arms wariors strength vs crit?

Not exactly question for this thread, but pretty close:
If MS ans Slam (primary Arms damage soucers) are not affected by AP (str), but rather by pure weapon damage, wouldnt Riot Stick be better than BAR? There would be some problems with hit probably, but bracers/boots/something else with hit can substitude. I'm making a warrior now and want to know your opinion.
Seasoned Soldier: Riot Stick does NOT count as a 2-handed melee weapon. Do not make that mistake.
If Slam and MS both do not gain damage from strength, meaning, if you get more strength, it doesn't effect numbers, and just SOLELY relies on the high end number on your weapon, then crit > str, and str is a useless stat on Arms. It would ONLY improve white damage.

That being said, I REALLY hope this is the case, and if so, brb rolling warrior.
If Slam and MS both do not gain damage from strength, meaning, if you get more strength, it doesn't effect numbers, and just SOLELY relies on the high end number on your weapon, then crit > str, and str is a useless stat on Arms. It would ONLY improve white damage.

That being said, I REALLY hope this is the case, and if so, brb rolling warrior.

No, that's not true at all. Strength does benefit your weapon damage, because weapon damage is based off the weapons stats and a coefficient of your strength depending on what weapon type it is (1 hand, 2 hand). You can look it up on wowpedia.

However, I believe last I checked (might be wrong it was a long time ago) the strength coefficient for Mortal Strike (which is normalized at 3.3 or 3.4 or whatever) is only 20%. How that even translates into damage, I have no idea.

That said, Slam is not normalized, which means it uses the full might of BAR's 3.8 weapon speed, meaning strength should scale harder with Slam than it does with Mortal Strike. But how much that is, and whether or not it's worth sacrificing strength for critical is another matter.

=) I'm really looking forward to getting my BAR this weekend. Didn't even realize you can get 160+ tickets if you get every artifact + do all the professions + first time 10 ticket bonus.
No, that's not true at all. Strength does benefit your weapon damage, because weapon damage is based off the weapons stats and a coefficient of your strength depending on what weapon type it is (1 hand, 2 hand). You can look it up on wowpedia.

However, I believe last I checked (might be wrong it was a long time ago) the strength coefficient for Mortal Strike (which is normalized at 3.3 or 3.4 or whatever) is only 20%. How that even translates into damage, I have no idea.

That said, Slam is not normalized, which means it uses the full might of BAR's 3.8 weapon speed, meaning strength should scale harder with Slam than it does with Mortal Strike. But how much that is, and whether or not it's worth sacrificing strength for critical is another matter.

=) I'm really looking forward to getting my BAR this weekend. Didn't even realize you can get 160+ tickets if you get every artifact + do all the professions + first time 10 ticket bonus.

Honestly thought that was how it was. BUT. I just did a chardev, that had 1741 hp, 23.96% crit. O_O. I'd be so so so scared of this.
Honestly thought that was how it was. BUT. I just did a chardev, that had 1741 hp, 23.96% crit. O_O. I'd be so so so scared of this.

Can Chardev properly scale with how the bgs do now? I know my crit rate usually goes down in BGs, but yeah crit definitely is worth trying since it give so much bang for your buck, at least more than strength by a fair margin. It's more of a question of certain items such as Cobrahns and Wild Riders/Sparkproof/Jennys and the SFK bracers, whether or not it's worth sacrificing the additional armor and stats simply for more crit.

Personally I just hate the fact that DPR is so hard to get. Other classes don't need to care about it because either int or agil give damage + crit, and Prot Paladins still scale with strength well enough to not devote hard into crit, but Warriors basically got no other choice. As someone who doesn't even wanna go through the fuss of LFH (I'm a gnome warrior so despite my posts I care more about aesthetics than power level =P) and opted out by going Alliance, I can't see myself ever mustering up the effort to get something like DPR. I may as well start trying to use trial runs and try to talk GMs into transferring heirlooms on my old p2p account (lol then again I don't even have the hat and pants etc). I hate RNG determining loot as well, which is why I stopped paying in the first place. If it weren't for DMF, I probably wouldn't even bother twinking at all. Hopefully more heirlooms get added to it =P
No, that's not true at all. Strength does benefit your weapon damage, because weapon damage is based off the weapons stats and a coefficient of your strength depending on what weapon type it is (1 hand, 2 hand). You can look it up on wowpedia.

