no, i think hes far more geared, if he updates hed have way more ap then youYou should log out with your blackvenom blades equipped!
Trolling? Lul
no, i think hes far more geared, if he updates hed have way more ap then you
just by looking at him it's easy to tell if he bugs enchants on everything too
i disagree, that's my consensusOnce again, you are talking in theorheticals and I am looking at reality. My rogue > his.
i disagree, that's my consensus
but i am majority, since you can't judge yourself, and noone has voted for youDefinition of consensus
1a: general agreement
1b: the judgment arrived at by most of those concerned
2: group solidarity in sentiment and belief
You can't have consensus by yourself. It is a majority opinion. Failed attempt at being a smart ass.
that hunter is dirty bro!!
Still yet to see one better. Zieren's rogue isnt even close lol. He has bracers with less agi, cloak is nicer for sure. But nothing else worth mentioning on that char.The short answer is no.
I have the same bracers as you with the GF'd AP enchant, Dark Hooded Cape with 12agi, and the 13 AP GF'd chant on another pair of Might Gloves. These are among a lot of GF'd items I recall having on that toon. I'm not going to go out of my way to reactivate my account to prove anything though. Plus, if Tapout (Cheezel, as someone mentioned earlier) still plays, he surely has the best Rogue in the bracket.Still yet to see one better. Zieren's rogue isnt even close lol. He has bracers with less agi, cloak is nicer for sure. But nothing else worth mentioning on that char.
I have the same bracers as you with the GF'd AP enchant, Dark Hooded Cape with 12agi, and the 13 AP GF'd chant on another pair of Might Gloves. These are among a lot of GF'd items I recall having on that toon. I'm not going to go out of my way to reactivate my account to prove anything though. Plus, if Tapout (Cheezel, as someone mentioned earlier) still plays, he surely has the best Rogue in the bracket.
This is blueI cant remember my pass and the email was some made up nonsense lol
Bruh I want 13 ap gloves so bad.. o.o
Does he have scaled BvBs doeeee
He does (Crum). Great toon! Jealous of the helm enchant big time. Doesn't change the raw stats overall. His toon has more POTENTIAL similarly to yours. Sadly, mine is best currently. Sitting at over 320 ap 20% crit and 5% vers unbuffed (while running proc trinkets instead of the baselines 10agi 10vers & 10 agi 10 haste).
but i am majority, since you can't judge yourself, and noone has voted for you
1:1 does not equal majority. Man this is not looking good for you. AND why are you giving me a hard time lol I'm trying to make a list of the sickest 39s, not trying to argue with some nerd who cant understand fractions and what a majority consensus is.
Still yet to see one better. Zieren's rogue isnt even close lol. He has bracers with less agi, cloak is nicer for sure. But nothing else worth mentioning on that char.