Aerie Peak 10v10 Premade - Setting up teams! Details inside!


Guild Master
We're recruiting for teams on both sides, with me and Shfthappens (Buffresto aka Asbestos) as "captains" who will be recruiting for the team, and Medanx, Kincaide, Shaurooke, and their gang gathering a team for alliance side. Below are confirmed players for both sides. If you are interested in joining the premade team speak to someone already on the list below in-game. Please be in best in slot gear and know how to play. S keyers, clickers, and keyboard turners need not apply. Fishing Hat is a must unless the Eyepatch is better for your spec.​
Basic Rules
To even out the playing field on both sides, the following rules are being decided and agreed upon:​
• Level 21+ is not allowed. Paid accounts adhering to full restrictions are allowed. Worgen and Goblin races are not allowed.​
• Bind on Equip items are allowed provided they are not crafted. Items only obtainable by faction transfer are not allowed.​
• No more than 2 of a certain class on each side.​
• No more than 2 Arena Grand Master trinkets equipped on each side.​
No more than 1 Arena Grand Master use per side per game.​
ONLY Profession consumables are allowed, and only those that you can personally craft.*​
No Miscellaneous buffs or consumables. This includes Surveyor's Beacon, S.A.F.E Parachute, and Colossal Parachute.

• Speed Potions, Molotov Cocktails, and protection potions are NOT allowed. * exception to the consumables rule.
• No outside buffs.​

If you have any suggestions, comments, or wish to apply for the team post here or find one of us in-game. We will get this going as soon as both teams confirm they are fully geared and ready to go.​
Thirk, I was thinking about the LFH rule. I have a player in mind that I would like on the alliance team who doesn't have it, but is still geared well otherwise. /discuss?

If they're extremely skilled of course you can take them, wouldn't say no to a good play just because of a hat, but try and get them their Fishing Hat tomorrow so they can be on equal footing.

I do not believe that the LFH thing should be enforced. Some people just have terrible luck.

Most dedicated players will have already had it for weeks. If they try for it every week, are unlucky, but are extremely good players they won't be punished for being unlucky, but skilled dedicated players will have it. It's more of a skill/dedication check if anything.
Most dedicated players will have already had it for weeks. If they try for it every week, are unlucky, but are extremely good players they won't be punished for being unlucky, but skilled dedicated players will have it. It's more of a skill/dedication check if anything.

Have fished in 12 contests... nothing

Lots of other people i know of in my shoes, unfortunately it just doesnt work like that
I tried for lfh for about 5 years on my 19 mage and never got it. 2nd cast on this f2p mage though. Karma?

Will the number of healers/off-healers be balanced?

Is there a time set for these games? You can add me tentatively as an available horde mage: Deadvulcano

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