balance update?


so far i would just like a balance update on playablity atm like rogues are ok but that they cant 1 shot anymore(WOOT) and basicly i just want to know what specs have died and/or became viable for most classes if the classes arent worth a crap dont put them
Hunters on top, warriors on bottom. Everything else seems balanced, except maybe enhancement shamans?
imo warriors, mages and shaman are the worst

idk about warlocks and I'd like to have someone who plays a 19 lock chime in

aside from that I would say pallies are great in all 3 specs, rogues and hunters are great, holy priests are good, and druids seem to be pretty good for any spec

I'd say rogues and hunters are the best dps, pallies are the best healers and I don't really know about which class is the best CC
I think locks are pretty viable as a support class... as long as you can stay back, dot everything and keep the opposition healer busy and under pressure you are golden. It's hard to survive a focused burst though... We (at least I) definitely have a hard time dueling certain classes... Some survival skill would be nice, but my lock is definitely more viable than my warrior.
ceruleus said:
imo warriors, mages and shaman are the worst

idk about warlocks and I'd like to have someone who plays a 19 lock chime in

aside from that I would say pallies are great in all 3 specs, rogues and hunters are great, holy priests are good, and druids seem to be pretty good for any spec

I'd say rogues and hunters are the best dps, pallies are the best healers and I don't really know about which class is the best CC

mages are downright awesome! arcane for damage and frost is the best at CC

frost gets 3 freezes if you spec right
ceruleus said:
imo warriors, mages and shaman are the worst

idk about warlocks and I'd like to have someone who plays a 19 lock chime in

aside from that I would say pallies are great in all 3 specs, rogues and hunters are great, holy priests are good, and druids seem to be pretty good for any spec

I'd say rogues and hunters are the best dps, pallies are the best healers and I don't really know about which class is the best CC

Mages are NOT the worst. They are pretty overpowered.

Obviously not the best vs Hunter spam. But look at their abilities, CC, Damage and Survivability. Ret Paladins are underpowered currently, due to Hunters; and also Paladins lack of ToT, and gaining Holy Power charges.

Priests and Paladins are about even in team play + survivability. Frost Mages are the best CC, hands down.
Llare said:
Mages are NOT the worst. They are pretty overpowered.

Obviously not the best vs Hunter spam. But look at their abilities, CC, Damage and Survivability. Ret Paladins are underpowered currently, due to Hunters; and also Paladins lack of ToT, and gaining Holy Power charges.

Priests and Paladins are about even in team play + survivability. Frost Mages are the best CC, hands down.

I agree with most of what you are saying except the part where u say they are overpowered. lol They can be killed to fast to be considered overpowered....They are one of the best classes at 19 tho. H pallies and hunters imo are at the top. hunters are what u call overpowered.
Tier 1: Hunter, Paladin

Tier 2: Mage, Priest, Druid, Warlock, Rogue

Tier 3: Shaman, Warrior

The classes in each tier are in no specific order.
I see that warlock isn't even on that list. Does that mean they are Tier 4 or even Non-viable now with how pathetic their damage kinda is atm.
ceruleus said:
imo warriors, mages and shaman are the worst

idk about warlocks and I'd like to have someone who plays a 19 lock chime in

aside from that I would say pallies are great in all 3 specs, rogues and hunters are great, holy priests are good, and druids seem to be pretty good for any spec

I'd say rogues and hunters are the best dps, pallies are the best healers and I don't really know about which class is the best CC

I wouldn't use the sweeping statement that 'shaman are worst' (along with the other two), it depends entirely on role.

As healers, yeah we suck, no doubt about it. although an earth shield on FC is never a bad thing.

however as ele, we far from suck, we dont have great survivability but can dish out decent damage, slows, debuffs, buffs etc.

Just my op, ele is a very viable spec to play atm.
Pizza said:
Tier 1: Hunter, Paladin

Tier 2: Mage, Priest, Druid, Warlock, Rogue

Tier 3: Shaman, Warrior

The classes in each tier are in no specific order.

