Arena Etiquette for dummies

Grabco said:
I guess it's kind of a respect thing and a desire to want a fair match. If you don't want a fair match then you have problems and don't belong in the twink community (I don't know of one real twink that just wants to own undergeared people.) In this same vein, guilds that premade like winning but they would much rather have a guild on the opposing faction that can hang with them and put up a good fight. If you extend the 2v1 in arena and magnify it by 5 it's like playing a WSG 10v5. I don't know about you but I hate 10v5 WSG no matter what side I'm on. If i'm on the 10 side I would prefer to 3 cap and leave rather than honor farming. You are probably the type of person that says "hey guys lets farm for a while" (GTFOIMO)

Getting back to arena's, There is no rating at lvl 19 so if it is a 2v1 the 2 side can just as easily leave and reQ. But I guess it just makes some people feel good to faceroll, for example, a lone mage with 2 hunters right?

Again there are exceptions that have been discussed throughout this thread. Thanks for reading please turn your XP back on.

Blackout would 1v2 your 2's team with his eyes closed, AFK.


Obey your rules if ya feel like it - I just think they are common sense. But if someone else doesn't - Don't cry.

Man the fuck up and move on.
What is the point of 2v1? It requires no skill and is no fun? These so called "Rules" Are only for the enjoyment of arenas.
Eliot said:
What is the point of 2v1? It requires no skill and is no fun? These so called "Rules" Are only for the enjoyment of arenas.

About as much point as there is crying and whining after you 'unfairly' lose a level 19 skirmish 2v2 arena.

eVa Arena Brain Part One

This video is just to explain my brain in fight and not for kikoolol. I just like to push my capacities twink to the maximun and and not much be to learn things.


I hope you will enjoy it

Sorry For my English
I like going 2v1, in the 70 rated arena bracket I'd win one once in a while with an affliction lock. A lot of the time it's because your opponents get way to confident and stop using cooldown's.

However people wish to conduct themselves in a match is fair game in pvp. I would probably prefer going 1v1 when my team would be opposing a single combatant but start 2v1 when I am the single.
I agree but think the etiquette rules should be treated more as a suggestion as opposed to an arena bible. Simply put, when you queue for arena, you are queuing for a 2v2, 3v3, or 5v5 fight. While it would certainly be nice to be given the opportunity for a 1v1, this option is more of a courtesy from the other team than anything else. If you go into arena expecting it, then you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Same applies to real life. If I go into a bar and walk up to two guys sitting next to their girls and proceed to tell them I had "encounters" with their women, I don't think I should be given the option of fighting one or both of them, even if my friend (who told me he'd have my back) runs off. However, I do realize that some guys prefer a fair fight and I've witnessed instances where someone insults an entire group and is dominated by just one member. Just remember, that is the exception and not the norm. If you pick a fight with 2 or more people, you should expect to fight 2 or more people, regardless of who on your side did or did not show up. So to apply that to arena, the lesson is simple: either get a reliable sidekick or take your beatings and move on. Now, if you are on the other side of the table, either gang up on the lone fighter or show him/her mercy at your own discretion, where discretion is the key word. /end thread.
shud make this a MUST READ before joining thing lol... amount of bad's i get 2v1 me in arena makes me lol.
Perhaps you should just stand there, or /afk when its 2v1. Or not join arena at all to fix this problem completely, epeen isn't everything.

Yeah this same shit happened to me yesterday, I decided to get on my old twink rogue and q for 2s, I got in and my partner was a lvl 17 lock, on the ali it was a 19 twink rogue and 19 twink druid, so the lock got killed pretty fast, so I sap the druid and point at the rogue and tell the druid no, (as in wait) so druid comes out of sap and I sap rogue and open well the druid starts to spam heal him and im like wtf, so im at like 10% hp so I lifeblood and sprint away and restealth and burn down the druid, then I kill the rogue, I q again get the same partner and same team on ali, I kill the druid fast again and then I figure they need practice so I toy with the other rogue for about 10 15 min, druid gets on my realm and is like wow your horrible all you do is gouge and run and restealth and heal up you suck ass, and im like im toyin with him cause he isn't that good, and the druid goes all crazy so im like screw this, I kill the rogue and then he gets on and talks crap to me cause I killed em both, I even let them heal up bandage and get mana before I fought em again, I was like uhhh I didn't know I was shitty cause I was letting you fight me a few times, is it me that sucks or them?
Almost every twink reads Arena Etiquette, yet almost every twink doesn't follow it.
Really? Hmm I've did 2v1 like 10 times yesterday and 2v2 with a 16 Druid And I tried using emotes for the other team but no one cared even people that I see on. TI but I won't name names.
Alderton- Elune Sventevoth- Mannoroth Krønøs- Bloodhoof Spamstringg-Zul'jin Irleet- Zul'jin Dighen- Bloodhoof Rejen- Bloodhoof Sleyah- Mannoroth Offic(e)rjénny- Mannoroth.

(x)= not sure on accent. Jafizz- Medivh Kigatsuna- Medivh

I'll start keeping track here, everytime I find more, I'll add them.
Really good, but does many twinks follow this? cuz everytime i joined arena on my 19 twink, all rules are thrown out of the window lol

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