Arena Grouping Thread!

Would people be fine with a rogue that didn't use ambush?
We have been playing some RMP games lately and they have been alright if (the big if) you can outlast his opener. we usually don't use rogue unless we can mirror at this point. With that being said, ill see if there are any rogue out there that would could get comps going!
We have 3 teams of 3v3 going atm! Post on the thread if you have a team and want to play, (needs to be korgath/ap based to get games)
Had a lot of good games last night. Got my stream working again so i will be streaming every time we are playing and im around. looking to get games going now! leggo
We had a ton of great games this afternoon, for those of you who missed out on the fun or are a bit timid to join the arena experience, here is a first look of what you can expect from 5.4!

We used rogues quite often today under a few restrictions as well which seemed to work really well! Overall really happy with todays turnout and games

Link to today's games...HBtwinkFearthebuns20 - 3v3 sir Mixolot Extravaganza! - Twitch

I will Bump the main thread as well with the same stream link to today's games.
Kicking off some Sunday arenas! Looking for a few more to get started! Post if you want to get involved
As a quick reminder, because this seems to be a problem cropping up - if you beat someone who is considered "very good" or "streams," please don't brag about how you farmed them or beat them. I say this because I hear people frequently mention that they "farmed" Wizkidone when in reality they beat him a few times because he took the time to play with two players who had never played arena before.

If you are the type of asshole that is doing this, know that what you are doing is ensuring that players of that caliber will only play with their friends to ensure their reputations are unsullied. In other words, you will probably lose a lot and become bitter and get mad at them for being "elitist" when in reality it was you that caused that reaction the whole time.

Cheers! Fun games so far!
I would like to get into Arenas, but I'm unsure if there are people willing to run with a newbie ( i did arenas a few times back in cata on my rogue, but I wasn't really used to coordinating with people). If anyone would like to lend a hand with practice, my IGN is Marxis. I have TS, but no mic, so I'ld pretty much have to relegate any communication through arena based AddOns and such. Stay frosty :)
I would like to get into Arenas, but I'm unsure if there are people willing to run with a newbie ( i did arenas a few times back in cata on my rogue, but I wasn't really used to coordinating with people). If anyone would like to lend a hand with practice, my IGN is Marxis. I have TS, but no mic, so I'ld pretty much have to relegate any communication through arena based AddOns and such. Stay frosty :)

I would be more than happy to play with you man in the future. Send me a PM on my TI account
Thanks man, I'll get around to it when I can get some more free time, maybe during this upcoming weekend.

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