Appreciation thread of the best players at 20 (organized by class)

Using the word "appreciation" to describe this thread doesn't change its intent, which is a boring circle jerk. The best players know who the best players are from experience and your opinion on the matter is largely biased (WSG and arenas don't count) and not necessary. This thread screams of a superiority complex; feels like you disagreed with the opinions of players in the previous thread and decided to make your own "definitive" list.

lloydganks1 said:
WARLOCK: there are no good warlocks in this bracket, unfortunately. if i ever get around to making another 20 twink, it will be a warlock, so people can see that this class does have some strong untapped potential in 20 battlegrounds.

lloydganks1 said:
if i did not list you above, it does not mean that i don't like you, and it does not mean that i don't think you are good.

Contradictory statements and shows your intent for starting this thread. Also, poor Jeralulz.
no such thing as the best players in f2p 20s. Doesnt matter if your skilled or not, lots of skilled players(not all) play "top the kbs/damage done in mid" instead of objectively. i would rather have a team player(someone who can spell and understand teamwork) over a skilled player who mid farms and says "i m da top damage done you all suck". Also i played against jera and he is a pretty good team player with his warlock :p. Also these kinds of threads encourage 24s to "parody" your thread.
You guys take everything ever so seriously. You'd think we were participating in a tournament for a million dollars. Why don't you shut the **** up and toss out your own appreciations. Other than Aerie Peak? I dont play too many pugs any more, but...

Spooch, Sharkweek, Zwinter, and Harryhood are some of my favorite randoms.
Shfthappens said:
You guys take everything ever so seriously. You'd think we were participating in a tournament for a million dollars. Why don't you shut the **** up and toss out your own appreciations.

From the flip side of the coin, we feel this thread takes itself too seriously. We got an original poster that's ranking players through no other measure besides personal opinion. They aren't shout-outs; they're letter grades. The foundation is rotten, but the concept can hold water.

Being asked to shut up and speak up in the same line doesn't make much sense. I'll indulge and say that Rehook on Frostmane is the best priest I've seen. If any other priests are reading this that I didn't mention, it's not because I don't think you're good. No other priests are good, though.
Spryness said:
Using the word "appreciation" to describe this thread doesn't change its intent, which is a boring circle jerk. The best players know who the best players are from experience and your opinion on the matter is largely biased (WSG and arenas don't count) and not necessary. This thread screams of a superiority complex; feels like you disagreed with the opinions of players in the previous thread and decided to make your own "definitive" list.

Contradictory statements and shows your intent for starting this thread. Also, poor Jeralulz.

Hmm... not poor me It's true I'm not good xD. Maybe Decent.
Jeralulz said:
Hmm... not poor me It's true I'm not good xD. Maybe Decent.

Then why do you consistently deny it when I tell you and agree with others saying you're not good?

plz stop brownnosing/trolling
Spryness said:
From the flip side of the coin, we feel this thread takes itself too seriously. We got an original poster that's ranking players through no other measure besides personal opinion. They aren't shout-outs; they're letter grades. The foundation is rotten, but the concept can hold water.

Being asked to shut up and speak up in the same line doesn't make much sense. I'll indulge and say that Rehook on Frostmane is the best priest I've seen. If any other priests are reading this that I didn't mention, it's not because I don't think you're good. No other priests are good, though.

You make a good point. Also <3 Rehook, only played with him a few time near the beginning of this whole thing. He has an AP reroll of the same name, don't think he ever geared it or even leveled it though :/
Spryness said:
Using the word "appreciation" to describe this thread doesn't change its intent, which is a boring circle jerk. The best players know who the best players are from experience and your opinion on the matter is largely biased (WSG and arenas don't count) and not necessary. This thread screams of a superiority complex; feels like you disagreed with the opinions of players in the previous thread and decided to make your own "definitive" list.

thanks for your opinion - it's appropriate to be included in this opinion thread! and i play WSG all the time; i just never queue by myself for WSG on horde, because it's really stupid. on the other hand, i have never seen you once in a 20 bg, ever, not even a single time. why do you post in the 20 forum if you don't even play? maybe if you ever actually played in this bracket, i'd discover that i enjoy playing with you and would have mentioned you here!

and there aren't any good warlocks in this bracket. not really sure why that's my fault, but ok. but hey, it's your lucky day - i recently made a warlock and have already gotten him to 20, and plan on showing you guys all how to play yet another class!

