aww zeiren !!! i remember when i used to talk to faiiry on myspace rofl goin back good old fresa trollin forums
Wait, who are you?
aww zeiren !!! i remember when i used to talk to faiiry on myspace rofl goin back good old fresa trollin forums
Believe Natasya (EU) had more then 300k+ HK's in TBC before he migrate and those kills got reset or I'm missing something? ;x
Sidni got this easily, good job!
In all honesty, I would hate to see a player as bad as Isa get it first.
Haven't ever seen her play. Even though shes US I'm still glad she gets it before Isa.
>implying sidni is _ _ _ d
yea from what i understand they just farm GYs all day? kinda shitty :\
Sidni dosent GY farm lol She plays objective more than most people
Implying you are what exactly?