Anything being GF'd in 4.3?


Title says it all, anything that we should grab before the patch?
i hope nothing else gets GF'd, i dont want us to end up like the 29s

i'll have all the gear so it doesnt effect me but still GF gear sucks if u dont have it
Title says it all, anything that we should grab before the patch?

There's not a whole lot left for them to GF, they already raped all the really good gear and now we're left with "twinks" in full BOA's and shitty BOE world drops (because that's what is called a twink these days). There isn't many, if any, long chain quested items left or rare BOE drops.
There's not a whole lot left for them to GF, they already raped all the really good gear and now we're left with "twinks" in full BOA's and shitty BOE world drops (because that's what is called a twink these days). There isn't many, if any, long chain quested items left or rare BOE drops.

plz go back to ur 10-14 bracket forum
plz go back to ur 10-14 bracket forum

My comment is relevant to all brackets not just 10-14. And what I said is 100% true anyone with full heirlooms and BOE crap form AH calls themselves a twink these days. It no longer takes any real effort to twink out a toon and it's sad that Blizz has done this to our community by the removal of items/quests with great rewards, exactly what the OP asked about.
player names and any player names created prior to patch 4.3 created with accents/asci/symbol type letters are GF'd

so if you have a name in still have a few hours left, cause after patch 4.3 they will no longer be allowed when doing name creation of a player.

this affects US, south america, and oceanic realms...........EU is exempt
player names and any player names created prior to patch 4.3 created with accents/asci/symbol type letters are GF'd

so if you have a name in still have a few hours left, cause after patch 4.3 they will no longer be allowed when doing name creation of a player.

this affects US, south america, and oceanic realms...........EU is exempt

oh wow, completely forgot about this. thanks!
My comment is relevant to all brackets not just 10-14. And what I said is 100% true anyone with full heirlooms and BOE crap form AH calls themselves a twink these days. It no longer takes any real effort to twink out a toon and it's sad that Blizz has done this to our community by the removal of items/quests with great rewards, exactly what the OP asked about.

the OP asked specifically about patch 4.3, nothing to do with ur diatribe
the OP asked specifically about patch 4.3, nothing to do with ur diatribe

the OP's question: "Title says it all, anything that we should grab before the patch?"

My response

There's not a whole lot left for them to GF, they already raped all the really good gear and now we're left with "twinks" in full BOA's and shitty BOE world drops (because that's what is called a twink these days). There isn't many, if any, long chain quested items left or rare BOE drops.

Seems to me I answered the question quite well, as there isn't much left for Blizz to remove, twink item/quest wise.
The only thing blizz has left to GF is agm >

Since the darkmoon faire is bringing a new one so it seems...
I really hope the Darkmoon fair one isn't as good as the reg agm. Please tell me it isn't
. I would hate to have to try to get something like AGM on bleeding hollow.. OMG it'd never happen.
I really hope the Darkmoon fair one isn't as good as the reg agm.

It's a character level 85 epic trinket, there is no comparison to the AGM as all levels can equip the AGM. This is the only reason that I hope Blizz will use some common sense (I know an oxymoron) and NOT remove the AGM from the game.
The Darkmoon one is the epic 85 version, so I'm pretty sure they won't change AGM for a damn while.

While some times ago they did switch the 12dodge to stam and changed the bubble, I do not think there's gonna be more change
it would make no sense for them to gf the nerfed version of AGM, it's not causing any problems

That's implying Blizzard devs have any common sense lol. An example are the still in the game Agility/Spirit armor pieces, because that "makes sense".

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