A modest proposal [EUROPE]

Almost 30 people! Friday gonna be awesome, I'm already looking through both lists and trying to figure out what sweet comps are possible for 10v10 (without OP Specs)
Kalle I'm Sorry but you will have to remove me from the list, just found out that tomorrow is the final party of the year at high school :/ might q sometime in the night tho when i get home, playing drunk is always best imo
I decided to play my awesome lock. #1 active lock reporting in.
Kalle I'm Sorry but you will have to remove me from the list, just found out that tomorrow is the final party of the year at high school :/ might q sometime in the night tho when i get home, playing drunk is always best imo

No problems, IRL > WoW!
I decided to play my awesome lock. #1 active lock reporting in.

I rather see you not queueing with such an OP class my dear mate.
i try not to stomp but i cant help it, i am best lock. Just cuz hunts and rogues can kill me in 2 sec's doesnt bring me down.

Jk its not that bad Ill be on around 18:00 - 19:00 server time :)

EDIT: Try and spread the healers between groups guys! I dibs kiri!
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I'll be on around the same time as you Adam.. Just gotta get off work.. Oh making the usual stop btw, i'm all out;) So prob a bit later. -Kiri

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