<Nagaz With Attitudez>
thats the most sense I heard from you on that topic
and yes win or loss we still want to face you boys >
Well then! Consider it a date!
thats the most sense I heard from you on that topic
and yes win or loss we still want to face you boys >
If your here to start shit with turtle, just leave now James. He is a GM of rumsey rum brewing co if you must know.
Awk... im the gm of rumsey rum light just does the publicity shit
im gm
Awk... im the gm of rumsey rum light just does the publicity shit
Why would we reroll? We have proved ourselves in the premade scene thus far Last time we faced your guild it was 3-0 caps all three games.
Plus, why would we reroll away from the Horde racials that everyone complains about not having, that would be silly!
All I know is that it takes like 15 minutes to reroll a Horde and be completely BiS. So if someone plans to actually be a part of competitive play they would get their team go reroll Horde characters for premades, if they think the racials are that game breaking.
Come on now Burg, imagine if every alliance guild re-rolled horde for the racials (to be part of competitive play). This would increase the que times even more and when you do get a game the only people you would vs are a bunch of alliance jajas. Games would be less competitive than ever, except for when people do 10v10s.
Awk... im the gm of rumsey rum light just does the publicity shit
I never said you had to use those toons to pug on as well.. Geezus.
I'm just saying for premades if a team is so worried about the racials they would reroll a Horde character for their premade squad, just like the 19s did.
I'm pretty sure 19s faction changed their main twinks, I'm not sure if they made new ones for the TC. Also not many people are going to want to or have the gear to make another close to BiS toon that they will only have for premades and basically never play.
I'm pretty sure 19s faction changed their main twinks, I'm not sure if they made new ones for the TC. Also not many people are going to want to or have the gear to make another close to BiS toon that they will only have for premades and basically never play.
Because Goblin jump on a shaman is... a living force. lol
Because Goblin jump on a shaman is... a living force. lol
Those guys are just bozos im the real brains of the operationI didn't say he was THE GM, I said he was a GM. Everyone knows you are the main GM of rrbc Gokku, relax.
what do you mean? not trying to be mean or anything i'm just interested and don't quite follow
Same with phron I didn't understand your reference either lenny, apart from Livingforce playing a goblin priest in the TC.