As some predicted: Queue-bugging patched in 8.2

Most every way of interacting with others is blocked. No mail, no trade, no whisper, no chat. Even /say and emotes are muted for players above like 29(?)

But you can get heirlooms via Darkmoon Faire and marks of honor.

Or if you want to link your f2p account to your existing account you'll have access to all your heirlooms, pets, mounts, etc. IMO this isn't as much fun as creating a whole new account from scratch, but some people prefer it

I thought I may have had a brilliant idea of being able to trade consumables,enchants etc and what not to a seperate ftp account.
But you just ruined that lol.

Not being able to purchase consumables is alone enough to say f2p isnt a option to me. Youre going to be outpowered always fighting a uphill battle to begin with against paying players

I could do the "vet" thing you mentioned and enchant, heirloom,pot my toon out.... but once the pots are used up its back to the drawing board.
I guess this could outweigh having a sub and having to reroll a toon everytime it hits 30 but idk...ill have to think about it.
You said you can ask gms to transfer game time to another account?
So I could trade back n fourth on tje regular between a made up account( to harbor game time) and main account?
Or they only allow like once?

Edit: So apparently with the expansion I can reroll a toon automatically starting at level 20 correct? I just have to purchase expansion only right?
This + sub may ne the way to go for me if so
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Not being able to purchase consumables is alone enough to say f2p isnt a option to me. Youre going to be outpowered always fighting a uphill battle to begin with against paying players
So I feel like vet is def your way to go. You can always resub to buy consumables when you run out BUT...

f2p players can purchase gliders via marks of honor and can make speed pots via alchemy.

You aren't at a huge disadvantage, esp if you roll a f2p healer. My F2P druid has like an 80% win rate and I want to stress that I am truly mediocre at this game. F2P is very competitive if you want to try it out in the future.
I could do the "vet" thing you mentioned and enchant, heirloom,pot my toon out.... but once the pots are used up its back to the drawing board.

Keep in mind as a Vet your queueing into levelers as f2p as well as other Vets. But... If consumables are so important to you then just stock up big time and then when you run out ask a GM for some game time to buy a token, empty mail.. etc. Then use that free time to stock up some more.

I can reroll a toon automatically starting at level 20 correct? I just have to purchase expansion only right?

If you’re talking about allied races, there is a rep grind you have to do to unlock them. Merely buying the expansion does not give your account access.
Thanks to both of you.

And yes Faerondil.
Making sure im in the f2p bgs is probably most important to gain edge.

I found out that in order to reroll a toon starting at level 20 requires not only expansion, but to be exalted as well.
Which would be more time consuming then just powerleveling 1-20 for a few hours.

So looks like I mys well just keep a subscription . and reroll toon everytime he hits 30 in the 20-29 bracket...all the mean time having access to everything

Thx for all the help.

Wow needs to get rid of earning xp in bg and solve the problem full circle once and for all
I mean blame the guy who made the macro public to people on this site instead of lvl 20 twinks. We were in the same situation as WoD but I had no idea this thing existed back then. Someone dig up that thread
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It’s not everyone my friend. Don’t judge the entire group by the vocal minority.


I never said that everyone in this community -is- toxic. Just that, outside from this website, this community is mainly seen as a bunch of toxic people ...
For sure, they are refering to people who talk the more. Those who don't talk don't change the way this community is seen :/
Even if we were 90% of muted, kind and friendly people, the remaining 10% toxic people who talk the most would define how the community is seen :/
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I mean blame the guy who made the macro public to people on this site instead of lvl 20 twinks. We were in the same situation as WoD but I had no idea this thing existed back then. Someone dig up that thread

Trust me when I say this my friend, the people on this forum have little to no effect on Blizzard’s decisions. The amount of people that are active on this website are infinitesimal when compared to the millions upon millions of WoW subscribers.
The positives/negatives that happens to lowbies are mostly the cause trickledown effect from other issues.

I never said that everyone in this community -is- toxic. Just that, outside from this website, this community is mainly seen as a bunch of toxic people ...
For sure, they are refering to people who talk the more. Those who don't talk don't change the way this community is seen :/
Even if we were 90% of muted, kind and friendly people, the remaining 10% toxic people who talk the most would define how the community is seen :/

I am not stating you did. People tend look at the world with cognitive bias. Thus, they only remember the toxic posts and forget the rest.

It really is a shame that the website blew a golden opportunity not too long ago with a very popular streamer due to a few toxic personalities on this website.
Just think, had that not happened we might be having a very fruitful “Twink Cup 2019”. Instead look where we are now. We can’t even get four teams, much less the required eight for a decent tournament. Which is what most people really want to watch, a decent 10v10 tournament. Not SSDD.

