Alliance Wargame Battleground

We Will but as this is to new we need The first weeks to queue at a special time and slowly we can just drog off when more ppl joint The bracket by The time. Just add me On tag and u lead your army and i handle mine
Would love to be a part of this!
Looking for 5x alliance to make some silvershard mines, wsg wargames. Add supergaga#2449.

/ Another life - Ahn qiraj.
You need to make a new guild with only pvp targets.

Should be a whisper and Then bgs are live. Too much but, IF and maybe. Make this troubleless
You need to make a new guild with only pvp targets.

Should be a whisper and Then bgs are live. Too much but, IF and maybe. Make this troubleless

Well, I wouldn't necessarily call out "you" as in alliance side.. When we tried doing this, and you promised us 15 horde players to fight vs us, you were a little too late, If you even showed up at all. (I left after 30 mins of waiting). So, from what I could gather from that waiting, we had 15 people ready, and another 5 that would like to join, but since we were 15 we didn't bother. It is maybe you on the other hand that need to focus on getting more people for this, and make them ready by just a single /w. I'm sure we at alliance could muster said strength by a low /w to a few key persons. Then again, I do have to come to your defence by saying there are alot more 60 twinks on ally that are online at various hours, than there are horde players active at certain hours..
When i asked Rob said wait. Doing vs paragons now. At that time we all were aiming for a real 10v10 bg
toklo please can u sort this out ? can we get a 5v5 silvershard this night ? if so please add me and we fix this by our own.

This mallet guy seem to be confused. Ive seen u in barmor threads but never in game. Who are u at all ? All i get from rob is "sorry man wyrhan has the pvp part, we only do pve... like what pve ? if focusing pve then do something challenging than clapping raids as 20 man.

lets fucking get the comunity going on.
Lovely fella, can't even get my name sorted out.. Well, yes, I seem to be confused, when I hear from some fellas that you wanted a real BG. I said fine, how many do you think we'll get, and said person told me you'd promised them 15. If this hurt your feelings, Then I'm as sad as one can get. I've been in many a threads, and I rarely do any pvp on my Paladin, although I do from time to time on my hunter/mage. And I think you've mistaken the raiding at 60, with raiding at 100, my dear chap! We rarely get 20 peeps, and if we do they're barely geared. In other words, we're doing raids with aprox 12 people. I can understand the "using phone" part can be rather disturbing. It sure as hell is for us, with such a grammar made by a phone, but I can assure you there's no need in using bad language around a page where, as far as I know, some are still children. And yes, we all agree with you, let's get the bracket going, but surely you must understand that baby steps are the way to go. Force recruit people for pvp (Not balanced at all), when most of them want to do the raids, is just plain stupid, innit'? Yes, I admire your lust to get the bracket going in pvp, but as of yet, the urge for it ain't there. One real BG now and then (1-2 times a week) is alot better than once or twice a year, so by all means, do get the BG's going, but don't expect too much..
ur talking nonesense. I never said i had 15 ppl for wargame. Alliance did. I said i could get a 10 man for real bgs. But by then u already was in a 15v15 wg against paragons.

Were streaming bwl now. Welcome my friends...
In my mind, it is no nonesense, and screw you for calling my thoughts such things! I merely state the facts I were given by friends and/or foes from the bracket! And yes, 10 man is still far more than you were able to get together, when whatever the amount of people were to get, you couldn't get them when we arranged the time.
"I said i could get a 10 man for real bgs" yes, you most likely did, but that doesn't change the fact they never showed up at the time they were supposed to :) And calling us out on playing wargames when we couldn't wait 40 mins (mostly 'cos we have other important things to do) is just plain bs. Just come clean, you said 10 people, and tbf they never even showed up :D If that's how your guild will be managed, empty promises then I have no use of it :D Then again, this thread is about wargames, and I'd love me some of those :3 GL on gettig your "real" bg's going, 'cos it will most likely fail. BArmour ftw! I'll now take my leave, cheerio :3

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