Beats on Fourteens

I level through pvp capping the char at milestone level(s) and mostly enjoy the experience. You?

You must lvl characters a ton or something, I never seem to find anyone in the EXP on when I'm lvling.
can we get a mod to lock this please.. and perhaps just delete it all together.

we are all members of the 10-14 bracket not 15-19 please remember that.
can we get a mod to lock this please.. and perhaps just delete it all together.

we are all members of the 10-14 bracket not 15-19 please remember that.

Because you get to decide on what everyone gets/wants to discuss? Sounds like you prefer this was swept under the rug, but I don't think that will happen.
not at all, just trying to keep the forums to important subjects. everyone in BON knows our policy. i cannot control BOF and i dont comment on their guilds policy. if my members join WSG i g kick.

i think as a whole this bracket likes to keep the forums clean and focus on progressing to a stable bracket.

i understand ur anger and i see what u are doing. but i think a private message or contacting BOF GM would be a more appropriate approach.
BAMF we miss you bro
^ good idea.
lol. Was doing AGM a few minutes ago on my 19 on Medivh and got RAGED at after killing a level 10 who was after same thing....he then logged his main fast.....killed me.....sat there teabagging my body for 5 minutes or so as if he owned me despite the fact that he lost and then started the trash talk. I think his 10's name was some variation of Siri (had special characters and can't remember for sure). Was kinda hilarious.

I may roll a ten sometime but please a reminder to tens......stay classy. Yes you are going to lose every time I show up on a 19 or 29.....thats what you signed up need to rage.
not at all, just trying to keep the forums to important subjects. everyone in BON knows our policy. i cannot control BOF and i dont comment on their guilds policy. if my members join WSG i g kick.

i think as a whole this bracket likes to keep the forums clean and focus on progressing to a stable bracket.

i understand ur anger and i see what u are doing. but i think a private message or contacting BOF GM would be a more appropriate approach.

whole thread and private messages with co-gm didn't do squat, he's one of the main offenders.

also this crap is what got twinks hated by a large amount of the community in the first place...
private messages with me? um you never pm-ed me, nor did anybody else, the only reason why i do the bug is for achievements, hence why I do not have 50k hk's, just 10k, the bare minimum for my 10k hk achievement adn wsg and ab ones. I play to cap, not farm.

Same with Healstrong, Haste, and Bankbeauty.
private messages with me? um you never pm-ed me, nor did anybody else, the only reason why i do the bug is for achievements, hence why I do not have 50k hk's, just 10k, the bare minimum for my 10k hk achievement adn wsg and ab ones. I play to cap, not farm.

Same with Healstrong, Haste, and Bankbeauty.

correct, guys other brackets do it. what i think you'll find is that the lack of consistant activity in the bracket simply urges people to want to play their twink somehow. many do world pvp but unfortuneately, medivh is PvE and alliance dominated. :'(
cheating is for bads. how hard is this to understand?

"i just do it for cheeves" is bullshit. you're selfish piles of shit who enjoy griefing more than actuall competition.
Because you get to decide on what everyone gets/wants to discuss?  Sounds like you prefer this was swept under the rug, but I don't think that will happen.

Flaming against the whole bracket vs the couple who do it is more than reason for this to be closed. Not to mention that this glitch has been around for a really really long time. Basically everything you have said has been said before. It keeps coming up when some newbie to this site creates an account and starts crying bloody murder. ~ Embarassment for that person ~. Search forums ftw.
you want to say it is bullshit? than why do i only have 10k hk's, and this toon was leveled to 10 on 6/20/2010, if i wanted to i could have a shit ton more, but i do the bare minimum for achievements........

and any game wsg in the 10-14 bracket, is either horde farming ally, or ally farming horde, no even games, its not only when twinks use the bug to get in, does the gy farming start
private messages with me? um you never pm-ed me, nor did anybody else, the only reason why i do the bug is for achievements, hence why I do not have 50k hk's, just 10k, the bare minimum for my 10k hk achievement adn wsg and ab ones. I play to cap, not farm.

Same with Healstrong, Haste, and Bankbeauty.

you serious right now?

for starters, yes, we had a couple pages worth of thread arguing about it, and i did pm you about said thread. must i really go find it?

secondly, i never said you farmed. farming is not the issue at all in this topic. This is an exploit.

also: i never accused healstrong, haste, or bankbeauty of this because i've never seen them do it or seen them admit to doing it.
not putting them in the spotlight right now, but look at their battlegrounds played.

"I'm gonna facepalm myself into the wall, pretend i didn't hear you didn't say that, and forget about this thread." is what you responded to me after I pm-ed you about the earlier thread, you definately pmed me back with an attitude to get something compelted. Where is you trying to pm me to get somehting done? how did you get nothing accomplished when you pm-ed back "Im gonna facepalm myself"
Why would anyone get so upset about a 10-14 bracket, or just losing one game? Could you just not level up to 15, or play a new bg. Is there that few players that you always get BOF players?

Too bad - on my PVP servers there are way to many players to ever get the same ones twice. Also, isn't a twink itself unfair and OP? even if you do not use the XP off bug? I mean, I don't agree that making a good geared twink is unfair, but your arguments seem to be that it is so bad to be OP, but most twinks are OP, especially in the lower level brackets, right?
not putting them in the spotlight right now, but look at their battlegrounds played.

"I'm gonna facepalm myself into the wall, pretend i didn't hear you didn't say that, and forget about this thread." is what you responded to me after I pm-ed you about the earlier thread, you definately pmed me back with an attitude to get something compelted. Where is you trying to pm me to get somehting done? how did you get nothing accomplished when you pm-ed back "Im gonna facepalm myself"

when someone facepalms, they dont do it because they're stupid, they do it because the person who'm they're trying to convey a point to doesn't get it. especially when its incredibly easy to understand. Congrats, you're impossible to argue with because you dont accept reason.

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