However, I believe last I checked (might be wrong it was a long time ago) the strength coefficient for Mortal Strike (which is normalized at 3.3 or 3.4 or whatever) is only 20%. How that even translates into damage, I have no idea.

That said, Slam is not normalized, which means it uses the full might of BAR's 3.8 weapon speed, meaning strength should scale harder with Slam than it does with Mortal Strike. But how much that is, and whether or not it's worth sacrificing strength for critical is another matter.

=) I'm really looking forward to getting my BAR this weekend. Didn't even realize you can get 160+ tickets if you get every artifact + do all the professions + first time 10 ticket bonus.

Futhermore you can try DMF arena chest, it's spawning every 3h and contains 5tickets; if you log in for the first few hours after DMF starts you can do 8*5 daylies total.
Futhermore you can try DMF arena chest, it's spawning every 3h and contains 5tickets; if you log in for the first few hours after DMF starts you can do 8*5 daylies total.

DMF arena chest depends on the server, at least on mine (Tichondrius) I always see 90s there, occasionally 90s guarding a 20. But always with 90s. I would not include that due to it's ridiculous unreliability unless you have 90 friends, at which point it's no different than having 90s funnel you AGM and DPR and LFH. Take it one step further and we have people paying for others =P subscription (I wish~).

My calculations did include the bonus eighth daily, otherwise you cannot get 160. You would be shy 2 tickets I believe, or something like that. My point is that it is reasonably possible to get 160 tickets within one week, for a single character if you spend all 7 days trying even with bad luck (within reason, there is never a limit to bad luck or greedy people in dungeons).
Skill aside...Belf is nicer for killing healers and Orc for 1:1 or protecting your healer by killing dangerous classes like rogues who always strive to make love to your healer...

Silence only effects your thunder clap.

Furthermore charge almost never misses and one other thing many pp don't know....the first attack after your charge ( being MS or Slam ) never misses regardless of your hit rating....even on rogue evasion...

Speaking of rogue's evasion.....your execute ability has the most chance of hitting the rogue while in evasion...don't know why this is really but it's how it is....

Those are some of the things you notice when playing countless hours....regardless of what the numbers say...

Hit capping is a must if you want to interrupt heals with charge reliably. If you never try interrupting heals and just face roll it matters less.

Execute does not have a higher change to hit than other specials, your first ability after a charg seems to hit more, because you cannot parry/dodge when stunned.

Hope that cleared some odd points up a bit.
Can Chardev properly scale with how the bgs do now? I know my crit rate usually goes down in BGs, but yeah crit definitely is worth trying since it give so much bang for your buck, at least more than strength by a fair margin. It's more of a question of certain items such as Cobrahns and Wild Riders/Sparkproof/Jennys and the SFK bracers, whether or not it's worth sacrificing the additional armor and stats simply for more crit.

Personally I just hate the fact that DPR is so hard to get. Other classes don't need to care about it because either int or agil give damage + crit, and Prot Paladins still scale with strength well enough to not devote hard into crit, but Warriors basically got no other choice. As someone who doesn't even wanna go through the fuss of LFH (I'm a gnome warrior so despite my posts I care more about aesthetics than power level =P) and opted out by going Alliance, I can't see myself ever mustering up the effort to get something like DPR. I may as well start trying to use trial runs and try to talk GMs into transferring heirlooms on my old p2p account (lol then again I don't even have the hat and pants etc). I hate RNG determining loot as well, which is why I stopped paying in the first place. If it weren't for DMF, I probably wouldn't even bother twinking at all. Hopefully more heirlooms get added to it =P

Char dev doesn't even show you the 100% right stats. I did a char dev of my own rogue with 32% crit, and chardev showed up as like 26.

And as far as DPR. DPR makes me depressed... Like, the servers worth playing (if you like arenas) make it 100% impossible to get. You literally have to know somebody on a dead server so you don't get ganked with find fish and a 2 seater flying mount to even attempt it. But the hit rating on it as well as the crit is just SO good... If you can get DPR on a caster, a world of opportunities open for you. Same for warrior. You can't even hit cap on horde side as a warrior without it... It's pretty dumb.
2x demon band. most trusted and boots of the hero is cap. Lots of people have dpr on arena servers.
2x demon band. most trusted and boots of the hero is cap. Lots of people have dpr on arena servers.

By lots of people, you literally mean like 20-30...

And the ONLY server worth playing on for consistent arenas is AP. The quality of players is VERY VERY low, but the quantity that make doing arenas worth while, is there.

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