Play more nicely children. You can have differing opinions without insulting one another.
Anyway, on with my post:
I'm a little late to this discussion, but I'll throw in my thoughts anyway.
30sp is strictly a dps increase over 22int. If you do the maths on it you will see that, but the RNG factor that the crit brings makes up for that. the 330 mana is nice, but for me it is just a minor perk, but regardless I prefer 22int over 30sp on my arcane mage. I would never consider going 7 int on bracers though. The sp loss: crit gain ration is way too high for it to be worthwhile. High crit chance is nice, but not at that expense.
Also, someone mentioned minor speed on the front page. Im not a fan of it on my arcane. I find the 7 stamina far more useful than minor speed. In a 1v1 vs a hunter the fight is determined either by the hunter's skill or the number of team mates that either of us have. Either way, I find the bigger healthpool more useful in both situations than a slightly enhanced ability to hug the hunter. That said, minor speed is useful for trying to outrun a hunter, but thats not a deciding factor for me.