I can prettymuch agree with this, although I think rogue is better than tier 2 and just slightly worse than tier 1

overall good response though :p
RizenPhoenix said:
I see that warlock isn't even on that list. Does that mean they are Tier 4 or even Non-viable now with how pathetic their damage kinda is atm.

While some classes go nuclear with their damage, warlocks are like a slow-cooker... They get it done, it's good, but takes time. 1on1 a warlock is pretty limited, yet the last couple days my warlock was usually top5 in damage in wsg while not zerging mid (I play D). Mind, these are PUGs, but a well played warlock can do some damage, ss the healer, vend crack, cc. My shadow bolts crit for 480 (sometimes not viable to sit and cast, because I die too fast if not moving) and it's quite nice to see 50-150 ticks from my dots everywhere on the map. Disspelling classes are annoying, but that's life.

/salute for well-played underdog classes and the dedicated players keeping diversity in wsg alive.
xaeon said:
/salute for well-played underdog classes and the dedicated players keeping diversity in wsg alive.

I like to see diversity a lot. Any class played well can do well, especially in pugs at the moment. Hunters are a bit OP that is true. But the advantage of an underpowered class (if you will) is that most players do not quite know how to handle them (as they are rare to the casual player). Don't go making classes based on knowing if they are OP or not. If you choose an OP class and think you're going to pewpew you will be in for a surprise sooner or later as you will come acros people really knowing how to play and run over you without a problem. Or most likely simply ignore you and continue to win the game by focussing on the flags (to me a win is a win by flags, couldn't care less about hk's etc). Allso, classes being OP UP or whatever has been changing since this game came on the market.

My opinion: I do not give a damn which class is considered OP. Just play and learn how to win, can be done on just about any class. Wsg (and other bg's for that matter) is a strategy game.

P.s. I don't like mentioning names, but for the EU players, try playing against the UP Examiner (warrior fyi), good example of skill > anything imo.
haven't been playing my lock because rogues were killing me easy prepatch without an instant-cast cc and no voidwalker bubble. on my healers i pretty much just laugh when i get dotted because i can cast 1 or 2 quick heals and it doesn't matter. skill/play must factor in greatly too because Hitherepals seems to do better than most of the locks i encounter.
Lawlpurge said:
Just for the record, i was raping people in the BGs just now as Ele. If you can play on your toes and kite very well, it's very viable. Lifeblood and LBs will take down nearly anything, combine that with ~25% crit and 200 sp and its disgusting. Shaman, at least ele, is better than mage and lock right now imo.

For a team based strategy game, like WSG should be played (sadly PuGs can't), a mage serves every purpose better than an Ele Sham. Unless of course you add in silly variables like Thunderfucking someone off roof. Mages CC is unchallenged, Arcane has a Silence and they have an Escape Mech, Blink. Also Arcane CAN dish out some tasty damage.

I'm not anti Shaman, I'm jus' sayin'. Frost Mages CC better, and Arcane messes healers up better, while still managing to AoE Slow/Freeze, Sheep and still deal decent damage. Thundershock is an amazing utility/CC tool, but sometimes a little too situational for my liking.
Llare said:
For a team based strategy game, like WSG should be played (sadly PuGs can't), a mage serves every purpose better than an Ele Sham. Unless of course you add in silly variables like Thunderfucking someone off roof. Mages CC is unchallenged, Arcane has a Silence and they have an Escape Mech, Blink. Also Arcane CAN dish out some tasty damage.

I'm not anti Shaman, I'm jus' sayin'. Frost Mages CC better, and Arcane messes healers up better, while still managing to AoE Slow/Freeze, Sheep and still deal decent damage. Thundershock is an amazing utility/CC tool, but sometimes a little too situational for my liking.

Well the thread is about class balance, so I was just stating that ele is not a gimped spec right now. It's viable.

2-Paladin, Rogue, Druid

3-Mage, Priest

4-Shaman, Warlock


There is a big gap between 1 and the rest. 2-4 are all pretty close to each other, but, because of who dominates the 1 slot each of the other classes have been ranked accordingly. 5 is in the worst state it's ever been, bordering on unplayable.

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