I have a character (f2p) on rehooks server and ive grouped with him several times. The only time he has grouped with 24's is if hes been getting gy camped by multiple 24's in previous games. Looking at the 24's on his server (which is a total of 4 that ive seen) and compairing the played games you would have noticed its about a 1/100 ratio on the 3 he groups with, so its a rare occasion. And a lot of the times its just coincidence that they queque at the same time. He's definately one of -if not the best- priests in the bracket.
lloydganks1 said:
on the other hand, i have never seen you once in a 20 bg, ever, not even a single time. why do you post in the 20 forum if you don't even play? maybe if you ever actually played in this bracket, i'd discover that i enjoy playing with you and would have mentioned you here!

AB weekend. You were in a 10-man horde premade with the 4-boxing hunter. I think I queued up Aty and one or two others. Alliance lost. Happened twice. I solo-killed you in a 1v3 at the mine.

lloydganks1 said:
i recently made a warlock and have already gotten him to 20, and plan on showing you guys all how to play yet another class!

I can't envision a single reply that doesn't blatantly illustrate my point about the stupidity of this thread than this reply here. Just sad.
Spryness said:
AB weekend. You were in a 10-man horde premade with the 4-boxing hunter. I think I queued up Aty and one or two others. Alliance lost. Happened twice. I solo-killed you in a 1v3 at the mine.

I can't envision a single reply that doesn't blatantly illustrate my point about the stupidity of this thread than this reply here. Just sad.

10 man premade? with a 4 boxing hunter? sounds like a 6 man premade to me.
Spryness said:
AB weekend. You were in a 10-man horde premade with the 4-boxing hunter. I think I queued up Aty and one or two others. Alliance lost. Happened twice. I solo-killed you in a 1v3 at the mine.

I can't envision a single reply that doesn't blatantly illustrate my point about the stupidity of this thread than this reply here. Just sad.

cool dude, you've played enough level 20 battlegrounds for me to see you a grand total of one time in the past 2 months. why did you even bother replying? lol
Shfthappens said:
10 man premade? with a 4 boxing hunter? sounds like a 6 man premade to me.

Arathi Basin.

lloydganks1 said:
cool dude, you've played enough level 20 battlegrounds for me to see you a grand total of one time in the past 2 months. why did you even bother replying? lol

There were other occasions, even a few in WSG. That was just one example. Keep pretending your experiences are the only ones that matter, though. Not that any of that pertains to this thread, which you conveniently like to overlook.
Spryness said:
Arathi Basin.

There were other occasions, even a few in WSG. That was just one example. Keep pretending your experiences are the only ones that matter, though. Not that any of that pertains to this thread, which you conveniently like to overlook.

i'm gonna go with no, because if this was the case, you would have mentioned that you've seen me many times in battlegrounds instead of coming up with 1 instance. sorry buddy, but not everyone who plays this game is a colossal idiot. you'll have to do better than that to trick me.

brb, gonna do some pvp in this bracket that i actually pvp in. you know, the one that this forum and this thread are dedicated to.

lloydganks1 said:
i'm gonna go with no, because if this was the case, you would have mentioned that you've seen me many times in battlegrounds instead of coming up with 1 instance. sorry buddy, but not everyone who plays this game is a colossal idiot. you'll have to do better than that to trick me.

I named a specific example that I was sure someone as dense as you would remember. Shame it didn't work out.

I play when my schedule permits and browse the forum when I can do so from elsewhere. You're so good at living in your own special world.

Why this thread hasn't been locked confuses me.

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