<AP Twinks> your new home!

As of now yes sure they won a war game but they would be 1-1 if we could when they played Crit or GTFO. This was RRBC first war game and I think we did really good from the players we had, we also could have done better and we are improving every day. Please stop talking shit and acting immature on a fucking guild recruitment page....
#1 AP Twinks
#3 Crit or GTFO
#4-1000000000000 All 29 guilds
#who is this?: för twenty
and one can get mad and say we are trash but irrelevance is at its finest with you.

im not calling you guys anything I just love watching you pick feathers outta your teeth
As of now yes sure they won a war game but they would be 1-1 if we could when they played Crit or GTFO. This was RRBC first war game and I think we did really good from the players we had, we also could have done better and we are improving every day. Please stop talking shit and acting immature on a fucking guild recruitment page....
#1 AP Twinks
#3 Crit or GTFO
#4-1000000000000 All 29 guilds
#who is this?: för twenty
and one can get mad and say we are trash but irrelevance is at its finest with you.

To think any games vs CRIT or Gtfo count is wrong. We set up guild v guild events all the time with them for fun, with every time filed by who ever is on at the time. Most the time vs Crit we run no FC druid , but it's all good
I'm thinking of rolling some toons on AP to join this guild. My only problem is I'll have no gold or way to obtain the enchantments for non heirloom pieces.

And apparently someone has the name Maxfield on AP. That bastard...
hello do u guys fund twinks? I have my old f2p on that server already thinking to go vet soon
Enchant funding for all :D , BiS BoE gear is also given away to top performers. And we have a large suppy of Touch of Void trinkets for newly subbed members!
Do you guys group up together for BGs often or run wargames? I'm just about ready to reroll on your realm to join your guild with alot of toons.

Also everytime I check out goldshire in AP it always seems dead :( maybe it's cuz of Darkmoon or not prime time
Do you guys group up together for BGs often or run wargames? I'm just about ready to reroll on your realm to join your guild with alot of toons.

Also everytime I check out goldshire in AP it always seems dead :( maybe it's cuz of Darkmoon or not prime time

If you sign on during prime hours, gold shire is filled with 20s ( vet and f2p) to duel in between ques!!! We fund enchants and promote premades to vs the 29scum horde. Join is in promoting a better alliance!! All are welcomed!!

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