Battleground Exploit Frustrations - Discuss

lol, the people that can do it thinks it isn't an exploit :rolleyes:. i don't care who does it, it's an easy jump to do and it's hardly game breaking, but it is an exploit!

don't kid your selves.

Its not an exploit. Its just abusing the game´s mechanics and doing stuff you aren´t supposed to do.

sense it no makes.
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sense it no makes.

Its not intended, but it sure isn´t an exploit. Just like Worgens escaping Gilneas at lvl 1.

There are simply no exploits anymore. Just stuff that isn´t intended to be done. Yes i love this thread. Ffing logic paradoxes.

every retard (with a big mount) can also get on the stable/lm/farm roof, so because its easy it isnt an exploit? fuck logic

edit: lost faith in f2p com, so many tards and bad ppl who think this shit is legit.

It suddenly isn´t exploiting anymore when everybody and their mom does it. Why is it suddenly all intended to be happening when everybody does it? This is mind boggling.

That jump is so easy I'm not even sure why people even consider it an exploit.

So was using Saronite Bombs in ICC to bug LK.
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what the hell? its an exploit, doesnt matter if 10 ppl a day or 100ppl a day do it, btw you should read my post again
You want to know if it's an exploit?

Post on the WoW forums drawing attention to it, and see how long it takes for your post to get deleted, because Bliz don't want people exploiting it.

every retard (with a big mount) can also get on the stable/lm/farm roof, so because its easy it isnt an exploit? fuck logic

Logic? Nope. Monkey see, monkey do.
what the hell? its an exploit, doesnt matter if 10 ppl a day or 100ppl a day do it, btw you should read my post again

I merely qouted you because i agreed with you. Its an exploit. This forum is just stupid as hell. Because something is easy to pull off, its still not intended. And yes its exploiting if people abuse it in the game.
I think that the fact that standing in that certain position makes you oddly not in LoS makes this far more exploitive than the tunnel roof; it seems that everyone getting to the roof ends up being blasted to death in a matter of moments, standing on this random balcony just causes the entire match to be forfeit as it becomes a boring stalemate.

I'll admit, I had no idea how to get up there myself (I'm not one to really go out of my way to find, abuse or exploit mechanics) but now that I do, I'm hopeful that it won't be such a problem in future. Although, I'm fairly certain that playing a Tauren excludes me from being able to reach the broken, invisible wall that destroys LoS - it seems only certain races (female human etc.) have any chance of getting there..

Thanks for your input, everyone :)
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Its not intended, but it sure isn´t an exploit. Just like Worgens escaping Gilneas at lvl 1.

There are simply no exploits anymore. Just stuff that isn´t intended to be done. Yes i love this thread. Ffing logic paradoxes.

all jumps are exploits. do them in rbg's and if the whole of the other team reports it, you'll get banned. i'm not saying don't do em, i'm not even saying i care.
If only I could copy and paste my argument from previous threads like this. Well I don't have time at to write out my essay on anyone that crys exploit about this is a retard . Gimi 2 hours to get through meeting at work then ill get to my argument.
i dont really see many exploits happen, but when it does, doesnt really matter to much if you know how to do it you can kill.
anyone that crys exploit about this is a retard

In a sense, I would normally agree; but, in this instance the fact that there is an invisible wall in place at a specific location that renders a target not in LoS makes me think differently.

Even if you know how to get to that position, not every race can access it - Tauren in this instance, even when using cat form, are not able to reach the same position and as such no jumping skills will allow you to kill the target, which makes this much more obviously an exploit than somewhere like the tunnel roof.

If you don't agree, then fair enough; but obviously there is something of a recurring trend in people doing this that just makes regular battlegrounds a complete drag.
I thought that was patched back in cata. But anyways, the only way you can get over there is by being a goblin and rocket jumping (maybe locks can go there too?) from the edge of the roof. It's an amazing spot particularly for a goblin shaman/priest to FC while negating melee attacks. Can't really call it an exploit either imo, just a very nifty spot.
Hmm.. I've seen only druids using this and it's impossible to attack the person at all, from any angle, not even whit ranged attacks
That jump is so easy I'm not even sure why people even consider it an exploit.

