BCEPQue 3.0 Twink Rating Addon (Release)

iam sry but why youre staying at 28 and not 29?:D
Is it so that u can disable the addon if u face some1 good? :S

You can turn it off But your Rating from Last matches and Stats wont Save :)
aha so its really easy to dodge and just go down in rating?

To dodge..... If you dont want to Play in this competition dont Download IT and ignore it....
When you have 8-0 today and you know you will lose and turn The Addon off you will have again 0-0 0 rating But that isnt that what we want or?
was just wondering:) afraid ppl would dodge to get fake rating, but now its all clear
BTW. In 1 Hour everybody i will Come on and check The Chars via battletag if you want to be verified tonight so add your char to your Account and be online
edit: problem was fixed - fast and helpful tech support ;D

When I tried to write the SN id number I got banned instantly, do I need to write the W/L aswell when updating or just the SN number?
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I noticed when I click any of the characters on "bcep.eliteguilds.net" ranking ladders that the armory profiles were all in German (/wow/de/ instead of /wow/en/). Will you change this so we don't have to change language every time we click a character name that leads us to their armory?

Since the ladder site is in english it would've been nice to have the armory links in english aswell :)
I noticed when I click any of the characters on "bcep.eliteguilds.net" ranking ladders that the armory profiles were all in German (/wow/de/ instead of /wow/en/). Will you change this so we don't have to change language every time we click a character name that leads us to their armory?

Since the ladder site is in english it would've been nice to have the armory links in english aswell :)
Will fix this :)
BCEP Twink Ladders have new filter:
Brackets: (NEW) > "All Brackets" / 70 Ladder ..................................
Countries: (NEW) "TOP World" / (NEW) "USA" / German............................

New Ranklist: "World Twink Guild Ranklist" [Guild competition]

The US Ladder & Character ADD Service are now unlocked! Everyone from US-Realms can add their character and after this create just an account and add your character to your Account then.
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