Royal Member
glad to be alpha. Looks like i'll need to make more plays to be alpha+ :d
glad to be alpha. Looks like i'll need to make more plays to be alpha+ :d
Dude let's do a 1v1 duel series, whoever dies first wins No fall damage allowed!
Really? Interesting, I really think menisi is a better rogue than priest, this is also based on communication skills.
I find it hard to argue Meni outranks Baked, BM, Kancer but i respect your thoughts Super.
thats all well said and done but charts literally mean nothing half the time lmaoJust going to reply to this once more, since it bothers me that people might see this thread and accept Menizi as beta. These best of threads seem to make a lasting impression for people, so I'd rather clear the air now before his reputation settles. Also, I can't even remember the last time Menizi played his rogue.
Ok, here is my proof:
Few days before the cup: WFS vs Harvest. Menizi topping charts while doing good damage. Alpha+
Few days before the cup: WFS vs JCM. Menizi doing 60k+ more healing than Baked. Alpha+
During the cup: WFS vs SR. Menizi topping charts, yet again. Alpha+
When it comes to playing mid, my first choice for priest will always be Menizi. His communication skills are great, he says what needs to be said and provides good insight for the team. #flock
Just going to reply to this once more, since it bothers me that people might see this thread and accept Menizi as beta. These best of threads seem to make a lasting impression for people, so I'd rather clear the air now before his reputation settles. Also, I can't even remember the last time Menizi played his rogue.
Ok, here is my proof:
Few days before the cup: WFS vs Harvest. Menizi topping charts while doing good damage. Alpha+
Few days before the cup: WFS vs JCM. Menizi doing 60k+ more healing than Baked. Alpha+
During the cup: WFS vs SR. Menizi topping charts, yet again. Alpha+
When it comes to playing mid, my first choice for priest will always be Menizi. His communication skills are great, he says what needs to be said and provides good insight for the team. #flock
thats all well said and done but charts literally mean nothing half the time lmao
to be honest charts mean nothing given the many circumstances for each game, such as one team being more dominant and the opposing healers not having to heal as much, etc. i noticed in the screenshots menizi had several deaths as well ...
as a player you should know where you stand.
I think you're sleeping on critical, zehju, restosexual, camo, and menizi
What do you mean "how"? Making more plays = being clutch in the gulch at critical moments where the team needs something to happen. DAMN NIGGA COME ON.
prediction: <worse than beta> next year's winning twink cup guild name.
GSC - "Worst than beta"
Bolt - One of the best shamans in the bracket, Always maximising his purge and shear use, In-game one of the main shotcallers for GSC and even tends to take up the role of target calling when things are going good, A little bit low on the healing charts but with the amount of shears and purges he gets bg it doesn't really matter as overall healing doesn't separate good shamans from bad shamans. All in all Ryan is a vocal player and a great attribute to any team and GSC would be lost without him
Feddx - One of the highest mechanically skilled players on GSC, Feddx was GSC's Warrior during the TC, As a Warrior he was putting out x10 times more damage than rival Warriors which was one of the reasons GSC always won mid so hard, I know people tend to say damage isn't everything but as an Arms Warrior doing tons of dps is a huge part of being successful at the class, Filip also saved GSC's ass many times which clutch returns and i'm not sure if you guys saw his 1v5 vs JCM's fc in their gy for one of the sickest returns of the whole tournament
Stabilt - Alex is GSC's flexible mid dps players and can play basically every ranged mid damage class (Boomy/Priest/Mage/Hunter/Warlock/Shaman) and was one of the main reasons GSC was able to change comps and play different comps so easily. Alex is a scoreboard beast and has outdamaged Warriors and Boomkins before in plebmades on a Disc Priest, With Alex on our team we were also easily able to switchup and roll a double hunter comp as we had a great multiclasser like Alex, Alex is also by far one of the most reliable and consistent players on the team
Zale - Zale is GSC's main Warlock and Mage, Zale is by far the most reliable and consistent player on the team and will always do what he's told, He is 100% always hitting the target that the target caller has called to go on, Even though Zale isn't usually the biggest risk taker he made a sick play vs WFS when he blinked in a ninja'd the flag when the attempted to pass it up to gy, Zale is also only vocal when he is needed to be and doesn't ramble in TS when we're playing and only calls out cs/polys
Hardbass - In my opinion he has the brain of Grizzle and the Mechanics of Ezeron, Sadly in the TC the camera men cheated Ashley when they didn't broadcast him soloing Puemp or Zeiren how ever that doesn't mean that it didn't happen, Ashley's positioning in WSG is usually dead on and that is one of the reasons we were able to pull off our comp without a rogue, The only thing I can say Ashley needs to work on is sometimes be more vocal about were efc is but all in all Hardbass deserves Alpha+ atleast
Snack - Not much really has to be said about this guy, He was the only person to successfully pull off Mistweaver which is a hell of an achievement, Whenever someone called for lust he tended to react fast and whenever our fc called for help he peeled off fast, I also saw some clutch saves on efc with some insane single target heals from this guy
Immvp - This guy legit started fcing in the bracket 2 days before the TC started and on the first day of the TC this guy actually sucked rofl, But by the the end of the he had learned the meta and was x100 times better than he was on the Friday the TC had started, In the 2nd games vs PING andreas made a pretty sick play in tunnel and barely died after kitting from PING's base all the way to half way through mid before he died,
Fancy - Originally this guy wasn't going to play as our hunter spots were already covered, but once we heard him target calling we had to get him on BM, I swear some games were carried solely by Fancy's balls, Granted sometimes he did go a little too ham and ended up dying, but when this guy got pumped up everyone in middle dropped like flies, Whenever he called a switch it was also basically a guaranteed kill
Save - The first time I heard this guy I thought he had the voice of an angel, I'm not sure if he's the best rogue out there but he's 100% the rogue i'd want on my team, He's extremely vocal and is great at keeping tabs on the enemy team in the gultch, Personally I have great synergy with him and if he'd played more i'm 100% sure we would have been able to 2 man efcs with ease,
I'm sure this is most likely biased but I really did try to not let my emotions take over this list, I just thought that these guys deserved some recognition and I understand you can't really list players if you don't know who they are, so here they are
Just going to reply to this once more, since it bothers me that people might see this thread and accept Menizi as beta. These best of threads seem to make a lasting impression for people, so I'd rather clear the air now before his reputation settles. Also, I can't even remember the last time Menizi played his rogue.
Ok, here is my proof:
Few days before the cup: WFS vs Harvest. Menizi topping charts while doing good damage. Alpha+
Few days before the cup: WFS vs JCM. Menizi doing 60k+ more healing than Baked. Alpha+
During the cup: WFS vs SR. Menizi topping charts, yet again. Alpha+
When it comes to playing mid, my first choice for priest will always be Menizi. His communication skills are great, he says what needs to be said and provides good insight for the team. #flock