Its an exploit as only certain class's can get back there, its hasnt been in game for 6-7 years like every other wsg jump has. not to mention the LoS issue when your in plain LoS.

Comparing this to tun jumps, Everyone can do horde tun jumps just youtube wsg jumps etc.

to conclude this jump is an exploit.
first of all I would like to say that I find ridiculous, see how the 24s in bg come to cry here, secondly I would like to apologize to the lvl 20s hordes involved, not my intention, but I hate to be cultivated, or loser vs these players 24, , I think the best decision to avoid losing, can say that I do always says the /bg to my co-bg, they agree, not fun for us, not fun for anyone, Thirdly it seems ridiculous that more importance be given to such things instead of the plague of the horde 24s that always needs to win the Bg, there are always about 3-7 horde lvl 24 in bg (EU)
-if it makes you feel better and stop foaming at the mouth, cheer up im get permabanned, (bothering to translate, I will not do) I knew this would happen, so I do not mind at all ,, come on you can spit, or laugh at my, generally one of the most imbalanced brackets with a lvl 80bracket , not required skill or keybinds, only spam with the face 2 bottoms to get the glory, bb
first of all I would like to say that I find ridiculous...but I hate to be cultivated, or loser vs these players seems ridiculous that more importance be given to such things instead of the plague of the horde 24s that always needs to win the Bg

Level 24's joining is totally legitimate; it is after all the 20-24 bracket and not solely the f2p bracket; so, effectively, there's nothing that can be done to alter this as it stands. I'm not saying that 24's in the bracket are a great thing, and I'm not saying that they do not drag the bracket down slightly (I play both F2P 20's, and 24's just f.y.i) but comparing 24's joining, and exploiting (which evidently this is, as you've found yourself banned for it) an obviously broken area of the map is a little silly.

For what it's worth I'm sorry you've been permabanned, but as you said it was bound to happen.
Havent seen this since CTA AB but i hate when my team climbs on top of ST roof, and then wall jumps about 40 feet into the air. Not because its op, or broken (it is broken) but because for the rest of the game my team will try to imitate the one guy showing off. Needless to say, those games are pretty much lost at that point. It's like watching lemmings jump off a cliff.
Its an exploit as only certain class's can get back there, its hasnt been in game for 6-7 years like every other wsg jump has. not to mention the LoS issue when your in plain LoS.

Comparing this to tun jumps, Everyone can do horde tun jumps just youtube wsg jumps etc.

to conclude this jump is an exploit.

To conclude, this jump has been there for what? 3 years now? Still not patched? Learn it. Love it.
first of all I would like to say that I find ridiculous, see how the 24s in bg come to cry here, secondly I would like to apologize to the lvl 20s hordes involved, not my intention, but I hate to be cultivated, or loser vs these players 24, , I think the best decision to avoid losing, can say that I do always says the /bg to my co-bg, they agree, not fun for us, not fun for anyone, Thirdly it seems ridiculous that more importance be given to such things instead of the plague of the horde 24s that always needs to win the Bg, there are always about 3-7 horde lvl 24 in bg (EU)
-if it makes you feel better and stop foaming at the mouth, cheer up im get permabanned, (bothering to translate, I will not do) I knew this would happen, so I do not mind at all ,, come on you can spit, or laugh at my, generally one of the most imbalanced brackets with a lvl 80bracket , not required skill or keybinds, only spam with the face 2 bottoms to get the glory, bb

In 5.3 24-20 p2p have a slight advantage over F2P, still annoying but something we can deal with.
Btw u are good player and alliance needs you with exploits or without them, you decide.
Make a new wow2 F2P acc if u can... I miss your dope spectral tiger :)
If u cant, just make brand new acc.

This if u want to continue playing in the 20-24bracket. <3

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