F2P A Starter in Draenor - Obtainable things list

So it only works in Gorgrond? What a shame :(

If you need other transportation means, there's the Ogre Waygates. F2p's can only use them one way, but anyone with a level three Mage Tower in their garrison can have up to three portals to Draenor zones.
Just wanted to confirm, but has any f2p peep actually managed to get Medallion of the Legion ? I'm on a 21 kill, 0 medallion streak, and I wanna know if it's just me, because for a 1/3 drop rate, this beyond sucks.
I farmed the crap out of those back when I got my main Level 10 Achievement whore his Exalteds and I can say that the drop rate does in fact suck. What's worse are those stupid Mount cages, I've NEVER ONCE had a single one drop in all the time I've killed those 4 Rares yet have a friend who has all of them and continues getting more to drop that he literally has to throw away.
Just wanted to confirm, but has any f2p peep actually managed to get Medallion of the Legion ? I'm on a 21 kill, 0 medallion streak, and I wanna know if it's just me, because for a 1/3 drop rate, this beyond sucks.
Im not sure if you knew but I forgot to tell you, you can only kill the 4 rares once a day. If you tag the rare again you wont be eligible to loot anything until the next daily reset. Which means you cant sit there and camp one of the rares all day long.
Im not sure if you knew but I forgot to tell you, you can only kill the 4 rares once a day. If you tag the rare again you wont be eligible to loot anything until the next daily reset. Which means you cant sit there and camp one of the rares all day long.
Lol yea I knew this. I've only been killing Deathtalon, Doomroller and Terrorfist once a day (the rest of the day I spend fishing at Talador). Not Vengeance though... that one is too far away from the nearest gy (Iron Front).
No, the treasure is level locked at level 100.

Here are the list of treasures I've confirmed to be NOT obtainable:
Crazy Carrot - 1000 Draenic Seeds (Herbalism) (req level 96 and intro quest)
Kaliri Hatchling - Vesharr, Spires of Arak, 10G (need to win pet battle against vendor)
Hydraling - Varasha's Egg, Spires of Arak, 100% (does not drop)
Shard of Cyrukh - Forgotten Shard of the Cipher, Tanaan Jungle (questline req)
Throbbing Blood Orb - Looted Bleeding Hollow Treasure, Tanaan Jungle (questline req)
Jewel of Hellfire - Jewel of Hellfire, Tanaan Jungle (req level 100)
Dazzling Rod - Dazzling Rod, Tanaan Jungle (req level 100)
Podling Camourflage - Strange Green Fruit, Tanaan Jungle (req level 100)
The Perfect Blossom - The Perfect Blossom, Tanaan Jungle (req level 100)
Brazier of Awakening - Tanaan Jungle (req level 100)
Accursed Tome of the Sargarei - Tome of Secrets, Tanaan Jungle (req level 100)
Skull of the Mad Chief - Tanaan Jungle (req level 100)
Star Chart - Astrologer's Box, Shadowmoon Valley (req level 90)
Umbrafen Spore - Strange Spore, Shadowmoon Valley (req level 90)
Angry Beehive - Swamplighter Hive, Shadowmoon Valley (req level 90)
Vindicator's Armor Polish Kit - Vindicator's Cache, Shadowmoon Valley (req level 90)
Ancient's Bloom - Yggdrel, Shadowmoon Valley, 93.45% (three kills on three separate days without drop)
Crimson Spore - Strange Spore, Gorgrond (req level 90)
Goren Garb - Warm Goren Egg, Gorgrond (req level 92)
Fruit Hunter - Wiggling Egg, Frostfire Ridge (req level 90)
Arena Master's War Horn - Arena Master's War Horn, Frostfire Ridge (req level 90)
Iron Buccaneer's Hat - Captain Ironbeard, Nagrand, 99% (three kills on three separate days without drop)
Blazing Firehawk - Order of the Awakened Exalted - 2,000 Apexis Crystals (vendor not available)
Rukhmar's Sacred Memory - Order of the Awakened Revered - 50,000 Apexis (vendor not available)

List of items I suspect are not obtainable but cannot/have not confirmed 100%:
Netherspawn - Netherspawn, Nagrand, 94.83% (two kills on two separate days without drop)
Brilliant Spore - Rotcap, Spires of Arak, 99.93% (two kills on two separate days without drop)
Deceptia's Smouldering Boots - Deceptia's Smouldering Boots, Talador (req level 94?)
Giant Deathweb Egg - Curious Deathweb Egg, Talador (req level 94?)
Stonegrinder - Ketya's Stash, Talador (req level 94?)

Special mention:
Nightshade Sproutling - Disturbed Podling (Herbalism), 0.19% (req level 75 but may be possible through rollable group loot)
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"requires level 90"?

To actually use the toy from the toybox, not to learn it. Many of the WoD toys have a level or rep requirement to use them.

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