Beats on Fourteens

Needless to say, if you abuse of this exploit in anyway, you should be reported.
I took it a bit to far. But still. Twinkinfo isnt the site for you to complain bud. I mean we have got reasons to twink aswell. If you play with so much level 10 twinks just do something else like play a 70 or ever make a twink. I mean come on.
I took it a bit to far. But still. Twinkinfo isnt the site for you to complain bud. I mean we have got reasons to twink aswell. If you play with so much level 10 twinks just do something else like play a 70 or ever make a twink. I mean come on.

he's not complaining solely for himself.

people DO think of others. try it.

twinkinfo is pretty much the face of the twinking community, and some people feel it should be represented differently than you do.
There are other brackets that do this not just 10's. Take the 19's when AB became available and people had nearly full cheesment after couple days when Twink ques didnt pop. there a few twinks on this site that i find alot of people turn a blind eye to.
Didnt say that. Restofthelynx I said that he should try twinking or somesort instead of whining about them. We work for twinks, we dont want complaints. I understand he is sticking up for others but I mean you really cant take this game that seriously. Come on.
Here's my 2 Copper on the subject. I can't stand people who complain about twinks in PvP. There is almost zero difference from a true twink who took months or years to get all the BiS gear and a leveler with fully enchanted BOA in every slot possible. Blizzard turns a blind eye to the BOA "twinks" even though they destroy regular levelers in BGs just like true twinks used to before Blizz stuck us with basically no BG pops. Those of you out there that are too lazy to learn how to play your class and play against other classes in PvP or don't bother to get good gear for your level, I have no sympathy for you. Besides, your going to level out of that bracket in what, a few hours, so get pwned and move on, or don't PvP it's that simple. Or, go get fully enchanted BOA in every slot possible, learn how to play your class, and go pwn the twinks back.

I personally have never used the system as it is now to gain access to xp on games, but I don't consider it an exploit either. Blizz doesn't bother to try and fix it, doesn't seem to care if people are reported (doesn't ban them for it), then how exactly is it an exploit? I've said it before I'll say it til the day I die, casual/untalented PvPers have ruined WoW and will continue making it worse.
I love farming people.. Idc what you say.

I've done this with a 10, 19, 39, 60, 70,80..

Bank how can you even say that, when you did the same for cheese points?
Thank you

and during that time we stayed in bg's without the fear of leveling. well that has changed and most of us have adapted. the piles of shit like you who still feel the need to grief wont ever change, but i can report every single one of you in hopes blizzard takes away your toys(the toons you spent so much time gearing up) and makes you go sit in a corner.

and during that time we stayed in bg's without the fear of leveling. well that has changed and most of us have adapted. the piles of shit like you who still feel the need to grief wont ever change, but i can report every single one of you in hopes blizzard takes away your toys(the toons you spent so much time gearing up) and makes you go sit in a corner.

and during that time we stayed in bg's without the fear of leveling. well that has changed and most of us have adapted. the piles of shit like you who still feel the need to grief wont ever change, but i can report every single one of you in hopes blizzard takes away your toys(the toons you spent so much time gearing up) and makes you go sit in a corner.


Good luck with that. Also.. How are you going to report me when you dont know my chars name annd im EU.

Then what you think about people who go in, with XP on, hold the flag while they farm.. They're not breaking the rules.
ok good luck reporting every toon who has doen this in al the other brackets
and during that time we stayed in bg's without the fear of leveling. well that has changed and most of us have adapted. the piles of shit like you who still feel the need to grief wont ever change, but i can report every single one of you in hopes blizzard takes away your toys(the toons you spent so much time gearing up) and makes you go sit in a corner.

Gl to you, Blizz is known for not giving a shit about PvP. And you have kinda proved the point I made, either learn to PvP or get yourself in fully enchanted BOAs in every slot possible then go pwn the twinks back. Just because someone twinks does NOT mean they know how to PvP, it just means their gear is probably superior to yours. All you have to do is truly learn how to PvP, pair that with full BOA and blam, those "cheating twinks" you cry about so much won't have it so easy next time. Either that or keep whining to Blizz like everyone does that's like you (the non-skilled, casual PvPer) and Blizz will do their best to further ruin the game because they're too stupid to separate abilities and effect from PvP > PvE.
Bank how can you even say that, when you did the same for cheese points?

You probably didn't read my previous post. Thank you
Honestly, it is kind of cheap. I do it once in a while, just for the sake of doing a game, but I don't go ANYWHERE near the Graveyard to farm. I probably do it atleast once a week or once every two weeks, but I honestly do not grind, I just defend the FC, and whoever happens to be near gets 1-2 shotted, or I'll go after EFC and pop lifeblood.

But yeah, people who do it all the time are just dicks, let the non-twinks enjoy the game too! XD
WTB merge of xp on and xp off. Why? Cause they split the brackets into 10-14 and 15-19. Before we had new players @lvl 10 bging against lvl 19 twinks. Now it would be at least a closer range. More than half the people have BoA's anyways and have cheapo enchanted whites making them fairly decently geared. Also, it would allow for the real 10-14 twinks to queue and make up part of BOTH teams - giving everyone a decent game and not worrying about camping for hk's cause after the BG you can requeue without glitching it - etc etc etc. Such an obvious way to resolve it . . . Bliz please take note.
More than half the people have BoA's anyways

Yup and Blizz turns a blind eye to them even though they rape undergeared levelers just as bad as real twinks do. -OR- stick anyone with a BOA in their bags or on their person in xp off BG's, either way you'd make the casual-undergeared-untalented PvPers happy and the twinks too.
I too miss the days when I could roam around in wsg on a level 10 night elf rogue. Kiting all the horribad and mediocre rogues back in the day. Even the warriors gave me applause and said that I was one of the best rogues they encountered... Of course that is back in the days of Leg Armor, Librams, and Rocket Boots at level 1

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