K idk who you are either but the meta hasn't changed much since I last ran f2p 10v10s
You dont know who i am? HA.... k
K idk who you are either but the meta hasn't changed much since I last ran f2p 10v10s
Shows how much faith the GM has for our team, tbh I was going to vote for brewing co as well but I decided not to get involved.
Its not really about faith, I just know some of the players in rrbc are great players. IE Phron who happens to be healer in which he will have a bigger impact in mid..
You dont know who i am? HA.... k
You guys are morons racial are hardly never a factor in a win in this bracket/f2p restricted premade
K idk who you are either but the meta hasn't changed much since I last ran f2p 10v10s
Horde racial can make a huge difference in the outcome of a game, whether it be 19, 20, 29 or 39. Why do you think a lot the 19 guilds went horde for the Twink Cup.
Strange though that at endgame the, overwhelming portion of top PvP players faction changed to Alliance because of those racials. EMFH in particular. That is part of the reason for the Mercenary mode "fix". It was a quick and dirty fix for Blizzard.
All I know is that it takes like 15 minutes to reroll a Horde and be completely BiS. So if someone plans to actually be a part of competitive play they would get their team go reroll Horde characters for premades, if they think the racials are that game breaking.
Like I said before everyone started complaining about racials. <NWA> still wants to face the winner of this match. We are thirsty for a game.
how is rop and woodworking "easy to get"
You don't need those to be BiS.. There are many other options.
if nagaz is that "thirsty" then you boys just do the rerolling
Why would we reroll? We have proved ourselves in the premade scene thus far Last time we faced your guild it was 3-0 caps all three games.
Plus, why would we reroll away from the Horde racials that everyone complains about not having, that would be silly!
you didn't actually give a legitimate reason for not re rolling, and you've never faced my guild
You are acting as if you guys were not <Needs Mastery> before your faction change to Bleeding Hollow.
Legitimate reason, racials. We are here for competitive play right now. Why would we go to the weaker racial faction?
We will be here after your game versus <AP Twinks>. Can't wait to challenge the winner
oh i'm not pretending anything, but did you play "us"? Did you play me? did you play gokku? or any of the roster were we 3 capped you guys until of course the "ddos" excuse?
Accused of DDoS, I remember it being confirmed. I also remember a majority of your team calling it a 1-1 series after they didn't want to count the 2nd game. But hey, I'll let you enjoy the cheap victory We have learned from our mistake of not running a Druid FC, we should've switched when we let you all after you guys were going to call off the games. Can promise you this, you all "winning" won't happen again.
Actually even if <AP Twinks> wins, our eyes are set on you guys. Be expecting a challenge after your games.
Good luck in the upcoming game.