Alliance tabard for Horde players.

Linsa in Shat, the Tabard vendor, is for an unkown reason offering me Alliance tabard instead of horde one. I can buy all the PvP tabard and some BC Alliance tabard on a horde toon. Look sweet and count for Tabard achiev! Get them before fix!
No idea. I just went in shat for some achievement, saw her and checked out to realize she was selling me Alliance tabard instead of normal horde one
niuce, ill look into it.
This is pretty big, get it before blizz catches on. Thank you Bankbeauty!
Meh.. shame I don't happen to have the necessary amount honor on me.

*Also, it changed into the equivalent horde versions once I hearthstoned.

Sad panda. :(
Yeah I went and bought both at Shatt and then hearthed to org. And they changed to the horde one's so.... Not quite sure what to do lol. Great find. Although it is changing on hearth for most if not all I believe.

Edit: Just went to buy another 1. After I bought it I got popped for WSG. Once I got into WSG It changed from alliance to horde :(....

Dangit would have been a sweet bug!
There was a bug with tabards u could get tabard of the hand on horde and blood knight tabard on alliance too. been like this for a bit, ive had a few ticket in over it cause i really want to keep my blood knight tabard on my alliance toon, every GM said it was getting fixxed in 4.1 and i cant keep em, and it did get fixed in 4.1 :( I guess when they fixed that bugged another glicth with the tabards started, lol ah Blizz.
I purchased Private's Tabard and Knight's Colors on my main and twink Horde side, neither have changed with hearthing or zoning.
geeze don't know why me and my friends tabards keep switching from alliance ones to horde then :((. needs more investigation xD.
I started freaking out because I bought the AV one for my warrior and logged out and when I looked at the character screen it showed the frost wolf one but once I logged in it switched back. idk

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