What do you guys also think about whenever a team loses a match, the losing team gets to pick next map?
yes pleaseI nominate this be an official rule.
What do you guys also think about whenever a team loses a match, the losing team gets to pick next map?
yes pleaseI nominate this be an official rule.
I think we should just pick 3 maps randomly and then do them in that order; not random map because then you have the chance of getting the same place twice - but I like the idea of not having control over that facet and leaving it up to chance.
I also definitely think people should be allowed to equip their AGMs, but not use them.
Where do we draw the line as a non-hybrid prot?
You can use that argument both ways. However, I agree with you AGM should be allowed to equipped, but not used.I'd like to get in on this. I'd also like to point out that everyone defending using AGM's has one or has someone on their team that has one. Biased much?
no, the the team that lost picks next map. t1 wins first game, t2 picks next map. t2 wins next game t1 picks next map. not hard to understandI would consider anything over 1k mana a prot hybrid.
We will later vote for the first map, and the loser will pick game 2, and game 3?