Beats on Fourteens

i will ignore the earlier thread, as it was i nthe past and dont feel like bringing it up, dont go saying you pm-ed me multiple times, with something constructive, and trying to get something accomplished, when you didnt
i will ignore the earlier thread, as it was i nthe past and dont feel like bringing it up, dont go saying you pm-ed me multiple times, with something constructive, and trying to get something accomplished, when you didnt

yea i exhausted all that in the thread

course you still dont care.
considering as i have only doen a few ab's in the past 2 weeks, i kinda do, too busy farming other chievies
lol. Was doing AGM a few minutes ago on my 19 on Medivh and got RAGED at after killing a level 10 who was after same thing....he then logged his main fast.....killed me.....sat there teabagging my body for 5 minutes or so as if he owned me despite the fact that he lost and then started the trash talk. I think his 10's name was some variation of Siri (had special characters and can't remember for sure). Was kinda hilarious.

I may roll a ten sometime but please a reminder to tens......stay classy. Yes you are going to lose every time I show up on a 19 or 29.....thats what you signed up need to rage.

umm he probably wasnt even a twink , a 10 should be able to beat any 19. i haven't even ever lost the chest to anyone under lvl40. including twinks.
cheating is for bads. how hard is this to understand?

"i just do it for cheeves" is bullshit. you're selfish piles of shit who enjoy griefing more than actuall competition.

hey this thread topic is not about the few people who actually farm achievements. it is about people who farm lowbies and grief the xp on brackets for "fun".

there are 3-4 lvl10 twinks who do whatever they need to farm achieves same as any other bracket. don't lump us in.
me danger, ioerror some times, bank, and heals, i believe is every1 who does ity for chievies


Ioerror ---> has only gone in XP on (maybe 4 or 5 times) I leave before caps/end of game.

Msioerror ---> 2 times one night cause I was feeling pissed at Bliz.

Iloveioerror ---> Multiple times until I got enough honor to get my battlestandard.

Arathi Basin: Never

But I would like the "Acheesements" from it sometime. How . . . I dunno
Lol, this kid thinks hes all pro complaining about exploit on Twinkinfo. I mean this isnt your kinda site pal. First of all we cant BG with our xp off unplanned. Should we just stop because baddies QQ? Yeah pal, thats reasonable. Blizzard knows that twinkers do this. Only 10 year olds cry about it instead of worrying about the spirit of the game. (Getting rolled at 10). Not only does this post make you look dumb you seem to displaying that you have been crying pretty hard to actually try and get people off Twinkinfo for your badskillsbro? Go play the level 15 bracket you baddie. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ
Lol, this kid thinks hes all pro complaining about exploit on Twinkinfo. I mean this isnt your kinda site pal. First of all we cant BG with our xp off unplanned. Should we just stop because baddies QQ? Yeah pal, thats reasonable. Blizzard knows that twinkers do this. Only 10 year olds cry about it instead of worrying about the spirit of the game. (Getting rolled at 10). Not only does this post make you look dumb you seem to displaying that you have been crying pretty hard to actually try and get people off Twinkinfo for your badskillsbro? Go play the level 15 bracket you baddie. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ

So far here's our reasoning:

-omg ur bad qq i can do what i want

-i dont have the attention span to plan a game

-i'm doing it for the achievements (<halfway getting there imo)

awesome. -__-
Before actually deleting quite a few of the above, since those comments are quite irrelevant, actually this thread IS irrelevant, let me tell you about this, once more (I'm getting really piss at everyone talking about exploit). After that, I will leave it open, if it, once again goes wrong, this thread will go down with the comments.

Exp-On BG are quite boring if you ask me. From a Point of View of a long time twinker, farming non-twink never been fun to me. After one or two kills, it is redundant, quite redundant, redundant like the word itself.

Sadly, there's close to no other way, for us Achiever, to get those valuable points. So i'm doing some Exp-On BG just to get some achievements progress sometimes.

That, or getting 15 Trials on both side and spam kicking everyone out, is, to me atleast, the same. And I wouldn't want to fuck up my own community by giving them false belief when randomly Qing AB on Exp-Off.

Also, you can see, atleast for me, that i'm not gamebreaking, not even close. My Win/Lose ratio, is about 55/45 in WSG, which is, quite horrible if you ask me. And in AB, a paladin twink taking 3minutes to get to another flag, isn't gamebreaking either.

Sadly, we're not all the same.

Some just do it, because they love it. They farm lower level. For an unknown reason, they find that nice and interesting. They are the one to blame. Not naming anyone here, but rolling a Priest fully geared, speccing Shadow, with Resil gear and get hundreds of WSG completed is above my understanding. Those type of person, are destroying Exp-ON, and i'm not ashamed to say it.

