Arena Etiquette for dummies

I thought this was something that everyone followed.

But stickied anyhow.
I spent more time on gear, I get to use it.

I spent more time getting a profession, I get to use it.

I'm looking for 2v2s, not 1v1s, I get to 2v1 you.

Stop being losers, stop being whiners.
I play for fun too, sitting in queue and getting 1 opponent isnt fun - killing them is.

Oh shit, I can have fun too? Ya.. I can..

The problem is, too many whiners and people with huge egos play arenas, causing a lot of excuses and tears... suck it up, babies, nobody is going to hold your hand.
Supadrood said:

Read my mind.

Behaving like a child? The problem is this community is that it is full of children who expect more out of others such as funding, and don't give back. Their expectations extend into "etiquette" - the imaginary way to play a game, formed around the basis Blizzard already provided. If the arena is a 2v1, its a 2v1 - not a 1v1.
what does someone else ego have to do with how you act?

you are making excuses right now for behaving like a child in arenas, thats exactly what it is when you dont take into account the fact that your opponent is also a person.

no one is asking for any 'handholding' just a little respect.
Supadrood said:
what does someone else ego have to do with how you act?

you are making excuses right now for behaving like a child in arenas, thats exactly what it is when you dont take into account the fact that your opponent is also a person.

no one is asking for any 'handholding' just a little respect.

This community's ego is a major problem, it has nothing to do with the way I act. Excuses and complaints will be made whether they lose a 1v1, or 2v1.

I understand my opponent is also a person, but they have to understand that they queued for a 2v2 arena, not a 1v1 arena.

Respect goes a long way, but respect is earned, not given out for free.
One thing that should be stressed is if one of the opponents of the 1v1 in a 2v1 situation is a rogue then the other player should keep a good distance to allow a clear tab target.
what does the community's ego have to do with how you act?

they didnt choose to have the person who was supposed to be the second half of there 2v2 not show up.

you wont earn any respect 2v1ing kids.

about your bit before "blizz's way to play" its SKIRMISH for a reason. not only are there no arena teams in our bracket but not everyone can always queue with someone.
This community's ego is a major problem, it has nothing to do with the way I act.

Supadrood said:
what does the community's ego have to do with how you act?

I read what you wrote the first time... and already replied...

they didnt choose to have the person who was supposed to be the second half of there 2v2 not show up.

you wont earn any respect 2v1ing kids.

No, it wasnt up to them whether their team mate joined or not - but I'm not looking for a 1v1, so your team mate just costed you a match.

I don't ask for respect, as you can tell, a large portion of my posts are debating other people's.
i can respect someone i debate with.

just thought i'd say that first, the random who didnt join arena cause he would rather finish wsg isnt my team mate and when you 2v1 because he didnt show up, its no fun for me and just gets on my nerves if you want a 2v2 just leave and requeue instead of picking on the guy on the other side who may have also been looking for a 2v2 but just had some bad luck drawing a partner who was busy/afk what ever.

my point was why did you even bring up ego's in the first place if it doesnt have anything to do with why you think 2v1ing someone is a good idea.
Totally understandable, but I will refer back to my first post. Twinks need to stop expecting a 1v1 and stop complaining when a 2v1 happens - because really, nobody cares.
except the person on the 1 side

he cares.

people wouldnt complain if you didnt do it.

btw it looks like everyone here disagrees and think that they deserve a 1v1 when their teammate doesnt show. thats why this thread was made in the first place.
Rofan said:
I read what you wrote the first time... and already replied...

No, it wasnt up to them whether their team mate joined or not - but I'm not looking for a 1v1, so your team mate just costed you a match.

I don't ask for respect, as you can tell, a large portion of my posts are debating other people's.

Keep it up. The only thing you're gonna get from folks is 2v0's when everyone just /AFKs when they see its you.
I'm constatly looking for 2v1s, if you can even kill 1 opponent in a 2v1 - you already bested them. I guess the difference between myself and the rest of the twinking community is that nothing gets to me, where as everybody else cracks when such a mynute problem such as a 2v1 appears.
cracks? i just find it rude, and think it shouldnt be done. something is terribly wrong with the other team if they let you kill one of them in a 2v1.
Rofan said:
I'm constatly looking for 2v1s, if you can even kill 1 opponent in a 2v1 - you already bested them. I guess the difference between myself and the rest of the twinking community is that nothing gets to me, where as everybody else cracks when such a mynute problem such as a 2v1 appears.

Some of us don't play an over powered class. :rolleyes:
squidmagnet said:
Keep it up. The only thing you're gonna get from folks is 2v0's when everyone just /AFKs when they see its you.

Lmao, I'd feel like a badass though - people AFKing at the sight of me..

Supadrood said:
cracks? i just find it rude, and think it shouldnt be done. something is terribly wrong with the other team if they let you kill one of them in a 2v1.

I'm a shaman, it is a lot easier than you think.

Duckhunt said:
Some of us don't play an over powered class. :rolleyes:

Have you seen the WSG charts? Everybody does! And the flavor of the month will always be around, and people will always play them.

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