Appreciation thread of the best players at 20 (organized by class)


hello, i am Cotus of Aerie Peak - Horde, and i'm making this thread to recognize the players at the f2p 20 bracket who are actually good. let's be honest: most of the people in this bracket are absolutely terrible. virtually all of the pvp in the level 20 f2p bracket that i participate in consists of a contest of: 1. which side has more twink hunters, and to a lesser extent, 24s, and 2. which side has less worthless noobs with sub-1000 hp.

but there are some people in this bracket who are indeed good players, and it's their presence in battlegrounds that really make the games fun - not the endless legions of hunters and the endless legions of scrubs. i want to point out the players that i've especially enjoyed playing with in this bracket, to let them know that i've really enjoyed playing with them, and i'm going to organize the list by class for the sake of convenience:

DRUID: Shfthappens and Wcer. shfthappens is a fantastic player, a guy who takes an otherwise utterly gimped healing class at 20 and makes it a powerful weapon. he is always on the ball with his heals, roots, and utility, and always does his absolute best to help his team win. Wcer is one of the scariest players i have encountered in this bracket. his feral druid rips people apart without exception, and he is probably the strongest node defender in AB that i have met in this bracket.

HUNTER: i'll be honest - i don't have somebody that comes to mind for this class. (not to mention, this class is ****ing lame as hell in the 20 bracket). if i had to name someone, it'd be Thirk, because he is a really intelligent and pleasant guy to play with - i've just never really played with his hunter. if he was ever part of our BG premades, i'm sure i'd have more good things to say about him.

MAGE: Deadvulcano is a fantastic mage who knows his shit and is always at the right place at the right time. he knows his role and knows what he has to do to help his team win. i'm always happy to have him on my team.

PALADIN: you guys are going to hate me for this, but i have to say that i enjoy going up against Kale the most in BGs. sure, the guy afks out whenever he runs into a game in which his team doesn't have a massive advantage and he's not gonna get a free win. but i do appreciate the effort he puts into his twink - if he's going to be in a battleground, he's going to do his absolute best to be the most powerful and effective character possible. this is what a "twink" is, for better or for worse.

PRIEST: without a doubt, far and away, Decem and Sabelith are my two favorite priests in this bracket. they are extremely alert and effective healers, always going where they need to go and doing what they need to do for their team. in addition, they have great, positive attitudes, and never give up when they are up against seemingly insurmountable odds or a preponderance of (****ing lame) hunters. i always have a great time playing with them.

ROGUE: Medanx. Medan is the kind of guy that anyone would want to include on their team for anything. he has a good, friendly attitude, understands the game at a high level, and always gives 100%. whenever i see him on the opposing team, i know that i'm going to have to take the game seriously, because he's going to make sure to make it as absolutely hard as possible for my team to win.

SHAMAN: Shockur and Scripts. unfortunately, i haven't seen Shockur for a long time, and i think that he probably quit. but he was a great player who knew how to squeeze the most out of shaman at this level, and knew how to play to win. Scripts, who also hasn't played in a long time, was another excellent shaman who was always alert and knew where to be and when to be there.

WARLOCK: there are no good warlocks in this bracket, unfortunately. if i ever get around to making another 20 twink, it will be a warlock, so people can see that this class does have some strong untapped potential in 20 battlegrounds.

WARRIOR: Wyomings and Nonsense. i love playing against Wyomings. he is a very skilled player who manages to have a powerful presence despite playing a gimped-ass class at 20. he is relentlessly aggressive and always punishes any mistakes that you make. Nonsense is another great 20 warrior, a guy who knows when to be offensive, when to be defensive, and when to defend his healers.

if i did not list you above, it does not mean that i don't like you, and it does not mean that i don't think you are good. i just wanted to let the standout players in this bracket know that they are appreciated (if they even read this forum), and that i really enjoy playing with or against them.

if there is someone that you really like playing with or against in this bracket, i encourage you to post in this thread and let them know, or to just tell them yourself in-game. it's the good players with good attitudes that keep this bracket alive - not the s-keying hunter scrubs, not the alliance leather/mail wearing facerollers, not the 24s. without you guys, this bracket would die and wouldn't be any fun. thanks, and keep doing what you're doing.

