trinkets ? besides fishing game? does not having 2 hurt my dps or whatever?
Silly question..but how do you get to WSG nowadays? I ran north through the barrens..and it isn't there, lol

nm..I'm a tard.
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Silly question..but how do you get to WSG nowadays? I ran north through the barrens..and it isn't there, lol

nm..I'm a tard.
Holy cow, you’ve been gone a while. You que BGs with the group finder tool. Same one you use to run dungeons, a different tab.

FWIW, I think enhance shaman are the most underrated dps class in the bracket. Devastating damage capabilities with a solid support kit as well. As much as I love my warrior, they’re a bit too strong right now. I have way more fun on my shaman and don’t do any worse.
Rogues can get an ilvl 100 mask which helps get closer to the ilvl tip over mark. Pretty hard for other classes without having gf’d gear of higher ilvl. But still, strive to increase level where u can.
We can always hope for a pre-BFA event that awards titanforged ilvl 30/35 gear again!
Edit : Mist Monks are probably the weakest of the heals, but they can push out some dps. Probably one of the strongest PvE soloing healer classes if ur in to that.
Isn't that temporarily GF'd? Now that Griftah is in New Dalaran?
yeah i just did this on a rogue, you get the flute on your first pick pocket, was actually pretty easy to get the mask.
Where did you do it? I haven't been back since tomb of lights got nerfed

I did it on a horde and tried two places, The iron front in tanaan jungle, and then i tried the horde place frostwolf or something like that. In my opinion the iron front was better because it dropped much more epics, less mobs than the horde place but better loot, took maybe a couple hours total.
Looks like I'll have to give this a whirl tonight than, and start working on my masks for my rogue.
Sounds fun! I'll start on this tonight. :)

My rogue has some GF'd gear, so I might get a decent little iLevel boost. Though, naturally, despite spending days and days and days farming on her, I never got any of the Warforged gear...yet got a ton of the i35 gear on my Pally and Hunter. -_-;
Holy cow, you’ve been gone a while. You que BGs with the group finder tool. Same one you use to run dungeons, a different tab.

FWIW, I think enhance shaman are the most underrated dps class in the bracket. Devastating damage capabilities with a solid support kit as well. As much as I love my warrior, they’re a bit too strong right now. I have way more fun on my shaman and don’t do any worse.
I second on what he said about enh shammy they are the most underrated class out there !!!!!
Enh does pretty damn good damage.

It's not as high as warrior or hunter, but it's definitely very good and viable. And a ton of fun. I'm working on one myself.

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