Are you scared to die?

Can't be sad for Pacquaio after he robbed Marquez for a second time. I called last night Retribution.

That last marquez fight definatly wasnt a robbery it was close for sure but i had pacman up by a round as did plenty of people and the numbers also showed him up as well.

Last night however he outlands bradley by roughly 100 strikes and was more dominate in general for most of the fight it really wasnt even all that close and what surprised me even more is in boxing usually the robberies go in favor of the name fighter but man this one was bad enough to the point where one of the gambling sites paddy power suposedly refunded the SU bids on pacman due to the redic decision and that says something when a gambling site does that.

Edit: im actually really glad i didnt bet on manny last night even tho ive cashed on him a few times now i just didnt have the time this weekend.
This thread has made me depressed.

But in all seriousness I (touch wood, god forbid) hope I don't die a horrific death and it's peaceful. lol
funny? do you think religion is a joke? god is 100% real and there are so many facts. i mean have you even read the bible? non beilebers go to hell. and you sir are going to hell. maybe if you would go to church just once. you might find god in your heart somewhere.
God is real and not a joke guys. I also believe in Him and I know when I die I will be with Him. If you believe in the Bible and believe in the promise of God, the eternal life then there's no reason that you're scared to die. Man came from dust and to Generic Cialis price dust He will return and spirit goes back to God. It is not a fairy tale.
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I was dead many many years before I was born and that worked just fine.

When you die your brain will stop functioning and start rotting.

You religios people are funny. I'm sad that religion still hasn't made the list of mental disorders.
All I know is when I die I want to be buried face down, that way the people who don't like me can kiss my ass!
All I know is when I die I want to be buried face down, that way the people who don't like me can kiss my ass!

.....or they roll you over?
In my honest opinion I'm more scared of what happens after you die than actually dying, It's that sense of what happens after death which gets to you. Some believe you're reborn or reincarnated into something else, but we will never know until it happens.
I'm not scared of death itself, but how it will come. I hope it won't be an illness too painful and humiliating.
If there is nothing beyond, it will be like sleeping, but I personally believe on rebirth, not necessarily as a human, because everything in nature is chained to an endless cycle of transformation.
Comprehending mortality... why even bother trying?

Just enjoy your life and live it well. Worrying about it too much will most likely make the event much sooner...

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