I will never respect these players. While I can understand people going for achievements, or people just wanting some actions from times to times on their toon, playing SEVERAL hours a week in Exp-On, just for the sake of it, IS CRAZILY far from what we're actually trying to do with our community, and these players, aren't actually active member of our community anyway.

They're most of the time, just some random players, that avoid forum like these, so they don't get flamed all the time.

I personally don't think any reason are good to justify ourselves. While, Achieving, and getting some actions from times to times, atleast in my honest opinion, are less problematic, it's still not legit, not even close.

If you want, keep reporting to Blizzard the situation. I would be happy to see this fixed, while I did enjoy the possibility to get some achievements with that, there's always way to counter the system, if that's by creating tons of trials, or simply by fixing premade-Achievement date, so to me atleast, it would just be a fix of a glitch (which is a good thing).

To finish this, just something I thought about few months ago about a whole different subject, but that works in several situation:

"Do not blame a lawyer for the release of a criminal from jail, blame the law system for not having the right laws"

Blame Blizzard for not fixing the issue, not the exploiters (even though it's not legit and abusive).

But technically bank that priest was doing for it an achievement as well.

Ever since they hit 100k they slowed down.
But technically bank that priest was doing for it an achievement as well.

Ever since they hit 100k they slowed down.

There's hundreds of other method to farm kills. Exp-Off Bg, Trials Farming, World PvP, Kill Trading, all of these aren't game breaking nor affecting anything around.

Doing hundreds of BG, and just farm the GY mindlessly, to get 100k Achievement, is gamebreaking, and when you play some cheap class, with resil gear, farming 300HP'er and a few BoA toon from times to times, it's not Achievement farming, it's self-pleasure and f***ing up the PvP experience for everyone appart from your little person yourself.

Edit: The argument that Achievements could be achieved in Exp-Off is valuable, like I stated before, any achievers could get these achievements elsewhere, but it would be more complicated. The difference here, is that we're not gamebreaking, since we're just doing this for achievements. Such as, getting some flag capped in AB or else, which is just helping our team, and not oblitering the other one. If you really want the 100k Achievements, you can do it legit, by doing Exp-Off, or kill Trials. If you don't find these 2 last options interesting, just farming non-twink endlessly shouldn't get considered as an option, as it's destroying everyone else experience of the game.
i see what you're saying. having a decent paladin on the team may not be game breaking. my druid certainly is not the one to save the day when i occasionally queue up. but everybody is targeting Beats on Fourteens as the only people taking advantage of this game mechanic. i personally use on occasion to have a bit of fun or maybe work on achievements, however there are various horde guilds and characters using it just as much, only not always on resil capped priests. infact many people who i've seen use their Gf'd items and no boa. i guess what im saying is people have their own reasons for doing this. however it is not technically bad for the bracket. look at our saturday night xp off games. we got 6 in a row. if people had not seen advertising or been curious about the twinks they've been seeing in battlegrounds then we may've been lucky to get 1 or 2.

i do not encourage Hk farming, however these people are like huge advertisement boards for the bracket. they've promoted a substantial increase in activity. it is this reason that i do not remove people from my guild for using it, or flaming people that do. essentially they're contributing more to the activity of the 10-14 twink community more then most.

i can see people hating me for writing this, but i do try pretty hard to organise events, research twink guilds and get into contact with their members. it's nice to see that other people are also having an influence on the increasing number of members to enter the community.

~please close this thread~
i do not encourage Hk farming, however these people are like huge advertisement boards for the bracket. they've promoted a substantial increase in activity. it is this reason that i do not remove people from my guild for using it, or flaming people that do. essentially they're contributing more to the activity of the 10-14 twink community more then most.

Well the following statement isn't always right. Badly promoting our bracket may do it sidewise and just lower the income of new twinks.

Also, that's just personal here, i'd much rather have lesser activity, then be seen as a bunch of game-breaker farming non twink in Exp-ON GY.
actually with a planned, coordinated game specifically for achievement purposes (all 10-14 twinks on vent or something), you could probably knock out alot all of them xp-off. even if you aren't actually "playing".

edit: and with great speed at that!
actually with a planned, coordinated game specifically for achievement purposes (all 10-14 twinks on vent or something), you could probably knock out alot all of them xp-off. even if you aren't actually "playing".

edit: and with great speed at that!

True, the actual problem is getting..first 20 persons in WSG/more in AB, and that, just with Achievers
I caught a BoF player exploiting his way into WSG and then proceeded to camp the GY and emote spam just about all the Horde players. Needless to say, I reported his ass.

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