About to roll a 19 trial hunter, please comment.

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Grody1 said:
Trial accounts are now endless. I just don't see enough ppl getting into this to get xp off bgs to pop.

Pops are about as frequent as 19s. Seems like there were people outside of this forum that had the idea considering how many geared trials I've seen. So far only found a handful of true noobs.
You guys mentioned something about banishing/ignoring level 24s like 60s do to 64s... how does this work?
Refuse to heal them. Gank them. Etc. Worse come to worse...we war game? It's all the same server.
i am glad this 20-24 thing got big. so maybe after all my 20 human rogue project is still good?

We are currently 8 online on Aerie Peak US and maybe double amount offline in friends list.

Come join us! Even EU players (EU player here too).

Remember to /join f2ptwink
how fast is everyone getting honor? i bet it's nothing compared to the old days when 19 rogues like me had to farm wsg rep at 14 rep/cap for the wsg dagger (you needed revered to buy wsg dagger)...

and i repeat, LET ME SEE SOME SS's. i can't play wow for a few weeks so keep me updated:)
glancealot said:
how fast is everyone getting honor? i bet it's nothing compared to the old days when 19 rogues like me had to farm wsg rep at 14 rep/cap for the wsg dagger (you needed revered to buy wsg dagger)...

and i repeat, LET ME SEE SOME SS's. i can't play wow for a few weeks so keep me updated:)

Im done with all my professions for now. Have to get my gear from dungeons atm and enchant it and i got all the mats and armor kits i need from lw wich i dropped. Then decide what to take next to 100 skinning, probs be herbs for the little haste and heal. Also trinkets for getting agm are looking good, probs done with it in 3 days. All just in time for taking part in the WSG weekend to get some more honor for boa's. It's all looking good.

But anyway, seeing as 15-19 and 25-29s have so much damage output and such, a 20 f2p looks way better in getting epic games. Lesser burst damage, healing. It looks alot better to create a nice/better balance and good games.

Looking forward to play versus and with all you US boys and girls, its a great opportunity to let us play all together :) Ill take some screens this weekend or maby letting fraps do some work ^^
Are horde players also going on Aeire Peak Also? Love this Idea btw <3 Idea of farming all my own gold/enchants, gear and such seems amazingly fun
Herb is looking pretty unattractive, 15 haste on a 2 min CD is nothing. I'll prolly grab skinning. Farming dungeon drops suck using rdf lol.
Will be starting mine tomorrow. Currently have 3-4 twink projects I need to work on.
alrighty since im joining this thread really late could sombody give me quick summary on

1) what exactly the plan is for this and were it could possibly go in the future

2) how do i get in on this

3) benifits and disadvantaages

kk thx :)
Hey, just joined and dinged 20 with my NE rogue "Venoma". I see there's usually 8-13 people in the f2ptwink channel. Do your best to recruit more guys! Also, add everyone in the channel, it's the only way we are able to communicate. :)
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