It(twink pop shrinkage) really is due to a few people turning others off to this style of play. With people leaving the hobby each and every year and people being put off by a few rude, intolerant and unaccepting personalities the population of twinks has shrunk over the years.
At least the administration finally, after all my years of begging, did institute that new users to the site should be treated with some reason of decorum. That was one step in the right direction.

I thought I may have had a brilliant idea of being able to trade consumables,enchants etc and what not to a seperate ftp account.
But you just ruined that lol.

Not being able to purchase consumables is alone enough to say f2p isnt a option to me. Youre going to be outpowered always fighting a uphill battle to begin with against paying players

I could do the "vet" thing you mentioned and enchant, heirloom,pot my toon out.... but once the pots are used up its back to the drawing board.
I guess this could outweigh having a sub and having to reroll a toon everytime it hits 30 but idk...ill have to think about it.
You said you can ask gms to transfer game time to another account?
So I could trade back n fourth on tje regular between a made up account( to harbor game time) and main account?
Or they only allow like once?

Edit: So apparently with the expansion I can reroll a toon automatically starting at level 20 correct? I just have to purchase expansion only right?
This + sub may ne the way to go for me if so
Vets over power levelers by a huge margin. You don’t even need consumables
theres multiple methods lol, im sure they didn’t patch em all
I think you're confused about the difference between an exploit vulnerability and the mechanism by which the vulnerability was being exploited.

For the queue exploit, the vulnerability was a race condition between entering the battle ground via clicking the accept button and the turning off of XP via the accept button for the interaction with the NPC. The macro itself had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE VULNERABILITY. It simply made taking advantage of the vulnerability easier. The vulnerability was also exploited by some people without using anything other than a couple of rapid mouse clicks with no macros involved. It was just easier for more people to click a mouse button followed immediately afterwards with a keyboard key instead of mouse click, move mouse, mouse click within the same time frame.

I don't know what solution Blizzard implemented and there may still be other vulnerabilities to be exploited. But in general, if Blizzard's implementation checks the player's XP ON/OFF status a second or two after the battleground load screen finishes, that would pretty much destroy any hope of a race condition being exploited.
Its remarkable how hard people are clinging to the "if I can use a script to exploit client side latency in order to circumvent blizzards stated intentions in game design, then really it wasnt an exploit because its only an exploit if it isnt possible" argument.

You are exploiting. You got away with exploiting for months. You will likely suffer no consequences for exploiting. Its getting patched. Suck it up.
Xpoff players can still be in the same pvp instance as xpon players.
Not a problem. Bigger problem is no twinks being allowed to play at all without making communities outside of the game to set up 1 night a week to do wargames. That causes people to quit the game. That makes blizzard lose money. Merged brackets doesn't cause any problems and only a very minor part of the population even complains about it. No one quits over it though.
Not a problem. Bigger problem is no twinks being allowed to play at all without making communities outside of the game to set up 1 night a week to do wargames. That causes people to quit the game. That makes blizzard lose money. Merged brackets doesn't cause any problems and only a very minor part of the population even complains about it. No one quits over it though.
wow dude, you must have insider knowledge about blizzards subscriber metrics.

Can you tell us more?
"Um obviously it's an intended mechanic because blizzard hasn't tried to fix it"

Its remarkable how hard people are clinging to the "if I can use a script to exploit client side latency in order to circumvent blizzards stated intentions in game design, then really it wasnt an exploit because its only an exploit if it isnt possible" argument.

Not a single person in this thread has said anything close to this. And of course you don't give a fuck because you're a scummy f2p/vet player. "Hurr durr you want to do bgs and stomp levelers? GET FUCKED IDIOTS! I'm gonna go back to my leveler bgs and stomp levelers!" Maybe if you actually paid to play the game you'd care more.
Not a single person in this thread has said anything close to this. And of course you don't give a fuck because you're a scummy f2p/vet player. "Hurr durr you want to do bgs and stomp levelers? GET FUCKED IDIOTS! I'm gonna go back to my leveler bgs and stomp levelers!" Maybe if you actually paid to play the game you'd care more.
dis nigga mad
wow dude, you must have insider knowledge about blizzards subscriber metrics.

Can you tell us more?

You have to really try hard to have a willing suspension of disbelief that there are more people who quit the game because they get globalled a few times in bgs on their 12 hour /played trip to max level than twinks who quit because they can't play the only content they like. People who level in bgs can go level in any other way and have a plethora of content to do to avoid twinks. Or they can sit through a few twink queues and then be over it once they get into deader brackets like 39/49/59/69/89/99/etc. Twinks really can't do much aside from bg. Once you get BiS there is nothing else to do unless you just want to grind reps.

Or you're just brain dead. Or just shitposting for the sake of it. Either way, you're dumb.

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