SÃ xxon said:just guna keep quotin this
augiddin said:Wtb us vs eu game
Llonah said:Okay being Sidni's rl daughter i am going to ask you why drop her from list?? she was given less than a week to live before wow came out..I dropped eq2 to play wow with her...she did NOT gy camp,or farm any kills..she is disabled from in the 90's and can not barely walk...so she took her near-death and chose to play wow.....she is dedicated to play so why drop her, cause she is old?? And she plays hard for a woman her age....so stop hating on her...it's crap....she has prob more flag scores than anyone bitching about her and prob more flag returns..the one thing she wont do is sit mid and farm kills..oh that's right legit players are those in mid with high damage and healing???...F the thought of dropping her
Juno0 said:Just so you know Rédrum hasnt been online for over a month.
Llonah said:Okay being Sidni's rl daughter i am going to ask you why drop her from list?? she was given less than a week to live before wow came out..I dropped eq2 to play wow with her...she did NOT gy camp,or farm any kills..she is disabled from in the 90's and can not barely walk...so she took her near-death and chose to play wow.....she is dedicated to play so why drop her, cause she is old?? And she plays hard for a woman her age....so stop hating on her...it's crap....she has prob more flag scores than anyone bitching about her and prob more flag returns..the one thing she wont do is sit mid and farm kills..oh that's right legit players are those in mid with high damage and healing???...F the thought of dropping her
imbao said:massakra has 124k massakra @ zenedar - game - world of warcraft (not my char)
Okay being Sidni's rl daughter i am going to ask you why drop her from list?? she was given less than a week to live before wow came out..I dropped eq2 to play wow with her...she did NOT gy camp,or farm any kills..she is disabled from in the 90's and can not barely walk...so she took her near-death and chose to play wow.....she is dedicated to play so why drop her, cause she is old?? And she plays hard for a woman her age....so stop hating on her...it's crap....she has prob more flag scores than anyone bitching about her and prob more flag returns..the one thing she wont do is sit mid and farm kills..oh that's right legit players are those in mid with high damage and healing???...F the thought of dropping her