You should really try to broaden your choices from horde players you always play with and forum heros. I seen a lot of good f2p twinks who don't use the addons or don't play on AP.

I also disagree on some of the people you've mentioned. Although i can't argue with your choices because there is literally no one else to compare them to for their specific class.
less worthless noobs with sub-1000 hp.

Those worthless noobs is what made the bracket, and there wouldnt be any bracket without them..

You should really try to broaden your choices from horde players you always play with and forum heros. I seen a lot of good f2p twinks who don't use the addons or don't play on AP.

Also that.. Two of my friends play F2P (i dont) and they do not suck nor do they use TI.

+ to me it just sounds like your trying to kiss a**. ;) But thats just what i think <3

but nice nice for taking the time to make this ;)
Opinion thread is opinionated.
Please close this thread before it turn into public hangings, I dont see any way for this to be a constructive way of building up a good community. Rather then making a difference between who's good and who's not depending on subjective opinions, please just whisper them in person and dont force your ideals upon others.
Hiidden said:
You only did mention one alliance -.-



and good luck finding a skilled warlock I've seen myself that they got a huge potential in BGs with average damage as Destro. Atleast Destro works well in PuGs otherwise if I'd ever get a premade again (which won't happen I guess :D) I'd play Affliction for sure.
Hardc0re said:
I really think I should be on the mage list.

You should

Jazzmusic on priest as well

And ye, Aty and bone as well

- Thanks for the nice words Coctus:)
Hardc0re said:
I'll try to log this weekend for them arenaws! :p

<3 Still have wet dreams from thinking about those arenas. (its hectic as rogue, insanely fun) I feel like a rabbit with 2 hungry wolfs on my ass.
I have two favorite players that I've been randomly matched up with in BGs, both were rogues and both had about 800 hp haha. They were really good humored and a lot of fun. We worked well as a team and had some close matches.
The list of people that I think are awesome is too long, and too varied in its reasons, for me to possibly put down in writing. Much more importantly, though, is this: If they don't already know that I think they are awesome, then I'm doing something wrong. Something that posting in a thread on a forum won't fix!

Keep in mind everyone that this thread is a statement of personal opinion, nothing more. Everyone has an opinion. I agree about telling people your positive opinion of them in person.
I prefer grouping with anonymous pugs. Lots of them are awesome and I hope they keep toiling in obscurity. I know people are passionate about the game but these popularity threads dont have a lot of functionality.
Just what we need.

"This guys is better then everyone because he is my friend" "No this guy is better because he is my friend"
I have no friends so Im a noob.
Imnaked said:
Please close this thread before it turn into public hangings, I dont see any way for this to be a constructive way of building up a good community. Rather then making a difference between who's good and who's not depending on subjective opinions, please just whisper them in person and dont force your ideals upon others.

you and the other guy who wrote:

Just what we need.

"This guys is better then everyone because he is my friend" "No this guy is better because he is my friend"

couldn't even be troubled to read my post (not that you have to). but if you're not going to be troubled to read a post, please don't post in that thread. i went out of my way to specifically address these issues in my post so i could make sure that it would be a positive and not a negative thing.

also, please keep in mind that this is a BG list....we've already got other threads for arena, and i honestly don't care about arena very much in this bracket. this is my way of thanking the people who make BGs fun for me in this bracket and letting them know that they're appreciated. i don't expect you to agree with all of *my* opinions, because they opinions! if you enjoy playing with someone, you should let them know.

and i'd like to add Hotskylurl (sp?), troll rogue to this list. a lot of you guys always make fun of him in BG chat because he is really young. but he always has a great attitude in BGs and is always willing to defend nodes and call out movements on the map in chat. having someone like this really makes a difference in AB.


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