Aerie Peak 3v3 Arena Tournament With TCG Prizes

By accepting agm shamans will be more attractive and viable eventually, which will result in a lot more different combos, which I as viewer find more interesting.. And no I do not have agm on my f2p twink, yet.
By accepting agm shamans will be more attractive and viable eventually, which will result in a lot more different combos, which I as viewer find more interesting.. And no I do not have agm on my f2p twink, yet.

shamans are plenty viable in the 20 bracket. purge is just a huge bonus.
I can not participate due to schedule circumstances this quarter, but this topic is really showing the ignorance of some players.

Allowing AGM use is plain stupid. Don't argue that. Farming AGM is very difficult on AP, and very few people will have it. The arena is a showcase of skill, not gear imbalances. The use is ridiculously OP, and would force too many shaman comps if everyone was sporting it.

Allowing AGM equips is even questionable. Consider the difference in my rogue and Medanx. 570 HP discrepancy. When the horde strategy is to always sit the rogue, 50% additional HP is a difference that can't be ignored. You can easily (and I've done it myself too many times to count) gib a 1k rogue with many comps. You can't say the same for a 1.5k rogue. When your entire strategy changes based on gear....isn't that a problem?
And just because I've seen them sync their CC ridiculously well, I am already calling Wizkids + Veinte winning. This will be a faceroll for them.
Yea, it seems they have a huge chance @ winning. However, I do think some teams will stick it up aswell.
And just because I've seen them sync their CC ridiculously well, I am already calling Wizkids + Veinte winning. This will be a faceroll for them.
they def play well as shown in swags videos, they play at 85 together, 70 together, and now 20 together, so not surprising.
at the very least semi finals
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I can not participate due to schedule circumstances this quarter, but this topic is really showing the ignorance of some players.

Allowing AGM use is plain stupid. Don't argue that. Farming AGM is very difficult on AP, and very few people will have it. The arena is a showcase of skill, not gear imbalances. The use is ridiculously OP, and would force too many shaman comps if everyone was sporting it.

Allowing AGM equips is even questionable. Consider the difference in my rogue and Medanx. 570 HP discrepancy. When the horde strategy is to always sit the rogue, 50% additional HP is a difference that can't be ignored. You can easily (and I've done it myself too many times to count) gib a 1k rogue with many comps. You can't say the same for a 1.5k rogue. When your entire strategy changes based on gear....isn't that a problem?

We've moved the tournament back 1 week to get practice games and set a reasonable deadline for the team sign ups. So maybe that will work better for you?

And AGM will be able be equipped, but not used. Not sure if that's reflected in the OP yet.

And this tournament was designed for a few reasons.

1. To have fun.
2. For me, to get games for an upcoming video, possible collab with wizkid.
3. To entice players to at least try out arenas, showing them how fun they can be.
Any more thoughts on arena maps?

Range dps should win 100% of the games on ring of valor, perhaps 90% on ruins of lordaeron. I feel like its more 50-50 on Blade's Edge, Nagrand and Dalaran Sewers
I believe there are a few teams that will give veinte and the wizzes a run for their money, but sadly because of rules 1 and 3 there will be no Super Berry. Have to sit this one out; good luck to the allowed players.

Edit: Oh wait, a hybrid prot pally is defined as 1k+ mana.. muwhahaha. 999 here I come.
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Alright so we want to get a feel for if TI wants this streaming thing. In order to stream every match for the community, we'd need to change the 3v3 to a 5v5. However, it will still be a 3v3. We will have the 3 arena combatants and streamer +a volunteer in one group, 3 arena combatants +2 more volunteers in the other group. The streamer and volunteers each run across to the enemy starting area and allow themselves to be killed. Arena combatants remain in the room until this process is complete. 5 seconds after the death of the extras, the real match commences.

We conducted a rough test, except 2v2, sound off. Sound can be turned on if we choose to turn it on. Follow link:
fireranz - test 20

We appreciate your feedback, let us know what you think

Still looking for streamer, please contact me
i liked it, i hope the matches will be viewable
I will probably fraps my teams arenas.

My POV of AGM: Don't allow the use but you can have it equiped.

Also, I can offer a paint bomb loot card and maybe donate for one of the tabards.
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you need to not allow AGM, for the reasons golden stated. i read this thread and i haven't seen a single legitimate argument for allowing AGM to be equipped. if we were playing with hunters and rets, it would make sense, but we are not - so take it out of the tourney. it's just imbalanced.

i would also suggest a limit of 2 blood elves per team (and banning all resist gear)

and what is wrong with 3 dps teams....? you're already banning hunters and rets. why would other 3 dps teams be banned? these two classes are the ones that would make 3 dps teams too straightforward. without them, it just makes no sense to ban 3 dps teams. allowing comps like RMP but not RMlock is silly and makes no sense - priests burst just as hard as a mage or warlock. 3 dps teams are fun and require the most skill to play of all comps; please allow them.
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I think rets should be allowed. Just because they can potentially get 1k crits doesn't mean anything.

as we saw in wiz's video, they still have to coordinate with their team in order to get a kill. To be honest any class can get high crits like rets: warriors, mages, locks etc.

I understand that rets hit hard but that shouldn't disqualify them as a whole from this tournament because they can "potentially" get 1k crits
I think rets should be allowed. Just because they can potentially get 1k crits doesn't mean anything.

as we saw in wiz's video, they still have to coordinate with their team in order to get a kill. To be honest any class can get high crits like rets: warriors, mages, locks etc.

I understand that rets hit hard but that shouldn't disqualify them as a whole from this tournament because they can "potentially" get 1k crits

Only Aimed Shot does as much (or more) damage with a single attack as TV. Other classes can time their burst well, adding up to large attacks, but none can get a single attack/cast for so much.

Basket hit it right on the head - a ret could be a reliable healer for a team as well as randomly globaling an enemy. They're simply overpowered in arenas for that reason.
AGM should not be allowed at all, the tournament is about skill right? Not who spent the most time on their gear. "People who worked for their AGMs should get to wear it." aka "I got an AGM I wanna use it! I worked hard aka showed-up-while-someone-else's-85-killed-people-at-Guru"

If you're going to allow people to wear AGM, the use of AGM for ANY reason needs to count for an automatic loss of the game. NO EXCEPTIONS

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